Journal of economic policy, sociology and industrial relations

Journal of economic policy, sociology and industrial relations
The Scuola Europea di Relazioni Industriali – SERI (European School of Industrial Relations) is pleased to
announce a call for papers for the monographic part of one of the 2015 issues of “Economia&Lavoro”,
Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini’s four-monthly journal published by Carocci.
SERI monitors current developments in the TTIP – the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. SERI
is investigating the TTIP labour aspects concerning law, economics and policy (job creation/disruption,
industrialisation and urban recasting, industrial relations, workers’ mobility, social rights, regulations). By
means of “Economia&Lavoro”, SERI will focus its attention on the central issues in the current discussions
related to labour in international investment and trade law, economics, and transatlantic dialogue policy.
The chapters may be detailed analyses or short think pieces. All papers must be original texts and are
subject to double-blind peer review. The Editors-in-Chief are Michele Faioli (Law School, Tor Vergata
University of Rome), Chair of SERI, and Annamaria Simonazzi (Department of Economics, Sapienza
University of Rome), Director of “Economia&Lavoro”.
Submission guidelines
Original contributions to be considered for publication in “Economia&Lavoro” should meet the
requirements set out in the Editorial Office’s guidelines. References, bibliography and text format should
conform to the Publishing House’s guidelines. Each contribution should contain an abstract (max 10 lines),
and a table of contents is recommended.
For inclusion in one of the 2015 issues of “Economia&lavoro”, contributions (in Word format) should be
submitted by 30 November 2014 to the following email address: