Sofia Torres, Sofia Botero, Juliana Gutiérrez and Pablo Flórez Correct ways to use paper & plastic Save ways to dispose paper & plastic Dispose the paper and plastic on the correct containers: Blue containers are for plastic and Grey containers are for paper. Make sure that the containers are animal-proof. You can separate your paper into 3 piles: 1 of white office paper, other of newspaper and the other of color paper and throw it on the correct containers, or give it to José, the one who recycles at school. BE GREEN OR… DYE! Ignore it and we would disappear! Solutions Reuse the plastic bottles you buy Or you can put the paper on the scrap paper bin, so it can be reuse again Classify rubbish Make creative things with the used bottles as pots or pencil cases Good ways to buy paper & plastic Instead of buying a package of little packets of chips, buy one big package and bring the chips on containers that can be reuse. Use both sides of the paper Think before printing, do you really need to print this? Use Preview look or Vista Preliminary before printing Reuse the plastic bottles you buy Be you, be green Have a scrap paper bin and use it. Use both sides of the paper All the paper you buy, make sure it is ecologic paper. There are many kinds of ecologic paper as the recycled paper (you can buy it) made of recycle papers, the ecologic paper using specific rules for avoiding waste, paper from farms produce on a sustainable way, and paper free of chlorine that is easier to recycle Learn how to recycle at internet and tell your friends how to do it, is FUN! Buy large packages of chips and bring them to school in recipients. Official logos Try to buy the less amount paper you can and don´t use it unnecessarily