Checklist on selection criteria of point 17.3 technical and

CALL FOR TENDER N° Chafea/2014/CP/01 concerning
Single Framework contract and Multiple Framework contracts with reopening of
competition to provide services for the teachers' interactive on-line platform on
consumer education
The objective of the checklist is to help tenderers to check if their offer complies with the
selection criteria, as described under 17.3 TECHNICAL AND PROFESSIONAL CAPACITY.
Please fill and sign this checklist as mandatory part of evidence (see 17.3.1 of the tender
Name of tender: ……………………………………………………………………………
Technical and professional criteria for the tenderer:
1) The tenderer or at least 1 organisation in the
consortium (consortium members or sub-contractors)
shall have at least 3 years of experience in each of
the subjects: maintaining, developing, hosting and
moderating multi-lingual websites based on
Name of the organisation:
How many years of proven expertise per subject?
… years
At least one example and maximum 5 relevant
example(s) of multi-lingual website(s) based on
DRUPAL developed and managed by the tenderer
in the last 5 years
- The example(s) should be provided with URL to the
existing website(s) or with print screens, and with a
contact person with up-to-date contact from the client
Yes / No
- Short description of what are/were the tasks provided by
the tenderer in relation to the managing/developing of the
The tenderer or at least 1 organisation in the
consortium (consortium members or sub-contractors)
shall have at least 3 years of experience in the field
of consumer policy and/or education in at least 5
EU/EEA countries.
Name of the organisation:
How many years of proven expertise?
List of projects/assignments/studies/activities
(minimum 3 and maximum 6) performed by the
tenderer in the field of consumer policy and/or
education in the last 5 years
- The list shall have references to projects or documents
such as reports, publications, confirming the tenderer’s
required experience in the indicated field
- The EU/EAA countries where the experience has been
gained have to be indicated
… years
The tenderer or the consortium (consortium members
or sub-contractors) must demonstrate capacity of
providing SEO services in all EU/EEA official
languages. The tenderer must be able to rapidly
mobilise the resources needed to perform the
proposed services in additional languages that may be
required during the contract implementation.
Yes / No
Annex XIII is completed
Short description of the procedure to mobilise
additional resources in additional languages, when
The tenderer or the consortium (consortium members
or sub-contractors) must demonstrate capacity of
providing translation services in the EU/EEA
official languages. The tenderer must be able to
rapidly mobilise the resources needed to perform the
translation services in additional languages that may
be required during the contract implementation. The
provider(s) of translating services must have
experience with web translation.
Annex XIV is completed
Short description of the approach to mobilise
additional resources in additional languages, when
The tenderer or the consortium must prove to have
contacts with national team partners covering all
the EU/EEA countries (those could be institutions or
natural persons acting as sub-contractors or employed
by the tenderer or the consortium). The national
partners can be: consumer organisations/consumer
organisations’ staff, teachers, educators, education
experts, teaching/teachers’ associations or their staff,
universities/university staff, etc.
 Annex XV is completed
 Annex XVII Statement of availability or Written
statement is signed and provided is signed and
provided as required
At least two IT team members with relevant
experience for the required services are employed by
the tenderer or the consortium (consortium leader
and/or consortium member).
Name of the IT team members:
Name of the organisation (consortium leader or
consortium member employing the IT team member)
How many years of professional experience in the
The team members have annexed a CV in
Detailed CV(s), including at least educational
background, professional experience related to the
task to be performed and linguistic skills. The CV
should include the list of references of experience
relevant to the tasks to be performed including a short
description of the project, the exact role, duration of
the project, organisations and countries involved.
The team members have annexed and signed the
Statement of availability (Annex XVII)
Project Leader with a university degree and at least
6 years of professional experience in project
management. At least 2 years of proven experience
in managing projects related to websites on education
and/or on consumer issues. At least 1 year of
experience in managing multi-national/multistakeholder projects. Fluent or native English
speaker. (category I)
Name of the Project Leader:
How many years of professional experience?
The team member has annexed a CV in EUROPASS
Detailed CV(s), including at least educational
background, professional experience related to the
task to be performed and linguistic skills. The CV
should include the list of references of experience
relevant to the tasks to be performed including a short
description of the project, the exact role, duration of
the project, organisations and countries involved.
The team member has annexed and signed the
Statement of availability (Annex XVII)
IT Team Leader with a university degree and at
Team Member 1:
Team Member 2:
For Team Member 1:
For Team Member 2:
Team Member 1:… years
Team Member 2:… years
Yes / No
Yes / No
… years
Yes / No
Yes / No
least 6 years of experience in managing IT
development or IT related projects. The IT Team
Leader shall have knowledge in DRUPAL content
management system. (category I)
Name of the IT Team Leader:
How many years of professional experience?
The team member has annexed a CV in EUROPASS
Detailed CV(s), including at least educational
background, professional experience related to the
task to be performed and linguistic skills. The CV
should include the list of references of experience
relevant to the tasks to be performed including a short
description of the project, the exact role, duration of
the project, organisations and countries involved.
The team member has annexed and signed the
Statement of availability (Annex XVII).
Education Coordinator with university degree and
at least 4 years of experience in secondary education
or teaching. He/she shall have knowledge of the
education policies of several EU/EEA countries.
(category II)
Name of the Education Coordinator
How many years of professional experience?
The team member has annexed a CV in EUROPASS
Detailed CV(s), including at least educational
background, professional experience related to the
task to be performed and linguistic skills. The CV
should include the list of references of experience
relevant to the tasks to be performed including a short
description of the project, the exact role, duration of
the project, organisations and countries involved.
The team member has annexed and signed the
Statement of availability (Annex XVII).
10) Web design expert with university degree and at
least 4 years of experience in web design, layout and
branding of websites. (category II)
Name of the Web design expert
How many years of professional experience?
The team member has annexed a CV in EUROPASS
 Detailed CV(s), including at least educational
background, professional experience related to the
task to be performed and linguistic skills. The CV
should include the list of references of experience
relevant to the tasks to be performed including a short
description of the project, the exact role, duration of
the project, organisations and countries involved.
… years
Yes / No
Yes / No
… years
Yes / No
Yes / No
… years
Yes / No
The team member has annexed and signed the
Statement of availability (Annex XVII).
11) SEO Coordinator with university degree and at
least 4 years of experience in SEO practices for
multi-lingual websites. (category II)
Name of the SEO Coordinator
How many years of professional experience?
The team member has annexed a CV in EUROPASS
 Detailed CV(s), including at least educational
background, professional experience related to the
task to be performed and linguistic skills. The CV
should include the list of references of experience
relevant to the tasks to be performed including a short
description of the project, the exact role, duration of
the project, organisations and countries involved.
 The team member has annexed the Statement of
availability (Annex XVII).
12) Partners’ Coordinator with a university degree and
at least 2 years of experience in managing multistakeholders' projects in at least 10 EU/EEA
countries. (category III)
Name of the Partners' Coordinator
How many years of professional experience?
 The team member has annexed a CV in EUROPASS
 Detailed CV(s), including at least educational
background, professional experience related to the
task to be performed and linguistic skills. The CV
should include the list of references of experience
relevant to the tasks to be performed including a short
description of the project, the exact role, duration of
the project, organisations and countries involved.
 The team member has annexed and signed the
Statement of availability (Annex XVII).
13) Website Moderator with university degree and at
least 2 years of experience in moderating multilingual websites/on-line platforms. (category III)
Name of the Website Moderator
How many years of professional experience?
 The team member has annexed a CV in EUROPASS
 Detailed CV(s), including at least educational
background, professional experience related to the
task to be performed and linguistic skills. The CV
should include the list of references of experience
relevant to the tasks to be performed including a short
Yes / No
… years
Yes / No
Yes / No
… years
Yes / No
Yes / No
… years
Yes / No
description of the project, the exact role, duration of
the project, organisations and countries involved.
The team member has annexed and signed the
Statement of availability (Annex XVII).
14) Web Master/Administrator with university degree
and at least 2 years of experience in web mastering
Knowledge of PHP, (X)HTML, HTML5, XML, CSS,
JavaScript, Ajax, jQuery, WAI-compliance, mobile
formats, SEO techniques, etc. (category III)
Name of the Web Master/Administrator
How many years of professional experience?
 The team member has annexed a CV in EUROPASS
 Detailed CV(s), including at least educational
background, professional experience related to the
task to be performed and linguistic skills. The CV
should include the list of references of experience
relevant to the tasks to be performed including a short
description of the project, the exact role, duration of
the project, organisations and countries involved.
 The team member has annexed and signed the
Statement of availability (Annex XVII).
For all core project team Annex XVI completed
Yes / No
… years
Yes / No
Yes / No
* include more lines as desired