July 2013 Marika C. Coffman marika.coffman@gmail.com EDUCATION B.S., Vanderbilt University Majors in child studies and psychology with honors concentrations in neuroscience and English Aug 2005 - Aug 2009 University of Warwick, England Courses in psychology and English Jan 2008 – June 2008 Southern Connecticut State University Graduate courses in Chinese (Mandarin) Aug 2009 – May 2011 HONORS AND FELLOWSHIPS Sara S. Sparrow Clinical Neuroscience Fellow, Yale Child Study Center Jul 2011 - Present Zigler Fellow, Child Development & Social Policy, Yale Child Study Center Aug 2009 - Present Psychology with Honors Program, Vanderbilt University Aug 2007 - May 2009 Eldon Stevenson Scholarship, Vanderbilt University, $200,000 Aug 2005 - May 2009 HOPE Scholarship, Tennessee State Scholarship, $12,000 Aug 2005 - May 2009 ACADEMIC POSITIONS Sara S. Sparrow Clinical Neuroscience Fellow Developmental Electrophysiology Lab Yale Child Study Center, New Haven, CT Advisor: Dr. James McPartland Jul 2011 – Jul 2013 Research Assistant Yale Early Social Cognition Laboratory (YESCog) Yale Child Study Center, New Haven, CT Advisor: Dr. Katarzyna Chawarska Jun 2009 – Jul 2011 Undergraduate Honors Student Researcher Psychophysiology of Emotion and Personality Lab Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN Thesis Advisor: Dr. Stephen Benning Aug 2007 – Jun 2009 Undergraduate Research Assistant Department of Psychology Peabody College, Nashville, TN Advisor: Dr. Steven McFadyen-Ketchum Jun 2006 – May 2009 Undergraduate Research Assistant Department of Psychology Warwick University, Coventry, UK Jan 2008 – Jun 2008 PUBLICATIONS McPartland, J., Coffman, M., Pelphrey, K. (2011). Recent advances in understanding the neural bases of autism spectrum disorder. Current Opinions in Pediatrics, 23(6), 628-32. Anderson, L.C., Bolling, D.Z., Schelinski, S., Coffman, M., Kaiser, M.D., Pelphrey, K.A. Sex Differences in the Development of Brain Mechanisms for Biological Motion. Under review. Coffman, M., Naples, A., Anderson, L, McPartland, J. Sex Differences in Social Information Processing in Children with ASD. Under review. TALKS Coffman, M., Anderson, L., Jack, A. Sex differences in Autism Spectrum Disorders. (April, 2013). Invited talk given for World Autism Awareness Day, hosted by Yale for Autism Awareness. Coffman, M., Shultz, S., Jones, W., Klin, A., McPartland, J. (April, 2013). Children’s Neural Response to Human Faces is Modulated by Social Context. Paper presented at the Society for Research on Child Development biennual meeting, Seattle, WA. Coffman, M., Bernier, R. Naples, A. Kresse, A., Mukerji, C., Tillman, R., McPartland, J. (November, 2013). Affective face perception is related to social behavior in children with autism. Paper presented at the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA. McPartland, J., Naples, A., Coffman, M., Kresse, A., Mukerji, C.E., Bernier, R. (May, 2013). Individual Differences in Affective Social Perception in ASD: Neural, Behavioral, and Psychiatric Contributions. Paper presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research. Tillman, R., Rolison, M., Righi, G., Mukerji, C., Naples, A., Coffman, M., Cuevas, C., Foss-Feig, J., Hashim, P., McPartland, J. (November, 2013). Developmental electrophysiological indices of biological motion and audio-visual integration in infants at-risk for autism. Paper presented at the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA. Wolf, J., Coffman, M., Bradshaw, J., Herlihy, L. (May, 2013). Impact of a Support Group for Siblings of Children with ASD on the Quality of Sibling Relationships. Paper presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research. Coffman, M., Naples, A., Perszyk, D., Mukerji, C., & McPartland, J. (May, 2012). Sex Differences in Social Information Processing in ASD. Paper presented at the International Meeting For Autism Research, Toronto, Canada. Coffman, M. (June, 2012). Sex Differences in Social Information Processing in Children with ASD. Invited talk given at the Yale Autism Program Science Meeting, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT. McPartland, J., Coffman, M., Faja, S., Kresse, A., Mukerji, C., Naples, A., & Bernier, R. (May, 2012). Level of Autistic Traits Modulates Activity in Face and Action Perception Systems. Paper presented at the International Meeting For Autism Research, Toronto, Canada. McPartland, J., Righi, G., Mukerji, C., Coffman, M., Naples, A., & Mayes, L. (August, 2012). Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Orland, FL. PRESENTATIONS Coffman, M., Shultz, S., Jones, W., Klin, A., McPartland, J. (May, 2013) Modulatory Effect of Context on Children with ASD. Presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, San Sebastian, Spain. Desai, A., Naples, A., Coffman, M., Mukerji, C. E., Tillman, R., Kresse, A., Bernier, R., & McPartland, J.C. (May, 2013). Relative Contribution of Autistic Traits Versus Alexithymic Traits in the Neural Processing of Social Information. Presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, San Sebastian, Spain. Hashim, P., Coffman, M., Mukerji, C.E., Tillman, R., Derszyk, D., Terner, J.S., Travieso, R., Landi, N., Mayes, L., Persing, J.A., McPartland, J. (May, 2013). Specificity of Atypical Neural Development for Language in Infants At Risk for ASD. Presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, San Sebastian, Spain. Hashim, P., Coffman, M., Mukerji, C. E.,Tillman, R., Naples, A., Righi, G., Terner, J. S., Travieso, R., Steinbacher, D., Mayes, L., Persing, J. A., McPartland, J. (November, 2013). Understanding developmental mechanisms of language delay in autism through comparison to infant cranial asymmetry. Presented at the Society for Neuroscience Research, San Diego, CA. Naples, A., Coffman, M., Mukerji, C. E., Tillman, R., McPartland, J. (May, 2013). Adolescents with ASD Show Attenuated Neural Response to Reciprocal Eye Contact. Presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, San Sebastian, Spain. Tillman, R., Rolison, M., Righi, G., Mukerji, C.E., Naples, A., Coffman, M., Foss-Feig, J., Hashim, P., McPartland, J. 2 (May, 2013). Neural Sensitivity to Biological Motion Versus Audio-Visual Synchrony in Infants At Risk for Autism. Presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, San Sebastian, Spain. Cox, A., Naples, A., Rutherford, H., Coffman, M., Mukerji, C., Mayes, L., & McPartland, J. (May, 2012). Neural Mechanisms of Social and Non-Social Reward and Their Relation to Autistic Traits. Poster presented at the International Meeting For Autism Research, Toronto, Canada. Moseley, G., Naples, A., Bernier, R., Mukerji, C., Coffman, M., Righi, G., & McPartland, J. (May, 2012). Animacy and Intentionality in the Mirror Neuron System in the Broader Autism Phenotype. Poster presented at the International Meeting For Autism Research, Toronto, Canada. Mukerji, C., Bernier, R., Naples, A., Righi, G., Perszyk, D., Coffman, M., & McPartland, J. (May, 2012). Electrophysiological Indices of Empathic Response and Their Relation to Autistic Traits. Poster presented at the International Meeting For Autism Research, Toronto, Canada. Naples, A., Coffman, M., Mukerji, C., Wu, J., Mayes, L., & McPartland, J. (May, 2012). Brain Response to Gaze Contingent Eye-Contact in ASD. Poster presented at the International Meeting For Autism Research, Toronto, Canada. Righi, G., Mukerji, C., Coffman, M., Naples, A., Mayes, L., & McPartland, J. (May, 2012). Electrophysiological Markers of Social Perception in Infants At Risk for Autism. Poster presented at the International Meeting For Autism Research, Toronto, Canada. Coffman, M., Shic, F., Meltvedt, M., Bradshaw, J. & Chawarska, K. (May, 2011). Where’s Wendy? Toddlers with ASD Exhibit Limited Attentional Capture by Faces. Poster presented at the International Meeting For Autism Research, San Diego, CA. Meltvedt, M., Macari, S., Shic, F., Coffman, M., Chawarska, K. (May, 2011). Look at This, Mommy! Profiles of Spontaneous Social Communication In Toddlers with ASD, DD, and TD During Solitary Object Exploration. Poster presented at the International Meeting For Autism Research, San Diego, CA. TECHNICAL SKILLS MATLAB, Visual Basic, iView, SmartEye, SMI, SR - EyeLink, ISCAN, E-Prime, Premiere, Neuroscan, Netstation, EEGLab, SPSS/PASW, Noldus Observer, Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Studio, Autodesk Softimage, Maya FaceGen, EndNote CLINICAL SKILLS Administration of: Autism Diagnostic Interview – Revised (research reliable), Mullen Scales of Early Learning, Wechsler Abbreviated Scales of Intelligence, Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, Pivotal Response Training, Uzgiris-Hunt Scales, Benton Facial Recognition Task. 3