Community Unit School District 303 School Fees Collection Manual The following procedures shall be followed when working to collect delinquent school fees and should be used in connection with and serve as additional guidance to Board policy 4:140. Board policy 4:140 establishes the criteria for waiving or reducing school fees (70% discount). Principals should carefully follow this policy to ensure all fee waiving policies are consistently applied across the District. The following steps should be used when dealing with students/parents (guardians) who are delinquent in paying their fees: 1. If the student is not a reduced fee student then District staff should take appropriate steps to determine if the student’s household qualifies for student waivers or any of the other approved reasons for reducing or waiving fees. If not, then staff members should diligently work to collect all fees owed. 2. The following list is a prioritization (first to last) in which all fees paid should be applied and the actions to be applied if fees are not paid in a timely manner: Registration Fee Course/AP Fees Band/Orchestra/PE Fees Other Optional School Fees Athletics/Participation Fee Drivers Education Fee Parking Fee Yearbook/Graduation Fees See Note #1 See Note #1 See Note #1 See Note #1 Student can not participate until fees are paid – see 3.c. State of Illinois will not be notified of course completion until fees are paid. Student can not be issued parking permit until fee is paid. Student can not order said items until fee is paid. Note #1: Students who are delinquent with these fees should not be denied participation from these activities. Students should not be singled out or asked about the delinquent fees. Please remember, in most cases the students have no control over payment of these fees. 3. Steps to collections: a. First Notice 30 days delinquent (school office) - Parents (guardians) are sent letter indicating delinquent fees and informing parents (guardians) that their student can not participate in certain activities if the fees are not paid and request full payment within two weeks. Also, remind them at all accounts over 60 days delinquent will be charged a $10.00 late fee per month, per family, per school and all accounts over 150 days delinquent will be submitted to small claims court and all fees will be added to the account balance. b. Second Notice 60 days delinquent – Same as above, but include information regarding waiver of fees. c. Third Notice 90 days delinquent – Same as above, but request parents (guardians) work with school staff to develop payment plan. If parents agree to a payment plan and payment of fees is probable, then students can begin participation in athletics, clubs, etc. d. Final Notice 120 days delinquent – Same as above, except emphasis that this is their final notice and if not paid within 30 days the account will be submitted to small claims court. Refunding of School Fees No school fees will be refunded unless specifically requested by parents or guardians. Collection Procedure Timeline Step 1 – 30 days after the first day of school The 30 day collection letter is to be sent from the Administrative Assistant to the Principal’s office or school treasurer’s office to all delinquent families. The Administrative Assistant to the Principal’s office or school treasurer will send a list of all delinquent families to the Business Office. A representative from the Business Office will phone all delinquent families to also inform families of the delinquency and arrange for payment. This representative will be in weekly contact with the schools and families to try to resolve the delinquency. Step 2 – 60 days after the first day of school The Administrative Assistant to the Principal’s office or school treasurer will send a list of all delinquent families to the Business Office and add a $10.00 late fee to the delinquent accounts. A representative from the Business Office will send the 60 day collection letter to all 60 day delinquent families and included information regarding waiver of fees. This representative will also phone all delinquent families to arrange for payment and will continue weekly contact with the schools and families to try to resolve the delinquency. Step 3 – 90 days after the first day of school The Administrative Assistant to the Principal’s office or school treasurer will send a list of all delinquent families to the Business Office and add another $10.00 late fee to the delinquent accounts. A representative from the Business Office will send the 90 day collection letter to all 90 day delinquent families. This representative will also phone all delinquent families to arrange for payment or will request that families agree to a payment plan. If family agrees to a payment plan and payment of fees is probable, then students can begin participation in athletics, clubs, etc. The Business Office representative will continue weekly contact with the schools and families to try to resolve the delinquency. Step 4 – 120 days after the first day of school The Administrative Assistant to the Principal’s office or school treasurer will send a list of all delinquent families to the Business Office and add another $10.00 late fee to the delinquent accounts. A representative from the Business Office will send the 120 day collection letter via certified mail/return receipt to all 120 day delinquent families. This representative will also phone all delinquent families to arrange for payment or to follow up on payment plans with these families with an emphasis that this is their final notice and if the delinquency is not paid within 30 days the account will be submitted to small claims court. The Business Office representative will continue weekly contact with the schools and families to try to resolve the delinquency. Step 5 – 150 days after the first day of school The Administrative Assistant to the Principal’s office or school treasurer will send a list of all delinquent families to the Business Office and add another $10.00 late fee to the delinquent accounts. A representative from the Business Office will send the Final Notice Submission to Small Claims Court collection letter via certified mail/return receipt to all 150 day delinquent families. This representative will also phone all delinquent families to inform them of submission to small claims court and to give them a final chance to arrange for payment or to develop a payment plan. This representative will continue weekly contact with the schools and families to try to resolve the delinquency, but will submit all families who do not respond within 10 days of the date of the letter to the Assistant Superintendent for Business Services for submission to small claims court. Note: The same procedures will be followed for fees that are incurred at the beginning of second semester. Families who commit to a payment plan will be immediately contacted if they fall behind on their payment plan and will be subject to the above procedures if payments are not made as agreed. Sample 30 day Collection Letter September , 2009 Dear Parent/Guardian, You have a balance due for the 20XX-20XX school year of $____________. Please contact the Administrative Assistant to the Principal/Treasurer’s Office at XXX-XXX-XXXX to make payment or set up a payment plan. Also note that all fees must be paid in full by the end of each school year. Second Semester, payments for optional fees such as sports or parking, will be transferred and applied to the unpaid District registration fees first. If your student is in 12th grade, all monies due must be paid in order to participate in graduation. Current policy is that diplomas and official transcripts will not be released until fees are paid. We realize that the economic situation has affected many of us and we are willing to work with your family to resolve these unpaid balances. Please contact my office at your earliest convenience. Thank you, Administrative Assistant to the Principal/Treasurer St. Charles XXXX High School Sample 60 Day Collection Letter Community Unit School District 303 201 South 7th Street St. Charles, IL 60174-2664 FAX (630) 513-5392 “Empowering and Inspiring All” Brad Cauffman Asst. Superintendent for Business Services/CFO (630) 377-4819 SECOND NOTICE Dear Parent/Guardian: We have been informed by your school Administrative Assistant to the Principal/treasurer, that you have an outstanding balance of $____________for school fees. The school Administrative Assistant to the Principal/treasurer has also informed our office that they have not heard from you in response to their previous correspondences regarding this outstanding balance. These fees are established in accordance with the Board of Education, pursuant to State of Illinois statute and must be paid accordingly. It is essential that this account be settled as soon as possible. All accounts over 60 days delinquent are subject to a $10.00 late payment fee, per month, per family, per school, and all accounts over 150 days delinquent will be submitted to small claims court and all court costs will be added to the outstanding balance. If this outstanding balance can not be paid in full immediately, the District will work with you to establish a payment plan. Please contact your school Administrative Assistant to the Principal/treasurer to set up the parameters of this payment plan. Please keep in mind when setting these parameters that all outstanding balances must be paid in full before the end of the school year. Payments by personal check will be accepted through April XX, 20XX. Beginning May X, 20XX we will no longer accept personal checks, only cash or credit card payments at the school treasurer’s office will be accepted. Payments made by check should be made payable to District 303 and mailed directly to your school or be dropped off at the school’s main office. Please note: No senior will be given his/her cap & gown, be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony, or receive his/her diploma, until all obligations are met. Also, it is our policy that official transcripts will not be released until all fees are paid in full. If you have any questions regarding your outstanding balance, please call your school Administrative Assistant to the Principal/treasurer as soon as possible. Sincerely, Brad Cauffman Brad Cauffman Assistant Superintendent for Business Services/CFO Sample 90 Day Collection Letter Community Unit School District 303 “Empowering and Inspiring All” 201 South 7th Street St. Charles, IL 60174-2664 FAX (630) 513-5392 Brad Cauffman Asst. Superintendent for Business Services/CFO (630) 377-4819 THIRD NOTICE Dear Parent/Guardian: Your school Administrative Assistant to the Principal/treasurer has informed my office that you continue to have an outstanding balance of $____________for school fees. These fees are established in accordance with the Board of Education, pursuant to State of Illinois statute and must be paid accordingly. It is essential that this account be settled as soon as possible. All accounts over 60 days delinquent are subject to a $10.00 late payment fee, per month, per family, per school, and all accounts over 150 days delinquent will be submitted to small claims court and all court costs will be added to the outstanding balance. If this outstanding balance can not be paid in full immediately, the District will work with you to establish a payment plan. Please contact your school Administrative Assistant to the Principal/treasurer to set up the parameters of this payment plan. Please keep in mind when setting these parameters that all outstanding balances must be paid in full before the end of the school year. Payments by personal check will be accepted through April XX, 20XX. Beginning May X, 20XX we will no longer accept personal checks, only cash or credit card payments at the school Administrative Assistant to the Principal/treasurer’s office will be accepted. Payments made by check should be made payable to District 303 and mailed directly to your school or be dropped off at the school’s main office. Please note: No senior will be given his/her cap & gown, be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony, or receive his/her diploma, until all obligations are met. Also, it is our policy that official transcripts will not be released until all fees are paid in full. If you have any questions regarding your outstanding balance, please call your school Administrative Assistant to the Principal/treasurer as soon as possible. Sincerely, Brad Cauffman Brad Cauffman Assistant Superintendent for Business Services/CFO Sample 120 Day Collection Letter Community Unit School District 303 “Empowering and Inspiring All” 201 South 7th Street St. Charles, IL 60174-2664 FAX (630) 513-5392 Brad Cauffman Asst. Superintendent for Business Services/CFO (630) 377-4819 FINAL NOTICE PRIOR TO SUBMISSION TO SMALL CLAIMS COURT Dear Parent/Guardian: Your school Administrative Assistant to the Principal/treasurer has informed my office that you continue to have an outstanding balance of $____________for school fees. If these fees are not paid in full within 30 days from the date of this notice, the District will begin proceedings for submissions to small claim court. All court costs will be added to the outstanding balance owed. Payments by personal check will be accepted through April XX, 20XX. Beginning May X, 20XX we will no longer accept personal checks, only cash or credit card payments at the school Administrative Assistant to the Principal/treasurer’s office will be accepted. Payments made by check should be made payable to District 303 and mailed directly to your school or be dropped off at the school’s main office. Please note: No senior will be given his/her cap & gown, be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony, or receive his/her diploma, until all obligations are met. Also, it is our policy that official transcripts will not be released until all fees are paid in full. If you have any questions regarding your outstanding balance, please call your school Administrative Assistant to the Principal/treasurer as soon as possible. Sincerely, Brad Cauffman Brad Cauffman Assistant Superintendent for Business Services/CFO Sample 150 Day Collection Letter Community Unit School District 303 “Empowering and Inspiring All” 201 South 7th Street St. Charles, IL 60174-2664 FAX (630) 513-5392 Brad Cauffman Asst. Superintendent for Business Services/CFO (630) 377-4819 NOTICE OF SUBMISSION TO SMALL CLAIMS COURT Dear Parent/Guardian: Your school Administrative Assistant to the Principal/treasurer has informed my office that you continue to have an outstanding balance of $____________for school fees. If these fees are not paid in full within 10 days from the date of this notice, the District will submit your delinquency to small claim court and all court costs will be added to the outstanding balance owed. The District will no longer accept personal checks, only cash or credit card payments at the school Administrative Assistant to the Principal/treasurer’s office or Administration building will be accepted. Please note: No senior will be given his/her cap & gown, be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony, or receive his/her diploma, until all obligations are met. Also, it is our policy that official transcripts will not be released until all fees are paid in full. If you have any questions regarding your outstanding balance, please call your school Administrative Assistant to the Principal/treasurer immediately. Sincerely, Brad Cauffman Brad Cauffman Assistant Superintendent for Business Services/CFO DATED: (BC) April 2011