Empowering swimmers to be lifetime champions in and out of the water TEAM REGISTRATION FORM Parent First and Last Name Information Mother Address Cell & Work phone Email Father Emergency Contact Swimmer Information First and Last Name Date of Birth Age of 6/1/2015 Sex Grade Completed 6/1/2015 Medical Conditions Allergies Swimmer Swimmer Medical Information Doctor Number Dentist Phone Number Insurance Information Insurance Company Name Policy Number Person Insured I certify that the above_____(# of swimmers registered) named candidate(s) are in good health and have no impairments or physical conditions which would endanger his/her/their well-being by participating in the Green Wave Aquatics (“GWA") activities. As the parent/legal guardian of the above named swimmer(s), I hereby give my consent for emergency medical care prescribed by a duly licensed Doctor of Medicine or Doctor of Dentistry. This care may be given under whatever conditions are necessary to preserve the life, limbs, or well-being of my dependent(s). I also, grant my permission that the named swimmer(s) may be transported to the appropriate medical facility for treatment. Initials__________ Furthermore, I the parent/guardian of the above ______ (# of swimmers registered) registrant(s), minor(s), agree that I and the registrants will abide by the rules of GWA, its affiliated organizations and sponsors. Recognizing the possibility of physical injury associated with swim team events and in consideration for GWA accepting the registrant(s) for its swim team programs and activities (the "Programs"), I hereby release, discharge and/or otherwise indemnify GWA, its affiliated organizations, Board of Directors and sponsors, their employees, and associated personnel and volunteers, including the owners of pools and facilities utilized for the Programs, against any claims by or on behalf of the registrant(s) as a result of the registrants' participation in the Programs and/or being transported to or from the same, which transportation I do hereby authorize. Initials___________ Photo Release: I give permission for GWA to take photos of the above______ (# of swimmers registered) for publicity purposes. I understand that said photos may be published in local newspapers, publications, website, etc. Initials___________ PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN SWIMMER WHO IS/WILL BE AGE 18 OR OLDER PRINT NAME ______________________________________________ PRINT NAME___________________________________________________ SIGNATURE DATE _________________________________________ SIGNATURE DATE _____________________________________________