ATTACHMENT 1 Attachment 1 MENTAL HEALTH REFORM INNOVATION FUND Guidance on the application and selection process for lead organisations and their partners November 2015 Guidance on application process– Mental Health Reform Innovation Fund Contents 1. Background to the Innovation Fund ............................................................................................... 3 2. Mental Health Reform at a Glance 2014-2024 ............................................................................... 5 3. How will the Innovation Fund work? .............................................................................................. 7 4. Funding arrangements .................................................................................................................... 8 5. Application process ......................................................................................................................... 9 6. Evaluation ....................................................................................................................................... 9 7. Appendix 1 - Evaluation Criteria ................................................................................................... 11 8. Appendix 2 – Innovation fund application guidance .................................................................... 13 9. Appendix 3 – Budget template ..................................................................................................... 16 Contact officer details The application process will be administered by the NSW Ministry of Health Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol Branch. Any questions regarding the application process, eligibility, selection criteria or the Innovation Fund in general should be directed to Lynelle Richards on 9391 9306 or Joanne Rhee on 9391 9274 or sent to INNOVATION.FUND@DOH.HEALTH.NSW.GOV.AU Any information given to a proponent to clarify any aspect of this application will also be given to all other applicants if, in the opinion of the Mental Health Reform Implementation Taskforce, it would be unfair not to do so. Applications, including letters of support and budgets should be submitted via the NSW eTendering web-site Applications must be received before 5pm, Friday 5 February 2016. 2 Guidance on application process– Mental Health Reform Innovation Fund 1. Background to the Innovation Fund Purpose of this document The Mental Health Reform Innovation Fund Guidance on Process and Selection (the guidelines) is designed to provide prospective applicants with information on the application process and funding arrangements. The purpose of this document is to: outline the background to the Mental Health Reform in NSW and the Innovation Fund define terms, conditions and processes for submitting a proposal explain the anticipated process and timeframe for evaluating applications and selecting the preferred proponent(s) guide applicants about the information they should include in their applications. Strategic rationale To support this reform, in December 2014 the Government announced funding of $115 million to 2016-17. Within this funding pool $4 million has been allocated to an Innovation Fund. It is intended that this investment will provide a platform for the development of a number of local innovative solutions relevant to the broader mental health reform. An Innovation Fund will set the foundation for driving improved collaboration among State agencies across health, mental health, education, human services and criminal justice services to deliver person-centred care, particularly at local levels. It is anticipated that the Fund will also encourage flexibility and innovation, as well as shared accountability for outcomes. The Fund will seek to achieve financial savings by reducing duplication of services as well as encouraging better service prioritisation and efficiencies. Policy context A key commitment of the NSW Government is improving the wellbeing of the community and ensuring better outcomes for people with mental illness, their families and their carers. The Mental Health Commission (MHC) of NSW was tasked with the responsibility for developing a strategic plan, which is entitled Living Well, A Strategic Plan for Mental Health in NSW 2014-2024. The plan outlines a 10 year road map which involves a range of government agencies working in partnership with the community managed and private sectors to maximise collaborations and outcomes for the community. The Government has committed to deliver on the following key reform directions: Strengthening prevention and early intervention - with a stronger focus on services for children and young people. A greater focus on community based care - including providing more community based services and a phased transition of long-stay psychiatric hospital patients into safe community care. Developing a more responsive system - through improved specialist services for people with complex needs such as borderline personality disorders and those in hospital with physical health care needs. 3 Guidance on application process– Mental Health Reform Innovation Fund Working together to deliver person-centred care - including better integration between mental health services, mainstream health, justice and human services, and Australian Government funded services. Building a better system – including by developing the mental health workforce, establishing an evidence base and research to support improvement, improving engagement with families and carers, growing and supporting a peer workforce, and increasing NGO capacity to deliver services for Government. The Strategic Plan for Mental Health in NSW includes 141 actions for implementation by Health, Justice and Human Service agencies. These actions will be implemented through the additional $115M Government funding and through existing resources where possible in line with Government agencies’ current reform agendas and work programs. The mental health reform is a major change initiative. Through the implementation of the Plan improvements in service efficiencies and patient outcomes will be realised. The reform provides NSW with the opportunity to reshape mental health service delivery and work more collaboratively across Government agencies and other health and human services providers. The figure below illustrates the pathway to achieving the end goal. 4 Guidance on application process– Mental Health Reform Innovation Fund 2. Mental Health Reform at a Glance 2014-2024 The vision for the 10 year mental health reform has been clearly articulated at the outset. The vision has been defined as: The people of NSW have the best opportunity for good mental health and wellbeing and to live well in their community on their own terms. Significant change across the whole system will be required to tackle this decade long reform. To track progress and know whether the Government is successfully progressing towards the long term ambition, some markers of progress along the way are required. An understanding of where we are starting from, where we want to be and how we will get there is important. This requires the development of measures, both process and outcome, that will inform and guide progress. A summary monitoring framework has been developed to link the implementation activities, the progress and the long term ambitions and outcomes of the Mental Health Reform in NSW. Figure 1, Mental Health Reform at a glance 2014-2024, present the summary monitoring framework that articulates the reform journey. Table 1 describes the components of the Summary Monitoring Framework. Table 1: Framework components The 10 year journey Framework component Description The starting point Strategic Objectives what we are investing in, as per the Government’s five key focus areas Activities and Outputs what we will do, as founded on the implementation activities Outcomes process measures for years 1-3 and outcome measures expected in the longer term for years 4-10 Long Term Ambition the ultimate outcomes and vision of the reform Year 1 Progress markers Ongoing Progress markers Ongoing Where we want to be Year 10 This summary framework provides a plain language high level framework relevant to the mental health reform that may be understood by multiple audiences. A more detailed, technical monitoring framework is discussed later in this document. 5 Guidance on application process– Mental Health Reform Innovation Fund Figure 1: NSW Mental Health Reform at a Glance 2014-2024 NSW Mental Health Reform at a glance 2014-2024 Summary Monitoring Framework STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES ACTIVITIES AND OUTPUTS What we invest in What, to whom, by whom STRENGTHENING PREVENTION AND EARLY INTERVENTION A GREATER FOCUS ON COMMUNITY BASED CARE DEVELOPING MORE RESPONSIVE SYSTEMS WORKING TOGETHER TO DELIVER PERSON CENTRED CARE BUILDING A BETTER SYSTEM OUTCOMES Years 1-3 THE LONG TERM AMBITION Years 4-10 • Addressing the needs of Aboriginal people • Promotion of wellbeing in the community • Wellbeing Framework for Schools is embedded into school planning and performance • Promotion of self-agency for those with MI • Targeting population health/ health promotion activities to those with MI • Strengthened suicide prevention • Implementation of prevention and early intervention programs for Aboriginal people • Identification of kids at Risk of Significant Harm • Mental health literacy, digital literacy, self-management tools, social media • Community/ health service provider mental health literacy • Alignment bw drug and alcohol and other population health and healthylifestyles priorities • Identification and mgt of suicide risk • Mental Health Well-being in the community • Health status of people with MI • School / participation / completion for children affected by MI (self or family member) • Families staying together • Stigma and discrimination in the community • MI related harm • Suicide rates • Transition of long stay patients • Strengthened specialist MH services in community • Strengthened supports for managed living in community • Redirected spending to expand community based services • Whole family teams • Support for participation in employment, volunteering, education and community access • Assessment of long stay patients • Availability of services in the community - family, specialist, maternal, 7-day community follow-up post-acute discharge • NSW Community mental health spending • Participation in employment, volunteering, education or community access • Availability of care in the community • Shift of funding to community sectors within MH system • Rates of pre-admission community contact • Improve cultural appropriateness of services • Improve services for, and address the needs of, at risk groups and address inequities: better care for people with BPD, ID and eating disorders, addressing the needs of LGBTI people with MI • Physical health management for those with MI • Knowledge/ competency of mental health services to address needs of at risk groups • Cultural appropriateness of mental health literacy and mental health first aid • Inclusion of information about at-risk groups in promotion activities/ training • Community based models of care for at-risk groups • Physical health maintenance for people with MI • Access and equity for at risk groups • Service satisfaction of carers • Service satisfaction of MH consumers • Improve housing stability for people with MI • Improve system and care integration for people with MI • Improve access and outcomes for people with MI from the criminal justice system • Improve consumer/ carer engagement • Strengthen linkages between state and commonwealth agencies • Identification of housing issues/ support needs for people with mental health • Supported housing for people with MI • Mental health service delivery framework - across hospital, community and residential settings for children and young people, adults and older people. • Models, protocols to facilitate interaction between community mental health services and prisons • Referrals between agencies/services • Consumer-led care planning • Homelessness for people with MI • People with MI supported to maintain safe and secure housing • People with MI diverted from court • Life satisfaction of MH consumers and their carers • Health outcomes for people with MI • Mental Health Workforce planning • Addressing the needs of Aboriginal people • Targeted research and innovation • Development of CMO sector capacity • Improved use of technology • Improved performance monitoring and accountability • Improved workforce expertise, capability and capacity • Development of the peer work force • Training for Aboriginal Health workers • Information sharing across providers and agencies • Expanded peer workforce • MH training for frontline staff • CMO development plan • NSW Mental Health Workforce Plan • Targeted innovation funding • Tracking and public reporting on clinical variation in NSW • Statewide strategy for technology infrastructure and integration for mental health • Workforce distribution • Rate of 28 day acute readmission • Rate of ED presentations per 100,000 • Cost trends for services types within MH system (trend downwards to a point) • Development of NGO sector Fewer people experience harm as a result of mental illness and communities are more resilient People with mental illness and their carers live meaningful , inclusive and contributing lives Mental health services are accessible, effective and meet consumer expectations Sustainability and continuous improvement of the mental health system 6 Guidance on application process– Mental Health Reform Innovation Fund 3. How will the Innovation Fund work? The Innovation Fund will provide seed funding for innovative local initiatives that aim to improve mental health service delivery and outcomes in NSW. A funding pool of up to $1.5M is available in 2015-16 and a funding pool of up to $2.5M will be available in 2016-17. Target population The intention of the Innovation Fund is to support people who as a result of their mental illness, require services and support from multiple agencies, including Health, Justice, Education and Communities, and Family and Community Services and other organisations. Objectives The Innovation Fund will provide start-up funding for mental health reform applications on a competitive basis. The objectives of the Innovation Fund are to: support agencies to provide service delivery reforms and/or broader system-level reforms outlined in the Plan, including increased collaborative local action and service integration encourage reinvestment and rigour over agreed outcomes encourage collaboration across state government agencies including health, education, human services and criminal justice services to deliver person centred care, particularly at the local level. Initiatives may also include third parties such as non-government organisations, the Commonwealth Government (for example PHNs, CentreLink), the private sector, local businesses and/or people impacted by mental illness. Types of projects The types of projects the Fund will support include: co-designing referral and care coordination pathways to provide service users with a joined-up experience (consistent with current State-wide approaches for example HASI referral and care coordination pathways) re-designing services around the needs of individual service users and engaging them in their delivery and co-production implementing strategies to complement clinical care, such as improving wellbeing, physical health and/or social and economic participation activities to improve the coordination and integration of services It is anticipated that the Fund will also encourage flexibility and innovation, as well as shared accountability for outcomes. Eligibility Applications will be led by any agency/organisation nominated by the relevant Innovation Fund applicants. CABINET IN CONFIDENCE 7 Guidance on application process– Mental Health Reform Innovation Fund The application must be endorsed and submitted by Local Health Districts or Specialty Health Networks working in partnership at the regional / local level. It is anticipated that the majority of the applications would contribute to the hospital avoidance strategy eligible under the Commonwealth / State funding model for Health. Projects should therefore clearly articulate the relationship to hospital avoidance and would subsequently be required to report relevant data through to the LHD. All funding will be directed through the partner LHD / Specialty Health Network. Innovation Fund applicants are required to demonstrate collaboration between at least two state government agencies including health, education, human services and criminal justice services. Partnerships should also consider (but not be limited to) the inclusion of other organisations such as NGOs, Primary Health Networks, private health insurers, aged care providers, local businesses and consumer, carer, family groups. Applications will be reviewed to assess whether appropriate collaboration, communication and governance structures are defined. Applicants will be required to demonstrate a matched financial contribution and robust accountability around how funding is spent. Non-financial contributions may be considered. 4. Funding arrangements Levels of funding for individual projects will be determined according to the nature, timeline, scope and value of the project. In general, applications will be considered for seed funding for innovative and pilot initiatives rather than large scale program funding. Funding may be used to cover direct project costs only including: salaries, consulting, administrative support, information technology, communications, meetings, and other direct program costs. NSW Health will not fund: 1. Infrastructure costs (capital costs) 2. Positions already funded as part of current workforce establishment. Applications will need to outline how care will be re-designed and ensure sustainability of the outcomes of the project into the future. NSW Health will negotiate a funding agreement based upon the scope of successful project application(s) and the amount of funding to be awarded. The funding recipient can only use funding to deliver the project for which funding is offered. Funding will be paid to the LHD/Specialty Network as specified by the funding agreement and will only be continued if the NSW Health is satisfied that the organisation's performance has met the ongoing requirements of the funding agreement. There will be no fixed funding limit for initiatives under the Innovation Fund, funding will be available for up to two consecutive years (2015/16, 2016/17). Applicants may request funding for both years. Second year funding will be dependent on performance. Applicants are required to supplement budgets (to be agreed within the consortium in relation to actual contribution of budget and in kind resources) with their own funding and are encouraged to seek funding from other sources. CABINET IN CONFIDENCE 8 Guidance on application process– Mental Health Reform Innovation Fund Notification after evaluation Applicants will be advised by letter of the outcome of their application. Letters to successful applicants will contain details of any specific conditions attached to the funding. The Chair of the Mental Health Reform Implementation Taskforce will notify unsuccessful applicants in writing. 5. Application process Format of submissions Applications should be no longer than 20 pages in length, including appendices or additional documentation (e.g. financial modelling). If two or more submissions are lodged, each application should be no longer than 20 pages in length. Where applications exceed 20 pages the panel may not consider the information contained in the additional pages. Font size is to be a minimum of 11 point and all pages must be A4. All references to money, prices and/or payments must be in Australian dollars. Applicants should use the Application and Budget Templates provided (Appendix 2) to prepare their applications. Applicants should clearly indicate the source of all of the funds needed for the project, including their own contribution(s). Applications for funding must be developed in partnership, including with Non-Government Organisations (NGOs), primary care organisations and other health, aged care and community service providers, including the private sector as appropriate. Lodgement of applications Applications, including letters of support from the relevant LHD and budgets should be submitted via the NSW eTendering website Applications must be received before 5pm, Friday, 5 February 2016. Late applications will not be considered except where the panel is satisfied that the integrity and competiveness of this application process has not been compromised. The panel will not penalise any applicants whose application is received late if the delay is due solely to mishandling by NSW Health. 6. Evaluation NSW Health is seeking to fund a mix of projects to support a range of approaches to mental health reform. In addition to the selection criteria, the selection panel may take into account the benefits of funding projects across a range of settings; as well as seeking a variety of partnership arrangements to influence wider determinants of mental health, such as partnerships with multiple government agencies, private organisations, NGOs, Commonwealth funded programs such as aged care, primary care, employment or other services. CABINET IN CONFIDENCE 9 Guidance on application process– Mental Health Reform Innovation Fund Applications will be assessed against the evaluation criteria identified in Appendix 1. Applications will need to address all criteria to a high standard to be considered suitable for Innovation Fund funding. The first criterion is particularly important. Timelines 1 2 3 4 Milestone Industry Briefing and Call for Applications Announced Opening of application Closing of application - Deadline for Applications Funding Assessment Process Short listing of applicants Finalisation of notice to successful applicants Date 13 November 2015 13 November 2015 5 February 2016 February 2016 February 2016 March 2016 Marketing and branding All funding recipients will be required to give due recognition to the Government’s investment in the project. As such, funding recipients may be subject to common communications, marketing and branding protocols, which will be reflected in agreements for funding. NSW Health will issue further advice and guidance on these matters to successful applicants in due course. CABINET IN CONFIDENCE 10 Guidance on application process– Mental Health Reform Innovation Fund 7. Appendix 1 - Evaluation Criteria This is a competitive funding process. Applicants must address: 1. All of the areas of the Application template provided in Appendix 2 2. The Budget template in Appendix 3 to prepare their applications The applications will be assessed against the seven distinct criteria below. Successful applications will need to score adequately against all criteria to be recommended for funding. Successful applications will be ranked on their aggregated evaluation scores. 1 2 Selection criteria Innovation and alignment with Mental Health Strategic Plan initiatives and Statewide policy Sustainability, scalability and transferability 3 Collaboration and governance 4 Evidence base 5 Benefits and outcomes CABINET IN CONFIDENCE Description Proposals will be reviewed in light of how the approach aligns to the Mental Health Reform agenda, state-wide policy initiatives and is locally innovative. Proposals should demonstrate a focus on individual patient needs and whole of system responses. Initiatives should be developed with sustainability in mind and the ability to continue after cessation of funding. Proposals should show how systemic changes will be embedded into ongoing practice. Applicants should address change management and local capability development. Proposals should be scalable and able to be transferred to other regions if successful, noting that localisation may require adjustment. Demonstrate appropriate local structures to support collaboration, governance and accountability (including around how funding would be spent) between two (2) or more organisations. The application must be endorsed and submitted by Local Health Districts working in partnership at the regional / local level. . Evidence base referenced for the proposed approach, or an evidence-based hypothesis if the approach has not been tested elsewhere. Proposals should clearly define the target population and measures of benefits to individuals as well as the expected outcomes for the government in terms of efficiencies, value for money and reducing duplication. Baseline data and targets should be included where relevant. As a component of the application, individual projects would be required to provide data to support their objectives, for example if hospital avoidance is a goal, data relevant to this should be included and the potential for Commonwealth leverage described Weighting 20% 10% 15% 15% 20% 11 Guidance on application process– Mental Health Reform Innovation Fund 6 Project design and feasibility 7 Leveraging models Consideration should be given to various project management elements (e.g. local capability development, timelines and plans, risk mitigation steps, detailed budgets, and workforce). It would be desirable for proposals to consider how they may leverage funds from other programs or payment systems. 10% 10% In addition to the selection criteria, the Evaluation Panel may take into account the benefits of funding projects across a range of settings including: urban, rural and remote; as well as seeking a variety of partnership arrangements to influence wider determinants of mental health and service delivery, such as partnerships with NGO’s, consumer/carer organisations, private organisations, aged care and/or primary care. CABINET IN CONFIDENCE 12 Guidance on application process– Mental Health Reform Innovation Fund 8. Appendix 2 – Innovation fund application guidance Prompts have been included in the application guidance to assist in developing an application. Applicants are not expected to address all of the prompts. Prompts should be used as a guide only. Please add any information which may assist the Evaluation Panel to rate your application. Area Components and prompts Organisation and Partners Lead organisation: Relevant selection criteria Partner organisations: Endorsed by nominated LHD: Principal Project Lead Title: Name: Position: Organisation: Department/Unit: Address: Phone: Email: Project Collaborators Title: Name: Position: Organisation: Nature of collaboration: Please attach letters of support from all collaborators. Project title and summary Provide the title of your project and a brief description of the project (max 100 words) Current situation Describe the current situation / service provision in relation to the project you are proposing Rationale and innovation Describe the rationale and need for this project, linkages to the mental health reform agenda and other key policies/reforms and the evidence base. What system changes are you hoping to implement? Describe how this project is innovative Provide details on how you will ensure that the project has patient input and maintains a patient focus. What will be in place to encourage and allow for the participation of patients and carers, clinicians and care provider organisations? Proposed project approach: Selection criteria 1: Innovation and alignment with Mental Health Strategic Plan initiatives and Statewide policy. Applications will be reviewed in light of how the approach aligns to the Mental Health Reform agenda and is locally innovative. Applications should demonstrate a focus on individual patient needs and whole of system responses. Selection criteria 4: Evidence base referenced for the proposed approach, or an evidence-based hypothesis if the approach has not been tested elsewhere. Describe the overall approach to the project Provide a detailed description of the initiative – please ensure that there is sufficient detail here to give an overall picture of your application. What change management processes are needed? Target population: Describe the target population CABINET IN CONFIDENCE Selection criteria 5 - Applications 13 Guidance on application process– Mental Health Reform Innovation Fund Which population/s will be impacted by the initiative? What is the estimated size of this population (both actual and relative e.g. percentile of LHD population). Objectives: What are the objectives of the project Benefits Note the benefits of each initiative, include relevant stakeholders for whom the benefits will be accrued For example: Patient outcomes (both short and long term) Patient experience Provider experience Provider relationships and partnership building should clearly define the target population and measures of benefits to individuals as well as the expected outcomes for the government in terms of efficiencies and reducing duplication. Selection criteria 5 - Applications should clearly define the target population and measures of benefits to individuals as well as the expected outcomes for the government in terms of efficiencies and reducing duplication. Baseline data and targets should be included where relevant. Data requirements As a component of the application, individual projects will be required to provide data to support their objectives, for example if hospital avoidance is a goal, data relevant to this should be included and the potential for Commonwealth leverage described. Selection criteria 5 - Applications should clearly define the target population and measures of benefits to individuals as well as the expected outcomes for the government in terms of efficiencies and reducing duplication. Baseline data and targets should be included where relevant. Cost and hospital usage Also note any expected disbenefits - outcomes perceived as negative by one or more stakeholders Working together: Who will be the major partners in the project e.g. government agencies, NGOs, primary care organisations, Aboriginal health services, consumers / carers? What methods for collaboration are being proposed? Provide evidence of successful collaboration in the past. Project governance How will the project be managed and governed e.g. will there be a steering committee and who makes the decisions about the project? What formal/contractual agreements will be in place between partners? Project design and feasibility What capability development is needed to implement this program? Program implementation Provide the high level project implementation milestones alongside the estimated date of completion. Risk management Detail the specific risks and mitigation strategies for this project. Project budget Provide a detailed budget breakdown of expected costs and expenses (the budget template Appendix 3 should be used for this purpose) Selection criteria 3 Demonstrate appropriate local structures to support collaboration, governance and accountability (including around how funding will be spent). Selection criteria 3 Demonstrate appropriate local structures to support collaboration, governance and accountability (including around how funding will be spent). Selection criteria 6 Project design and feasibility: Consideration should be given to various project management elements (e.g. local capability development, implementation timelines and plans, risk management, detailed budgets, and workforce). This should include the timescale in which the costs will be incurred, the costs and supporting assumptions CABINET IN CONFIDENCE 14 Guidance on application process– Mental Health Reform Innovation Fund including ongoing costs What is the LHD’s / Network’s / Partner’s own investment (financials should be split into operational and capital expenses)? Monitoring and Reporting What are the measureable outcomes / Key Performance Indicators for the initiative? Please ensure that these outcomes are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely). Provide indicative measures that will track the success of the project What data will be used to monitor the expected impact of the initiative? How will data be sourced, shared and reviewed? Sustainability, scalability and transferability Describe how this program will be embedded into practice How might the program be scaled or transferred to other LHDs or regions? What change management processes will be needed? CABINET IN CONFIDENCE Selection criteria 5: Applications should clearly define the target population and measures of benefits to individuals as well as the expected outcomes for the government in terms of efficiencies and reducing duplication. Baseline data and targets should be included where relevant. Selection criteria 2: Initiatives should be developed with sustainability in mind and the ability to continue after cessation of funding. Applications should show how systemic changes will be embedded into ongoing practice. Applicants should address change management and local capability development. Applications should be scalable and able to be transferred to other regions if successful, noting that localisation may require adjustment. 15 Guidance on application process– Mental Health Reform Innovation Fund 9. Appendix 3 – Budget template The template below should be used to identify the application budget. Expenses items may be changed as relevant. Expenses must be noted specific to the Innovation Fund, Applicants Investment (itemised as direct financial contributions and in-kind contributions) and Total Expenditure. INNOVATION FUND BUDGET TEMPLATE (items may be changed as required) Expenses Item Admin and office expenses salaries and on-costs care provision IT and publication expenses governance expenses consultancies rent other costs $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Total $ Innovation Funds required In '000$ 2015-16 2016-17 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ Applicants financial investment In '000$ 2015-16 2016-17 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - CABINET IN CONFIDENCE - $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Applicants in-kind contribution In '000$ 2015-16 2016-17 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Total expenditure In '000$ 2015-16 2016-17 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ - 16 Guidance on application process– Mental Health Reform Innovation Fund CABINET IN CONFIDENCE 17