Dipl.-Ing. Robert Moehler MSc, VDI Contact Details Project Management Subject Group Department of Mathematics and Information Sciences Faculty of Engineering and Environment Pandon Building, City Campus East Tel: +44(0)191 227 4746 Email: robert.moehler@Northumbria.ac.uk Education 1. Dipl.-Ing. Material Science (2:1), University of Applied Sciences (TFH Berlin) and The Federal Institute of Materials research and testing (BAM), Berlin, Germany 2005 2. MSc Project Management (Distinction), University of Northumbria at Newcastle, UK 2006 3. PhD Organisational Studies, University of Northumbria at Newcastle, UK 2013 Employment History September 2007-Date: Northumbria University, Newcastle UK. August 2013- Date: Department of Mathematics and Information Sciences Post: Senior Lecturer in Project Management Teaching & Advising: o Teaching a range of postgraduate Project Management degree modules such as Project, Programme and Portfolio Management (BE1170); Project Organisation (BE1174); and Research Methodological courses PhD Methodology Workshop (Graduate School); and externally Qualitative Research Inquiry (EPSRC Research Methodology Workshop, Wolfson College) o Student assessment and feedback (formative and summative) including marking moderation. o Advising postgraduate students from time to time and providing pastoral care and support, fulfilling a personal/guidance tutor role. Research: o Supervision of research projects (International Collaboration with école d'ingénieurs du Cesi) , undergraduate research projects (BE0553) and postgraduate research projects (BE1036, BE1180, BE1181) o Individual/Collaborative Research see relevant section below Administration/Service: o Module Tutor, Project, Programme and Portfolio Management (BE1170); Project Organisations (BE1174); Project Management (BE0897 Undergraduate Quantity Surveying [cover]) o Internal Moderator, Sustainable Project Management (BE1103) o Involved in Module and Programme review and development o International Project Management Association (active participant and scholar) Dipl.-Ing. Robert Moehler MSc, VDI o o o o Society of German Engineers VDI (European friendship facilitator and member) North East Chamber of Commerce (academic adviser) Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (Young Career Researcher) Industrial Consultancy and Commercial Testing September2011- July2013: School of the Built and Natural Environment Post: Lecturer in Project Management Teaching & Advising: o Teaching a range of postgraduate Project Management degree modules such as Project, Programme and Portfolio Management (BE1170); Research Methods (BE1171); Project Organisation (BE1174); Strategic Project Management (BE1176) and Research Methodological courses PhD Methodology Workshop (Graduate School); and externally Qualitative Research Inquiry (EPSRC Research Methodology Workshop, Wolfson College) o Student assessment and feedback (formative and summative) including marking moderation. o Advising postgraduate students from time to time and providing pastoral care and support, fulfilling a personal/guidance tutor role. Research: o Supervision of research projects (International Collaboration with école d'ingénieurs du Cesi) , undergraduate research projects (BE0553) and postgraduate research projects (BE1036, BE1180, BE1181) o Individual/Collaborative Research see relevant section below Administration/Service: o Internal Moderator, Sustainable Project Management (BE1103); Project, Programme and Portfolio Management (BE1170); Project Organisations (BE1174) o Involved in Module and Programme review and development o the Association for Project Management (committee member) o International Project Management Association (active participant and scholar) o Institution of Civil Engineers (incorporated member) o North East Chamber of Commerce (academic adviser), o Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (Young Career Researcher) o Industrial Consultancy and Commercial Testing Februar2010- August2011: School of the Built Environment Post: Lecturer in Project Management Teaching & Advising: o Teaching a range of postgraduate Project Management degree modules such as Project, Programme and Portfolio Management (BE1170); Research Methods (BE1171); Project Organisation (BE1174); Strategic Project Management (BE1176) and Research Methodological courses PhD Methodology Workshop (Graduate School); and externally Qualitative Research Inquiry (EPSRC Research Methodology Workshop, Wolfson College) Dipl.-Ing. Robert Moehler MSc, VDI o Student assessment and feedback (formative and summative) including marking moderation. o Advising postgraduate students from time to time and providing pastoral care and support, fulfilling a personal/guidance tutor role. Research: o Supervision of research projects (International Collaboration with école d'ingénieurs du Cesi) , undergraduate research projects (BE0553) and postgraduate research projects (BE1036, BE1180, BE1181) o Individual/Collaborative Research see relevant section below Administration/Service: o Module Tutor, Project Organisations (BE1173 and BE1174) o Internal Moderator, Sustainable Project Management (BE1103); Project, Programme and Portfolio Management (BE1170) o Involved in Module and Programme review and development o the Association for Project Management (committee member) o International Project Management Association (active participant and scholar) o Institution of Civil Engineers (incorporated member) o North East Chamber of Commerce (academic adviser), o Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (Young Career Researcher) o Industrial Consultancy and Commercial Testing September2007- December2009: School of the Built Environment Post: Part-time Lecturer Teaching & Advising: o Teaching a range of undergraduate degree modules such as Management, Principles, Practice and Communication on the BA (Hons) Architecture; Sustainable Development for a group of students set together of BSc (Hons) Building Surveying, BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying and BEng (Hons) Building Services Engineering and Research Methodological courses PhD Methodology Workshop (Graduate School); and externally Qualitative Research Inquiry (EPSRC Research Methodology Workshop, Wolfson College) o Student assessment and feedback (formative and summative) including marking moderation. Research: o Supervision undergraduate research projects (BE0553) o Individual/Collaborative Research see relevant section below May 2005-September2007: PepsiCo International, Cape Town, South Africa Post: Project Engineer/Manager I passed the three month Graduate program of PepsiCo. Duties as a Project Engineer included the coordination and management of building an effluent plant for one potato and corn production plant of Frito-Lay (in an earlier internship in 2003, I had been involved in the planning and design). Dipl.-Ing. Robert Moehler MSc, VDI As a Project Manager task involved strategic human resource development of the existing engineering department of the Sub-Saharan and Africa Business Unit of PepsiCo International. This involved a series of workshops and the coordination of action groups and regular feedback and quality control. Change management of human resource after strategic capacity development (business acquisition) January 2002-April2005: German Federal Institute of Material research and testing (BAM), Berlin, Germany Post: Research assistant Duties included Project Management of test-programmes and design of new SPCC concrete, testing strength-testing equipment for international research collaborations in Lyon and non-destructive concrete testing for Deutsche Bahn AG and Royal BAM on their construction sides in and around Berlin. Assisting foreign doctoral students in the institute with proof reading Research Activities Refereed Journal Papers CHAN, P. & MOEHLER, R. (2008) Developing a ‘Road-Map’ to Facilitate Employers’ Role in Engaging with the Skills Development Agenda in the Tyne and Wear region. Northumbria Built and Virtual Environment Working Paper Series, CHAN, P. C. & MOEHLER, R. C. (2009) Formal and informal systems of VET: implications for employee involvement. CLR News, 1-2009, 18. ZIOUZIOU, S., MOEHLER, R. & MURDOCH, I. (2010) Strategic considerations for construction in the People’s Republic of China: the case of German contractors in the 1990s. Interdisciplinary Studies in the Built and Virtual Environment, 3 (1). pp. 56-63. ZIOUZIOU, S. & MOEHLER, R. (2010) Neue Vertriebsstrukturen sind gefordert: Distributionspolitik in der Bauwirtschaft. Baumarkt & Bauwirtschaft, 109 (9). pp. 40-42. JOHANSSON, T., MOEHLER, R. C. & VAHIDI, R. (2013) Knowledge sharing strategies for project knowledge management in the automotive sector, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 65 (2012), pp. 312-323. HANSEN, T., HOPE, A. & MOEHLER, R. C. (2013, forthcoming) Managing geographically dispersed teams: from temporary to permanent global virtual teams, Journal of Organizational Behavior, pp. 1-15. HOPE, A. & MOEHLER, R. C. (2014, forthcoming) Balancing projects with society and the environment: A project, programme and portfolio approach, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, xx (2013), pp. xxx-xxx. Monographs MOEHLER, R. (2006). Leadership in Organisational Change Implementation Projects: A Case Study of Global Companies. MSc Project Management, Northumbria University in Newcastle. MOEHLER, R. C. (2013 forthcoming ). Employer strategies for engaging with the process of Skills Development in the construction sector in the Tyne and Wear area: An interpretive case inquiry in the institutionalised organisation. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, University of Northumbria at Newcastle. Dipl.-Ing. Robert Moehler MSc, VDI Refereed Conference Papers Moehler, R. (2012) KMU Strategien zur Erschließung betrieblicher Fähigkeits- und Fertigkeitspotenziale. In: MarQa - Strukturenund Strategien für eine marktfähige Qualifizierungsberatung: Systematische Personalentwicklung in KMU - Strategien zur Erschließung betrieblicher Qualifizierungspotenziale, 26 April 2012, Berlin. Johansson, T., Moehler, R. C. & Vahidi, R. (2012) 'Knowledge sharing strategies for project knowledge management in the automotive sector', Twenty Sixth International Project Management Association World Congress: Integrating Project Management Standards - The way forward in times of economic challenges. Heraklion, Crete, Greece 29-31 October 2012. Zürich, Switzerland: IPMA, pp. 615-624. Moehler, Robert, Chan, Paul, Greenwood, David and Wang, L. (2010) Engaging with the Skills Development Agenda: an interpretative account of construction SMEs. In: UK-CLR. Moehler, Robert and Chan, Paul (2009) Construction skills development: formal versus informal system? In: North East Research Conference, Northumbria University. Moehler, Robert (2008) SME Strategies in Employee Development. In: UK-CLR and ARCOM: Employment practices in new organisational forms for the well-being of the European Construction Industry, 10 December 2008, University of Westminster, London. Chan, Paul and Moehler, Robert (2008) Construction skills development in the UK : transitioning between the formal and informal. In: CIB W55/W65 joint conference, 15-17 November 2008, Dubai, UAE. Moehler, Robert, Chan, Paul and Greenwood, David (2008) The interorganisational influences on construction skills development in the UK. In: 24th Annual conference of the Association of researchers in Construction Management , 1 - 3 September 2008, Cardiff, United Kingdom. Chan, Paul and Moehler, Robert (2007) Developing a 'road map' to facilitate employers' role in engaging with the skills development agenda. In: 23rd Annual conference of the Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM), 3-5 September 2007, Belfast, United Kingdom.