Interfaces in Java

CSE142 OOP :sLab on Interfaces in Java
Date: 5TH April 2012
Implementing a Single Interface:
--------------------------------------------Examples # 1:---------------------------------------Creating a Person Interface:
public interface PersonInterface {
// Compute person's total wealth
int computeTotalWealth();
// Get person's name
String getName();
Creating a Person Class that implements the interface:
public class Person implements PersonInterface {
int cashSaving;
int retirementFund;
String firstName;
String lastName;
// Constructor with arguments
Person(int cashSaving,
int retirementFund,
String firstName,
String lastName){
this.cashSaving = cashSaving;
this.retirementFund = retirementFund;
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;
// Compute person's total wealth
public int computeTotalWealth(){
System.out.println((cashSaving + retirementFund));;
return (cashSaving + retirementFund);
// Get person's name
public String getName(){
return firstName + " " + lastName;
Creating a Main class
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create an object instance of Person class.
Person person1 = new Person(10000, 20000, "Sang", "Shin");
// You can assign the object instance to
// PersonInterface type.
PersonInterface personinterface1 = person1;
// Display data from person1 and personinterface1.
// Observe that they refer to the same object instance.
System.out.println("person1.getName() = " + person1.getName() + "," +
" person1.computeTotalWealth() = " + person1.computeTotalWealth());
System.out.println("personinterface1.getName() = " + personinterface1.getName() + "," +
" personinterface1.computeTotalWealth() = " + personinterface1.computeTotalWealth());
// Check of object instance that is referred by person1 and
// personinterface1 is the same object instance.
boolean b1 = (person1 == personinterface1);
System.out.println("Do person1 and personinterface1 point to the same object instance? " +
// Create an object instance of Person class
// and assign it to the interface type directly.
PersonInterface personinterface2 = new Person(3000, 4000, "Dadu", "Daniel");
System.out.println("personinterface2.getName() = " + personinterface2.getName() + "," +
" personinterface2.computeTotalWealth() = " + personinterface2.computeTotalWealth());
--------------------------------------------Examples # 2:---------------------------------------Interface RelationInterface
// Define an interface with three abstract methods.
// Any class that implements this interface has to
// implement all three methods.
public interface RelationInterface {
public boolean isGreater( Object a, Object b);
public boolean isLess( Object a, Object b);
public boolean isEqual( Object a, Object b);
Class Line that implements the above interface:
public class Line implements RelationInterface{
private double x1;
private double x2;
private double y1;
private double y2;
// Constructor methoe of the Line class.
public Line(double x1,double x2,double y1,double y2){
this.x1 = x1;
this.x2 = x2;
this.y1 = y1;
this.y2 = y2;
// A new method definition of the Line class
public double getLength(){
double length = Math.sqrt( (x2-x1)*(x2-x1) +
return length;
// Implement isGreater(..) method defined in the Relation interface
public boolean isGreater( Object a, Object b){
double aLen = ((Line)a).getLength();
double bLen = ((Line)b).getLength();
return (aLen > bLen);
// Implement isLess(..) method defined in the Relation interface
public boolean isLess( Object a, Object b){
double aLen = ((Line)a).getLength();
double bLen = ((Line)b).getLength();
return (aLen < bLen);
// Implement isEqual(..) method defined in the Relation interface
public boolean isEqual( Object a, Object b){
double aLen = ((Line)a).getLength();
double bLen = ((Line)b).getLength();
return (aLen == bLen);
Main Class
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create two Line object instances.
Line line1 = new Line(1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0);
Line line2 = new Line(2.0, 3.0, 2.0, 3.0);
boolean b1 = line1.isGreater(line1, line2);
System.out.println("line1 is greater than line2: " + b1);
boolean b2 = line1.isEqual(line1, line2);
System.out.println("line1 is equal with line2: " + b2);
// Note that the line3 is object instance of Line type.
// Because the Line type is also a type of RelationInterface,
// the line3 variable can be declared as RelationInterface type.
// This is a very very important concept you need to understand.
RelationInterface line3 = new Line(1.0, 5.0, 1.0, 5.0);
boolean b3 = line3.isEqual(line1, line3);
System.out.println("line1 is equal with line3: " + b3);
System.out.println("Length of line1 is " + line1.getLength());
System.out.println("Length of line2 is " + line2.getLength());
// The following line of code will generate a compile error since line3
// is declared as RelationInterface interface type not Line type
// and the getLength() method is not one of the methods defined
// in the RelationInterface interface. It is commented out for now.
// System.out.println("Length of line3 is " + line3.getLength());
Implementing Multiple Interfaces:
--------------------------------------------Examples # 3:---------------------------------------Interface AnotherInterface :
public interface AnotherInterfaceExample {
// Measure person's intelligence
int measureIntelligence(String name);
Class Person
public class Person implements PersonInterface,
int cashSaving;
int retirementFund;
String firstName;
String lastName;
// Constructor with arguments
Person(int cashSaving,
int retirementFund,
String firstName,
String lastName){
this.cashSaving = cashSaving;
this.retirementFund = retirementFund;
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;
// Compute person's total wealth
public int computeTotalWealth(){
System.out.println((cashSaving + retirementFund));;
return (cashSaving + retirementFund);
// Get person's name
public String getName(){
return firstName + " " + lastName;
// Implement method of AnotherInterfaceExample
public int measureIntelligence(String name){
if (name.startsWith("smart")){
return 100;
return 50;
Class Main
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create an object instance of Person class.
Person person1 = new Person(10000, 20000, "Sang", "Shin");
// You can assign the object instance to
// PersonInterface type.
PersonInterface personinterface1 = person1;
// Display data from person1 and personinterface1.
// Observe that they refer to the same object instance.
System.out.println("person1.getName() = " + person1.getName() + "," +
" person1.computeTotalWealth() = " + person1.computeTotalWealth() + "," +
" perosn1.measureIntelligence() = " + person1.measureIntelligence(person1.getName()));
System.out.println("personinterface1.getName() = " + personinterface1.getName() + "," +
" personinterface1.computeTotalWealth() = " + personinterface1.computeTotalWealth());
// Compile error is expected on the following line of code.
// personinterface1.measureIntelligence(personinterface1.getName());
// You can assign the object instance to
// AnotherInterfaceExample type.
AnotherInterfaceExample anotherinterfaceexample1 = person1;
// Check of object instance that is referred by personinterface1 and
// anotherinterfaceexample1 is the same object instance.
boolean b1 = (personinterface1 == anotherinterfaceexample1);
System.out.println("Do personinterface1 and anotherinterfaceexample1 point to the same object
instance? " + b1);
----------------------------- The End---------------------------------------