
Unit: Unit 1 (professions)
Language: French
Level: II
Period: _______
Date: 2 – 3 days
Essential Question or Theme
Talking about professions
Outcome(s) / Objective(s)
Explain which mentor position you would prefer based on the
profession and your own personal traits and skills. WLC
1.1.b., WLC 1.3.b.
Language Functions
Identify and describe professions.
Common Core Standard(s)
 CITE textual evidence to support ANALYSIS of what the
text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the
text. R.9-10.1
 By the end of the year, read and comprehend (literary)
nonfiction in the grades 9-10 text complexity band
proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of
the range. R.9-10.10
Content Vocabulary
Language Structures
Warm-up Drill (Materials: whiteboards or large paper; markers)
● In small groups, have students brainstorm answers to the following questions:
Quels traits personnels sont nécessaires pour être un(e) bon(nne) infirmier/infirmière? homme/femme
d’affaires? (What personal traits are necessary to become a successful nurse? businessman/woman?)
● Have students share and compare their responses orally.
● Prompt students to verbalize which of the mentioned traits they either possess.
Option for further discussion: What impact (if any) do your personal traits have on your desired profession?
How do personal traits affect professional success?
Motivator / Introductory Activity
Ask students various questions about finding and applying for a job. Have you ever looked for a job? If so,
what was the process? If not, what steps would you take to find one? How do you find out the expectations
of a job? Have you ever read job listings? Where? What kind of information do they contain? Do you think
that finding a job is similar in French-speaking countries? Introduce the terms l’offre d’emploi, account
manager junior, and aide soignant. Inform students that they will be reading and analyzing two actual French
job listings and deciding for which position for which they would be best suited.
Development Activities / Guided Practice / Independent Activities
Close, Analytical Reading (Materials: Text Deux offres d’emploi; two different-colored highlighters or
colored pencils)
Independent Reading
● Give students a copy of the reading and two different-colored highlighters or colored pencils.
● Have students read independently and highlight the following items in different colors:
○ Personal traits
○ Any other words they know or recognize in the article.
● In the margins, have students write skills that are necessary for the job, based on the posting (use only
information found in text).
● Have students brainstorm answers for “text-dependent questions:”
○ Quels traits personnels faut-il pour chaque poste? (What personal traits are necessary for each
○ Quelle position vous convient le mieux? Pourquoi? (Which position suits you better? Why?)
○ Quelle position ne vous convient pas? Pourquoi pas? (Which position does not suit you? Why not?)
○ Qulle position préférez-vous? Pourqoui? (Which position do you prefer? Why?)
● If students finish early, have them look up 3-5 new vocabulary terms to share with their groups later.
Unit: Unit 1 (professions)
Language: French
Level: II
Period: _______
Date: 2 – 3 days
Group Work
● In teams of 2 or 3, have students share personal traits and skills necessary for each posting.
● Have students seek out 3-5 new vocabulary words.
● Have students will randomly form new teams. Present questions and discuss new vocabulary with
new teams checking for overall comprehension and new vocabulary acquisition.
Independent Application
● Have students independently brainstorm which skills and personal traits mentioned in the two
postings that they possess themselves.
● Have students use personal trait vocabulary as well as new words and skills learned to choose the
position that best supports their skills and traits.
Alternate or Extension Activity
● Have students participate in a physical poll, asking them to create a human bar graph based on which
profession they chose. Ask follow-up questions:
○ Did one position ‘win’ over the others? Why or why not?
○ Does one position have more girls over boys and vice versa?
○ How do these two positions compare to your actual dream job?
Closure Activity (Materials: Exit ticket prompt)
● If students did not complete the alternate/extension activity above, ask by show of hands or human
bar graph who chose which position and why. Ask students to draw inferences about the results.
● Ask students questions from the warm-up again:
○ Which personal traits can we add to our previous list?
○ What skills are necessary for these positions?
○ What impact do your personal traits have on your desired profession?
○ How do personal traits affect professional success?
● Exit Ticket (based on time, can be written or spoken): Have students fill in exit ticket using personal
traits and new vocabulary learned in the lesson.
Sample fill in the blank:
Je préfère être aide soignant/account manager (circle one) parce que je suis _________________,
__________________, et ________________. Je ne veux pas être aide soignant/account manager parce que je ne
suis pas ___________________.
● Collect.
Reflection In this lesson, I:
 Set performance based objectives
 Integrated higher level thinking
 Included spiraled/ scaffolded questioning
 Included varied activities
 Closed the lesson appropriately
 Set clear classroom routines
 Used technology appropriately
 Engaged students
 Used transition effectively
 Used the target language 90% of class
 Incorporated student-centered learning
 Incorporated varied student groupings
 Incorporated cooperative learning
 Assessed students for understanding
Notes ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________