Teacher instructions Activities to help pupils process information. Try these strategies! 1) An advance organiser Information processing skills help pupils to locate and collect relevant information, to sort, classify, sequence, compare and contrast and to analyse part/whole relationships. This can also help pupils understand more about the way scientists work. In science, teachers should plan for pupils to: 2) Analogies 3) Classifying 4) Collective Memory 5) Living Graphs Locate and collect relevant information – for example, when they are researching the nature of the solar system, or studying a habitat and collecting biotic and abiotic information using both dataloggers and other records. 6) Mysteries Sort, classify and sequence – for example, when they order the stages in the evolution of the atmosphere or when they identify organisms and classify them and use them to construct possible food webs. 9) Summarising Compare and contrast – for example, when they are comparing u values, or contrasting different environmental effects on health. Analyse part/whole relationships – for example, when they are predicting how the mass of a planet will affect the relative size of the gravitational force on it, or identifying producers and consumers and recognising their role in the maintenance of the ecosystem of a pond. 7) Reading Images 8) Relational Diagrams 10) DARTs activities 1 of 9 The following activities could all be done in one lesson or split into separate activities and spread over more than one lesson. Other types of advance organiser include the following: Target or learning outcome sheets, concept maps or spider diagrams. Pupils use different colours to show what they fully, partly or don’t understand and/or annotate with links to other topics. Narrative on a contemporary issue or a cartoon strip that is relevant to the topic. Discuss: ‘What is the big question this raises?’ Collect in from different groups and review throughout the topic. Two pieces of work, eg conclusions from an investigation – one simple and one detailed (use of scientific concepts, language, explanation, justification) – are compared and contrasted. The differences form the advance organiser for the topic. Concept type cartoons where pupils ‘traffic light’ their responses and annotate the cartoon as they work through the topic. The history related to a development of science concept/theory eg gravity. Pupils act out different parts and then annotate a relevant worksheet or diagram to explain what is happening using the different historical theories, eg putting forces arrows on a diagram of a ball being thrown in the air according to the respective theories of Aristotle, Buridan, Galileo and Newton. 1. Advanced organiser Because science is usually taught in topics, pupils frequently do not make links between the different areas of knowledge. Advance organisers are devices used to enable pupils to make links to a topic through what they already know. They are organisational frameworks that teachers present to pupils before teaching a topic to prepare them for what they are about to learn. It could be: a handout outlining what will be covered in the topic; concept map; spider diagram; flow chart; story or anecdote; or study guide. The chosen advance organiser should help pupils access what they already know about a topic and focus them on the new information. One type of organiser that could be used is a circus of experiments, eg separation techniques, electric circuits, pressure (egg in a bottle, collapsing can, ice cube with end-weighted copper wire laid across it, fizzy antacid tablet in a film canister, etc) that give an overview of the science that will be covered in the topic. Pupils try each one and fill in a KWL grid (see below). The first column makes links to existing knowledge, the middle one is for questions or statements raised by doing the experiment and, at the end of the lesson/topic, the answers to the questions are written in the last box. What I already Know (K) What I Want to know (W) What I have Learned (L) 2 of 9 2. Analogies Analogies are used extensively in science to support and enhance learning. They provide powerful ways to make complex ideas more accessible because they help pupils to build their understanding of new concepts by identifying similarities with their everyday experiences. Many teachers of science are very skilful at using the visual images that analogies evoke to make the science ‘come alive’ for the pupils. However, pupils can cling to a too literal interpretation of the analogy, which may lead to misconceptions or confusion if they try to make it explain all aspects of the concept. eg the use lorries delivering loads to illustrate an electric circuit can reinforce the idea that ‘electricity is used up’ Teachers need to help pupils to recognise the strengths and weaknesses of a model and the notion of a ‘good enough’ model ie it isn’t perfect but it helps explain ‘this bit’. Some common analogies used: Biology Chemistry Physics Squeezing a toothpaste tube to show peristalsis. Representing different sorts of rock by different sorts of biscuits. Using money or blocks to represent energy as it is transferred. Visking tubing to represent the small intestine and how the products of digestion are diffused. Using sweets to represent: elements (toffees); mixtures (toffees and mints); compounds (mint toffees). Coloured balls, with velcro strips attached to those balls of one particular colour, and a felt screen of that colour to demonstrate reflection and absorption of coloured light. Anatomical models of the organs of the body. Balls connected by springs to represent atoms in solids. Using limbs to illustrate different types of lever. Balloons in a bell jar to show how the lungs inflate. Frying eggs to represent a chemical change. Explaining how magnets behave using the domain theory. Food webs to represent feeding relationships. Representing the kinetic theory using ‘play pool’ balls and a large bed sheet. Wave machines and/or a ‘slinky’ to illustrate longitudinal sound waves. A badminton net and differentsized balls to show the action of a semi-permeable membrane. Melted butter mixed with popcorn to represent the states of matter: cooled – solid; heated gently – liquid; heated until the popcorn starts to pop – gas. Cartoon pictures of runners to represent the flow of charges in an electric current with obstacles to represent resistance. Comparing digestive enzymes with scissors. Inside of an atom is like the solar system. Contrasting the eye and the camera. 3 of 9 3. Classifying Classification has particular meanings within science, eg classifying living things into the major taxonomic groups, classifying solids, liquids and gases or elements, compounds and mixtures. However, the strategy can and should be used more widely to introduce cognitive conflict and to develop and challenge pupils’ understanding of science, for example, helping pupils to develop their understanding of investigative skills and techniques. The essential feature of the ‘Classifying’ strategy is that pupils should be given the opportunity to devise their own categories, rather than simply working with those provided by their teacher or agreed by the science community. This is very important for encouraging the formation of concepts through language. Many card-sort activities are forms of classification and it is important that pupils justify their decisions and explain their thinking. an organisational chart or ‘tree diagram’ for all living things, or rock types annotated diagrams of the rock cycle/carbon cycle/nitrogen cycle a simplified version of the periodic table showing selected elements, atomic and mass numbers, location of metals, noble gases, halogens, etc a food web a diagram of the human digestive system a flow chart of the stages of an investigation identifying and then classifying variables in an investigation a ‘Heath Robinson’ type drawing showing levers, pivots, gears, falling weights, etc classifying ‘evidence’ eg strong, weak, reliable, accurate a table showing the properties of the planets in the solar system providing a range of statements about, for example, smoking, nuclear power or global warming, for pupils to classify eg fact vs opinion. a concept map of a topic to be covered, used first to introduce the topic, then reused when the topic is reviewed, with annotated links added an annotated velocity–time graph for a journey to school another way of using the strategy to good effect is to illustrate associated science ideas that pupils need to remember as below. Pupils need to make sense of the colour and shape coding, and so make the connections between the different ways of describing each material. grouping statements about the Big Bang Theory or chemical reactions developing a system of classifying words relating to evolution reviewing prior knowledge of the differences between acids and alkalis or contact and noncontact forces Examples that could be used include: an unfamiliar arrangement of science apparatus -picture or the actual equipment The ‘Collective memory’ strategy is particularly effective in science because pupils are expected to make extensive use of visual representations such as diagrams, graphs, tables and flow charts. Observation is an important scientific skill and this strategy can help pupils to make that crucial distinction between looking and seeing while developing ways of making sense of visual representations quickly. Some examples could be: the next representative from the group looks at the map for 10 seconds. After each turn, groups reflect and plan the next visit. After a few turns each, pupils are asked to compare their versions with the original. ranking statements about the effects of human activity on the environment 4. Collective memory In this strategy pupils work in small teams to recreate a picture, diagram, photograph or arrangement of apparatus. Each team sends one member at a time to look at the ‘image’ for 10 seconds. They return to their group and start to reproduce the original. After a short period of time, 4 of 9 5. mixture liquid Density =1 air solid compound element gas iron Density = 0.0013 Density = 8 water 5 of 9 5. Living graphs Living graphs relate to graphical representation and requires pupils to consider how one variable relates to another, such as the heart rate of a football player over the period of a match. A line graph is presented, together with a set of related statements. Pupils have to position the statements on the graph and give reasons to justify their decisions. Pupils work in groups to read and sort the statements, link information on different cards and come up with a solution to the mystery question. Later they are asked to explain their answer. Mysteries can provide a stimulating way to introduce some of the history of scientific development to pupils in science. Careful selection of both the subject and the content is needed, together with follow-up probing questions if pupils’ interest is to be focused on the science involved, rather than the process of reordering the information cards. Books about scientific developments which are age-appropriate need to be used to find areas of ambiguity or uncertainty. Use examples from ‘real’ investigations, with pupils annotating to explain the shape of the graph eg the shape of the line after dataloggers were used to measure the noise levels in a bird’s nest during a 24-hour period. Stages in human and animal development, eg frog spawn to adult frogs by plotting time against population size and placing statements such as ‘moving out of the water’, ‘increase in the number of water fleas’ or ‘sewage leakage into the water’. Plotting the number of teeth against age for a human with statements like ‘awake crying all night’, ‘can eat rump steak’ or ‘£1 richer today’. A velocity–time graph may be used for a car, train, walking or other journey if the scales of the axes are changed. Pupils could be asked to develop imaginative explanations of the shape of the curve which then need to be justified in the light of the evidence. Allow for different interpretations. Mapping the population of an endangered species and its main predators over time, or the population of the UK over the last 1000 years, and explaining what could be happening at each part of the graph. An alternative to the use of cards containing information is to present the information as images either using ICT or practical evidence, for example, ‘Why did The Earl of Abergavenny sink?’, or ‘Why some pineapple jelly does not set’ (see Earl of Abergavenny) provides an alternative approach to a mystery. For this to be most effective, careful timing is needed to ensure that pupils are able to understand the developing story and consider how the evidence is used to either support or discredit some possible explanations. Statements about possible reasons for the dinosaurs dying out (see dinosaur extinction mystery). A mixture of facts and opinions about smoking (or taking drugs) from which pupils have to select those which are most likely to have the desired impact in a health promotion campaign aiming to deter teenagers from smoking (or taking drugs). Some facts about inherited genetic disorders, hereditary characteristics and infertility statistics from which pupils construct different sides of a debate based on the question: ‘Should parents be allowed to produce “Designer Babies”?’ Considering information about climate change Graphs showing progress of scientific discoveries based on advances in technology, eg in space exploration. 6. Mysteries In a In a mystery pupils are presented with between 15 and 20 items of data on slips of paper about a situation where there is a single open question or problem for them to resolve. The statements can be general or background information, specific details and sometimes ‘red herrings’ or irrelevant information, but always there is an element of uncertainty or ambiguity. Some mystery ideas that might be considered are: – Who invented the periodic table? – Was it Watson, or Crick, or Franklin? – Where was Pangaea? 6 of 9 presented on cards headed: Widely accepted facts, What is likely to happen? and Uncertainties. Using these cards, groups of pupils consider the question: ‘Is the human race responsible for climate change? observations. Show two pictures and asking pupils for the connection(s) between them, for example, a flooded town and a poster that says ‘Turn off the lights and save energy’, or smog in cities of the 1950s and dying trees in Scandinavia, or the aurora borealis and a magnet. Present the results of an experiment, for example, electrolysis and get pupils to have a look at the clues in the apparatus to discuss what could have happened and why. A set of photographs that pupils use to make either a case for something or opposing cases for the same issue, for example, images relating to life on Mars (different images of Mars and what they represent). Pictures of famous scientists which contain clues that might help pupils to match them to brief descriptions of what the scientist did and enable them to justify their answers. 7. Reading images This very basic but powerful technique involves providing pupils with a photograph or other visual image (reproduced with a white border) as a source of information and asking them to annotate or label it. They are asked to make links to what they already know, whether from previous work or general knowledge, and should suggest a title or overall heading for the image. There are variations around this basic approach but it is important for pupils to be able to explain their thinking to others. The ‘Reading images’ strategy is effective in science because observation, looking for patterns, making inferences and connections, and creative thinking are important scientific skills that pupils need to develop. Science uses a wide range of images such as apparatus, photographs, photomicrographs and diagrams; this strategy can help pupils to process this visual information more actively. Pupils could be given a set of photographs, for example, showing different habitats which they annotate with, for example, links to anything they have learned in the topic, questions that the image might raise, or labels. Pupils could be given a set of images about different chemical processes or people with a range of diseases. Group 1 devises some questions raised by the photographs, group 2 answers the questions, group 3 checks the answers and group 4 adds solutions or further things to try. Use a ‘Concept cartoon’ as an image which a pair of pupils annotate, pass to the next pair for further annotations, and so on. Microscope images – either from the Internet, via a video microscope or using large close-up photographs – which pupils discuss and decide a title for. An advert that uses ‘science’ to sell it and use of the 5Ws (Who, What, Where, Why, When) method to structure more in-depth 8. Relational diagrams Relational diagrams provide a clear and accurate medium through which pupils can communicate their thinking. They illustrate the meaning that pupils give to terms that stand for classes of objects or concepts. Pupils are able to use overlapping, separate or subsumed shapes to show whether all, some or none of the terms of a particular class belong to another class. The visual simplicity of relational diagrams makes the explanation of the relationships easy to understand and more likely to be remembered. The ‘Relational diagrams’ strategy can be a good way for pupils to communicate and explore their understanding of many related science terms. Scientific terminology can often be challenging for pupils so this visual approach can clarify the similarities and differences between the terms and allow misunderstandings to be addressed. 7 of 9 This approach is best modelled first using common and familiar terms, such as rabbits, pets and mammals, with the teacher talking through the construction of the relational diagram. Mammals Rabbits Pets involves making inferences to fill in things that are not stated and synthesising information to give the main gist. ‘Summarising’ is a strategy that is important in science because it helps pupils to condense and convey meaning by selecting relevant information and identifying relationships between ideas. Note taking and drawing conclusions from first-hand or secondary data are areas of science that many pupils find difficult and which could be developed through the use of this strategy. 1. Delete unwanted detail and still keep overall sense Give pupils a different set of three related terms, for example elements, compounds and mixtures and be asked to express their relationship using shapes. As an extension, pupils could be asked to place examples in the different shapes and explain what the boundary signifies or what distinguishes one area from another. Another variation would be to use the diagrams to compare two different scientific theories about the same thing, for example, the origins of decay by spontaneous generation or the action of micro-organisms, or different theories about the extinction of the dinosaurs. Some other collective nouns that could be used to draw relational diagrams include: – igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks – variables which are measured, controlled, and could have been controlled – conduction, convection, radiation – protons, neutrons,electrons. 9. Summarising Effective summarising means selecting salient points and presenting them in a concise and ordered manner. Pupils who tend to give narrative accounts when they summarise need to make the step to sifting out themes and main messages. The basic idea is for pupils to find the main threads in the information and make connections between these threads. Summarising usually Use the 5 step approach 2. Delete repeated information 3. Replace detail with more general terms/ description 4. Select or create a topic sentence 5. Check there is sufficient detail to make sense. Use different types of summary frames which consist of a series of questions designed to help pupils to elicit the most important pieces of information. Problem Frame. What is the problem? What could a possible solution be? Is there another possible solution? Which solution has the best possible chance of succeeding? Can you summarise this in 2–4 sentences? Argument Frame. What information allows the claim to be made? What is being asserted as true? What information supports the claim? What information does not support the claim? Can you summarise this in 2–4 sentences? Topic–Restriction–Illustration. What is a general statement about the topic? How is the information then limited to a specific aspect? What examples are used to support the specific aspect? Can you summarise this in 2– 4 sentences? Definition Frame. What is being defined? What category or group does it belong to? What characteristics set it apart from other things in the category? Are there different sorts of the item being defined? Can you summarise this in 2–4 sentences? 8 of 9 Instructional Frame. What are you trying to do? What do you need? What is the first thing you do? What do you do next? And what do you do after that? The work is shared and supportive and so aids the less able. The tasks enable pupils to go beyond the literal level of understanding. Use information to make a concept map or construct a flow chart. Excellent way to introduce a new topic, revise or consolidate previous learning. Provide pupils with examples of different conclusions or explanations and ask them to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each one. Cut text into chunks and ask pupils to reconstruct it. Directed activities related to text (DARTS) are an active reading strategy to engage pupils actively with the written material. Underline different aspects of the text e.g. blue for evidence that supports argument, red for evidence against, green for opinion, black for facts. Ask pupils to change information into a different format eg put into a table, flow chart, diagram. They have a problem-solving feel. Often kinaesthetic, as pupils manipulate text, often physically. Remove some or all labels from a diagram and ask pupils to add these. Change some words in a scientific passage to ones that are less appropriate and ask pupils to suggest better alternatives. Pupils predict deleted words or phrases. Cut process into steps and ask pupils to put into a logical sequence. 10. Darts activities Pupils collaborate and cooperate to solve problems. Help to internalise learning. Pupils are encouraged to be analytical. Pupils interact with text and not practising poor reading skills, if they are weak readers. AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). Our registered address is AQA, Devas Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 9 of 9