CONCEPTION: A LONG JOURNEY, ONE MOMENT, A WHOLE LIFETIME©2009 by Olga Gouni, Whole-Self Prenatal Psychotherapist, Instructor of Prebirth Psychology President Hellenic Union Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology & Medicine (HU.P.P.P.M.) Co-Director Whole Self Discovery & Development for Greece & Cyprus Before I was born, I existed! Amongst the mists of the unconceivable, indefinite space, I also existed! T he whole spectrum of birth, from conception to motherhood, touches the deepest level of me as human being - biologically, emotionally, spiritually and culturally. Ovulation, conception, endometrial life, birth and the first moments in my life are of the most fertile areas where I am able to discover the underlying causes of a wide range of psychological and physical issues. In addition, depending on the way I have experienced love and caring during my prebirth development, I love, respect and take care of myself when I grow up. Over the last 40 years, it has been more and more evident among the scientific community, that there is an interconnection between my mind and my body. The way I think and feel reflects on my body and defines it. My psychology becomes my biology. Specifically, through the Whole-Self Prebirth Analysis Matrix I also know that the emotional and mental states of my parents, especially at the time of intercourse and the moment of conception are definitive as they become the template, the default biological, mental, ‘emotional DNA’ that are synthesized to me as a new person. In this paper, I will share some of the therapeutic model which metaphorically helps to discover the psychological interpretation in the odyssey of my sperm and ovum and their surrender into each other at conception. THE EGG STORY The emotional history of every mother has been encoded in her since her own conception onward throughout her life to the moment that she conceives her own child. The science of Epigenetics shows that this includes the history of her own mother and that of her grandmother and back all the generations until lost in the depths of time. Unfortunately, the emotional history of humankind has not always been an experience of joy and emotional security. On the contrary, and for long eons of time, women have been underestimated, abused, suppressed, or not respected and supported, as every human being should be. All that the woman-mother feels and the way she thinks of herself, others, life and the way she relates to the world is information that has metaphorically from her consciousness – her mind, her emotions impregnated her ovum and, through it, this information will reach her child. While my consciousness is energetically attracted to the consciousness of my mother. where my mental and emotional bodies grow develop and mature. an amazing phenomenon is taking place in my mother’s ovary. That is the epic story I want to share with you. There is much wisdom in the human evolutionary process. It is the brilliant way that life has conceived to ensure the continuity of humankind. Ova have undertaken the task of passing on from woman to child the genetic information/data to guarantee the continued existence of the human race. And, as the human race evolves the data delivered from generation to generation contains evolutionary codes. The life’s streams of evolution, as Darwin pioneered, may be slow because it is an ongoing process of survival of the fittest. EGGS RESTING IN THE OVARY But let us focus again on the ovum. During the 4th month of the embryonic development, the ovaries of the female embryo have already formed the 6-7 million ova that constitute the total number of ova a woman has all her life. Before this female embryo is born, millions of these ova will die. And this cell death in the ovaries continues at a steady rate after her birth. At the moment the little girl has her first ovulation, around the age of 12, there remain approximately two million immature ova. At menopause the total number of ova has literally and substantially been exhausted. During the fertile period of the life of a woman, her ovaries use only 200-400 ova, of which a much smaller number will be fertilized and an even much smaller will give childbirths. These ova carry the information from generation to generation keeping the unique human code intact. The more positive this information is - in the meaning that the information includes an enhanced consciousness - the richer the information is for the next generation to be born. Thus, the story of the ovum is a long story. Its well of wisdom is traced back to the beginnings of life. Its content includes everything that has happened since life first appeared. Modern biology now proposes that in every one of my cells I can trace information that goes back to the first amoeba. These ova - millions in the beginning and then fewer and fewer but still many - stay close together in a small place. I could visualize them as the inhabitants of a densely populated city. Although, there seems to be an absence of certain obligations in the direction of sustaining the human organism - they seem to exist in a state of “lethargy”- the ova resting and waiting there experience a wide range of things. Karlton Terry sees this state of the ova resting in the ovaries as “a slumber party”. They are all witnesses to the events that take place in this city/ovary exactly the same way that the inhabitants of any city experience the events that take place in their community. This phase of life is characterized by two - at least - traits: communication and common experience. What happens in this environment? How is this experienced by each ovum? How is it experienced by the ovum that takes part in my own conception? Come with me now, as I hypothetically and metaphorically, explore the “slumber party” situation, feelings, emotions, mental images, attitudes, reactions, conclusions or decisions connected with this phase of early experience. What is revealed is a vast amount of precious information concerning the way life in a community might be experienced. THE OVULATION Every 28 days in the life of a woman a new cycle begins. Let us see what happens. Follicle-stimulating hormones (FSH) and luteinizing hormones (LH) are secreted and start their task which is to stimulate and control the cyclical changes of the ovary. Under the influence of FSH a very small number of embryonic follicles will age and only one will reach full maturity and will be released from the ovary to start her journey. What happens at this specific time? How might the experience be metaphorically? A. Since the quantity of FSH is not unlimited but very wisely designed to cover the needs of usually one ovum, is there any metaphorical competition among the eggs? Is there a metaphorical battle for survival? Or, is it a state of trust which allows the ovum whose turn it is to receive the blessings - or the curse - of the hormone to be the one to go? Is it a hypothetical experience of empathy or care for the sisterhood or an experience of the biological instinct for survival that makes the ovum ignore the others and compete or fight for life? Depending on the way that I have developed and evolved, all possibilities are open. If my situation is one of competition, which unfortunately might be the most usual case, this experience is the template for the competition I experience later on in life. There is significant evidence in mythology: the evil goddess INSERT NAME who destroys everything in her effort to succeed in her plans, the seducer, the evil witch. A good example of this is the man who uses his power to betray, spy, cheat and generally do what he can to satisfy his will. Working metaphorically with this moment of ovulation, I can understand the neurotic aspect of femininity, the experience of immense anger, conspiracies, jealousy, suspicion or shocking betrayal by the ones hovering very close to me. B. Under the influence of FSH, the healthy ovum increases in size and becomes full of energy, vitality and health. It is the natural preparation for it, so that it can accomplish the duty that is awaiting it. It can be experienced as it is, a process that needs to be respected and treated with honor. It is the case of respecting my gifts and talents that I am born with to accomplish what my life mission/vision is. But sometimes, ovulation may be metaphorically experienced from a superiority polarity: I am the best, a super hero, the chosen one… and as another Popeye I feel a super achiever - under the influence of spinach (FSH?) - and I may use these superpowers to save poor Olive. Or I may feel Superman who under the influence of an extraterrestrial substance - FSH may save the world. Here, I find the beginnings of a prima donna or, if he is a man, the traits of the puer eternis complex, that is, the man who asks or acts to be the first, the ONE, the most significant of all, in later life. C. As already mentioned, one ovum is to be saturated by the FSH and matures to be released from the ovary. Now, I imagine metaphorically spending a long, long time, literally a lifetime of existence up to that moment of expulsion, with my other friends in this City of the Ovaries and there is a moment that I am awakened to go and leave the others behind. What are the hypothetical emotions? Do I trust that this is the moment for me and there will be a moment for my friend and others, etc? Do I metaphorically hug each one of them or at least my closest ones and then leave? Am I metaphorically filled with horror for the unknown journey ahead or do I trust that I will have all guidance I need? Do I metaphorically feel sadness and bereavement since I am to leave the community and move on knowing that I will never return or that I will have lost something? Maybe I want to stay there, to not move on but stay where I have been accustomed to and I may hypothetically resist for fear of loss. Or do I feel guilt because I have the opportunity and my sisters do not? If guilt is the case, then this may show in matters of devotion in my after birth relationships. There may be a memory of harming, maybe even devastating, beloved ones depriving them of life. Or, guilt may show in matters of personal evolution since it may push away every motivation for personal growth for fear of abandoning dear ones, boycotting my evolution in every possible way and sometimes even feeling hatred for myself if I move on and others are left behind. THE BEGINNING OF THE JOURNEY The departure of the egg so that it can start its own journey signifies a new beginning. At the same time, it can initiate a process that brings me from a state of non-existence to a state of existence. After ovulation, the ovum metaphorically finds herself away from her sisterhood after the many years they have spent together. However, the ovum is not without support. If I look at the biological data, I see that there is a co-ordinated chorus of many parts of the human system that participate in the process. As is always the case in life, whatever comes into existence is the product of many others who work behind the scenes, sometimes for an extended period before the appearance of the final results. As I examine the moment of departure, I can metaphorically deduce a great deal of information about issues of loss, or a sense of helplessness preceding the “destiny”, spiritual guilt, existential issues, resistance to progress or trust and allowance to what is next. As the ovum makes its way down the oviduct without the company of her sisterhood the ovum may metaphorically experience loneliness on cellular and psychological levels. In most cases, I can trace the way I experience time isolated from my sisters at this moment and the template page I have encoded. Depending on the psychological environment, the quality of the relationship between my parents, the self-esteem, the psychological state of my mother and her mind and her emotions, etc. The sensation of being alone can take on many different aspects including dread or fear of loneliness, a desire to be alone, or indifference… Sometimes, I can also trace issues of isolation or a sense that I have been sent away. The journey of the ovum is a transitory phase and the way it hypothetically experiences this phase may be metaphorically imprinted on her primal consciousness and constitute the template page that will come to the surface every time she finds herself in a transition. Will the ovum metaphorically feel unsupported and without guidance in front of the new or unknown? Will she be able to spot the support and guidance she receives along the way by the many other parts of the organism that are there to do their task? Will she feel able to bridge the “chasm” or “space” as she moves from one organ to the next, from one position to the next? Is there a metaphorical sensation of enthusiasm and trust? Or is it a state of doubt, fear, insecurity, threat of life existence, helplessness, vulnerability, hesitance, fear of failure, aimless wandering…? Or is it a metaphorical experience when she feels she is at the mercy of powers that are exerted on her from the outside and on which she has no control of any kind? A repetition of this sensation may be experienced in sports like bungee jumping, parachuting, diving, slides, speeding, skiing, etc. Trust and letting may be emotional default states that are connected with this moment. The way the ovum metaphorically experiences her journey becomes kind of program when I am in front of a situation that asks for allowance and letting happen or be. What will happen to me if I trust and let it happen or be? Is it a state that involves grace or is it a state that brings about embarrassment and feelings of bereavement? The journey experience is also connected with issues of rhythm. Each and every ovum has its own rhythm in the process. This rhythm seems to be violated ininvitro fertilization (IVF). Thus, the person born loses contact with their inner rhythm in a world that is ever growing technologically. THE SPERM. The sperm have only one basic function. They live in safety and have nothing else to do apart from being there waiting. The image of the pre-ejaculation is the image of –let’s say- 10,000 people resting on a beach; endless rows of men drinking beer, doing nothing. This phase does not last long, because if there is no ejaculation within six weeks, the sperm will decompose and will be absorbed by the system of the male to start the process of generating new sperm. But as long as they are in the system of the man, they are sustained by his life force. When analyzing the way a person experiences this “sperm hanging out party” waiting for the tide to go out, I also discover information that casts light on to the way I experience life in the community. Adding in the information discovered when hypothetically analyzing the equivalent ovum, I can get a more complete image on the issue of my evolution. As they are continually produced by the body of man, the sperm do not carry the history and memory depth that ovum do. And this is another blessing of Nature as it can alleviate the heavy burden of the long history load carried by the ovum. So, if the man is healthy on all levels, the sperm can allow the expression of more positive or enhancing characteristics. Thus, I could say that the gifts of the sperm are many as they act as a potential catalyst that speeds up the evolution process. I now can understand this catalytic offer/task of the man in the formation of new life. And, since I now pay a lot of attention to the preparation of the woman before pregnancy, I can also start paying a lot more attention to the man as his preparation for fatherhood can do miracles in the prevention field. THE EJACULATION Ejaculation is an experience that remains in the soul. Ejaculation can be experienced as an unpredictable, sudden event that “takes everyone - the sperm especially – unaware”. Or, ejaculation can be experienced as a gradual process that moves on from a stage that the attention is attracted all the way through the arousal steps to the momentum of the peak experience. And, of course, it includes all shades between the two polarities. What could be the hypothetical, metaphorical sensations, feelings, emotions, thought patterns, self-judgments and/ or decisions connected with ejaculation? Is ejaculation metaphorically experienced with feelings of remorse, sorrow and regret? Is there guilt from religious commands not to spill his seed? Is ejaculation experienced as an act of being sent away from home after the security experienced within the body of man? Is there a metaphorical sense marking finito a brief period of life when there were no pressures or heavy loads? of loss: loss of protection? loss of the power of the father? loss of moments not lived or appreciated? Issues that may hypothetically arise here are issues of nostalgia to return “home” or the longing for union with the divine, feeling of being the one who has the power, protection, and feelings of resistance or reluctance to move on during transitional stages, such as, for example, the first day to school or when I take part in a group (sperm may find it difficult to socialize with other sperm). Here comes the question of speed, surprise and perhaps violence, fear of falling, fear of flying, fear of going very fast, fear of doing something new, all these can be metaphorically related to the experience of ejaculation. Ejaculation might be the template experience when found in situations with an intensity and with an unexpected element. And, certainly, ejaculation does not need to be a negative one. If I allow Nature to do the work and teach me, this can also be an experience of grandiose preparation for a grandiose beginning. You see, ejaculation as well as ovulation mark the end of a lifetime spent in the sisterhood of the ovaries or spent at the seaside resort of the sperm. At the same time, both mark the beginning of a new lifetime. The end of a cycle, which comes as the culmination of the former situations are also the decisive and defining event for the initiation of the new cycle. This initiation sequence may sometimes be reproduced in horror films, amusement park games, in sports and drugs. THE JOURNEY OF THE SPERM Even if the couple love each other and want to get pregnant, sperm undergo an initiatory procedure, particularly demanding: the temperature in the vagina of women is relatively high, higher than the temperature in the testicles. Thus, sperm are exposed to high heat. Furthermore, the immune system of the woman is filled with chemicals to protect her from alien invaders. About 25% of the sperm die 20 minutes after entering the vagina. Under such dire and threatening circumstances in the interplay between my sperm and ovum, I may come to a conclusion that women are not quite right but sources of pain and torture which may be why there is a hatred for women among - for example - criminals, rapists, etc., even against the women they love. If the experience appears as devastating, the shock may be a solution, a ‘strategy for survival’, not just on a cellular level. Metaphorically, there may be feelings of anger, rage, even wrath, sometimes turned against God who allows such destruction. Or, there may be feelings of weakness in the face of existential issues, a sense of insignificance or nothingness or futility, a sense of identification with the pain, loss and futility. During the journey phase, the sperm may metaphorically experience difficulty to move on or may feel hindered and he may experience the agony of waiting to be selected because if not then there will be death. The odyssey journey can be an ecstatic experience leading to a sense of being unbeatable, invincible, a sense of immortality (this is one polarity) or a sense of helplessness, torture, futility and death (the other polarity). Could I understand bipolar states examining this specific sperm experience? What does the sperm metaphorically feel or think when he sees most of his friends or just neighbors die along the way? Could there be such thoughts as “If I manage to survive, I won’t let anybody step on me, overcome me or threaten me. I won’t let anyone behind catch me. I won’t be the loser because if I am the loser I am lost - that is dead meat and I know what death is like and it is unbearable!” Can I recognize an hypothetical underlying cause of narcissism here? The journey experience is relived when taking drugs. It might be triggered again at the loss of a family member, when I lose a game, when I lose money, when and if I can not find what I need, when I hurt myself or someone else. And, finally, it may be the underlying metaphorical cause in cases of depression when there is a sense that I am small, my life is worthless, no good, and if I die, my death would make no difference at all. However, things may not be the way they look. There may be a different interpretation to the event if I take a broad overview and see every part as it is: a part in the big scenario called life. Both the ovum and the sperm undergo a series of changes which prepare them for the miraculous act of conception. Could I say that it resembles the changes that happen to the female and male before they meet together and experience the communion of being husband and wife? Or might they be the changes and preparation necessary before I start a new business enterprise or a scientific or other project in my life. Back to the sperm. When the sperm go through the immune system defenses of the woman and the lethal biochemical barrier in her body, a very small number of the 350-450 million sperm that normally exist in an ejaculation will remain to reach the fallopian tubes. The barriers are a natural selection process which will pass only those of the sperm who are healthy and whole to screen out chromosomal abnormalities. During the first 15 minutes after ejaculation there is an increase in the number of sperm found in the fallopian tube and in the half hour that follows there is a steady analogy of one sperm for every 14 million found in the vagina. Perhaps the sperm mobility is not the most important or only factor in the process. Along the cervical tube there travel only the sperm and not the whole product of the ejaculation. The changes that happen in the female body during ovulation favor the entrance and the activation of the sperm while the sperm mobility is necessary for the transportation of the sperm from one female organ to the other. Furthermore, in the vagina, the white cells remove the dead sperm or some of the other sperm which are not of the right vibrational frequency. As the remaining sperm reach the isthmus of the fallopian tube their mobility rhythm is slowed down to serve the fertilization of the egg by only one sperm. During the first seven hours after ejaculation during which the sperm (that is the remaining sperm) stay in the female genital environment, the sperm undergo more changes which now will enable them to participate in the fertilization process. During this activation process, sperm change both functionally and morphologically. This phase needs to be complete before the ovum opens a window for the sperm she vibrationally knows is the ‘one’! Moreover, modern research has also shown, that besides the activation process there is another one, called a deactivation process that runs simultaneously and whose role is to de-activate activated sperm so that they won’t be able to go on and participate in the fertilization process. What is the selection factor that decides why this and not the other activated sperm is to be de-activated is still to be researched, however, there seems to be a vibrational selection factor, that is, the sperm not vibrationally resonating to the environment are de-activated. When I discover the purpose each part plays in the big picture, my trust increases as I realize such wisdom. I appreciate and respect Nature’s evolutionary survival of the fittest plan even more. I realize that the sperm as well as the ovum is never isolated in any process. They are supported by all other elements taking part in the process. Successful orchestration of the group performance can lead to a successful result. And the result is always successful no matter whether it leads to a conception or not. Well over half of all conception end in spontaneous abortion. Even when there is no conception, this is the best outcome since there was missing or defective information and life would not have been supported. This recognition that all of us are successful and that this success is the by-product result of the recognition and participation of all parts involved can equip us with a complementary life outlook away from narcissistic “If I am not the one I die” or controlling “I’m the God” or any pessimistic “helpless, hopeless, powerless” patterns. According to Whole-Self Psychology, as I analyze the information that comes to the surface while investigating the sperm-ovum journey experience, I discover metaphorical feelings, emotions, thoughts, conclusions, selfjudgments and decisions which I may harbor when I start or attempt to create or generate something new in my life. Depending on the findings, this experience can explain why I may be either successful or not successful in the new enterprise. Back to the journey as the moment of the great meeting is about to take place. There is an innate sense of direction and orientation that guides the sperm in the direction the ovum. It is as if massive magnetic power glides the sperm to seek out the right entrance which the ovum is about to open to him. This vibrational force replicates the same elements when I experience sexual attraction later in life. The first encounter of the ovum and the sperm is an event especially deep and repeats in me after birth in the way I flirt, make love or see my intimate partner. It also repeats when I meet new people for a first time or when I become part of a new group. What are the feelings, emotions, thoughts, conclusions, judgments or self-judgments, decisions I make as an ovum or as a sperm when they/I first see each other? Does the ovum seem as a huge giant (as its size is 80,000 to 100,000 times bigger than the sperm) in front of the much smaller in size sperm? Does the sperm feel overpowered by the ovum? Does the ovum feel annoyed or pestered? Or do they, both, feel open, welcoming, recognized, appreciated and full of gratitude for each other when they first meet? When the vibrational attraction gets stronger and stronger as the two gametes converge, the ovum starts rotating and being attracted by the specific sperm. Research shows that there may be a vibrational match between the sperm, the ovum and the sperm that took part in the conception of the woman leading to a possibility that the sperm taking part in the conception carries vibrational information that also match those of the father of the woman. And, certainly, there is a vibrational match between the woman and the man. You see, when the sperm and the ovum resonate and their resonance reaches the 0 point, then, a new process starts. It is the continuation of every earlier process that supports and prepares the next step. And although there will be only one sperm who will participate in the conception, the other sperm (between 50 to 100 in number) will serve the designated sperm to penetrate the ciliary wreath, the corona, increasing their support offered to the sperm. Various enzymes of the sperm and the oviduct participate in the dissolution of the corona. When the sperm reaches zona pellucida, proteins are at work to help the sperm produce the receptors to attach himself to the zone. Following the attachment, the penetration, the zona pellucida changes its environment and the sperm is allowed permission to go past the second barrier. When the entrance is complete, special sperm receptors are de-activated and while many sperm may have become able to penetrate the zona pellucida, as the ovum opens a door only one sperm succeeds in entering the oocyte. The membranes of the two gametes unite. The head and the tail of the sperm enter the cytoplasm of the oocyte but the sperm membrane is abandoned at the surface of the oocyte. After the sperm is together with the oocyte, the ovum releases enzymes to secure that the oocyte membrane won’t be penetrated by other sperm, the 2nd meiosis takes place, the 2 nd polar body goes away and the mature egg appears with the 22+X chromosomes. This egg is metabolically activated, the connections of the two gametes grow stronger. As they get more closely connected, the sperm and the egg let go of their pre-nuclei coatings. Their DNA entwine and the zygote, the single-cell embryo, expresses carrying the 46 chromosomes of the new human. And… a new process starts all over, the process of generating a multi-cell, complicated self out of this single-cell containing ALL state. Looking carefully at the evolutionary phenomenon of conception, I see that conception is the result of miraculous changes in the preparatory stages that pace the way the communion finally happens. No control games, no competition, no arbitrary conditions. Metaphorically, wisdom, co-operation and appreciation are the keynotes in the symphony of conception. Conception holds one of the most significant templates in my capacity of generating and maintaining relationships throughout life. As I analyze the information around conception I discover revealing data concerning: 1. the templates I carry in my life 2. the main challenges I face in my life, on a personal level, in my intimate life and in my professional career. 3. the quality of relationships I create. Conception determines whether I will allow myself to merge in a relationship; create a communion with another whether it is a marriage or a business enterprise. For a conception to be complete, my biological sperm and egg must be aligned with my psycho-spiritual aspects. Otherwise, the conception is incomplete. When the sperm (my male polarity) and the egg (my female polarity) metaphorically recognize and appreciate the deepest mysteries of each other and the surrounding life environment they find themselves in; and allow themselves to participate and contribute their part, their union will generate not only a new life, but also this synergy leading to a complete conception, will initiate an evolutionary process for themselves, as Self, and themselves and others. When analyzing the conception in Whole-Self Psychology, I discover the hypothetical information that if the sperm or the egg experienced a sense of decomposition or disintegration, a threat of any kind, then the person will tend to react in an effort from the part of my personality to protect myself from pain. If such is the case, I will adopt behavior which will guarantee that no relationship communion can ever take place paradoxically avoiding what my soul, my consciousness seeks above all. But, let us ask: What will happen if the egg does not allow conception to occur? What will happen if the sperm does not allow conception to happen? The answer is “No conception takes place. The process of the possibility of life will revert and will give its place to another process that of no-life, until the next cycle that is to start right away dawns the possibility of life again. THE GREAT PARADOX OF LIFE is that, if because of their metaphorical fear of annihilation, the egg or the sperm do not physically merge into a higher state of consciousness, both will die - cease to exist. The only way for the sperm and egg to survive, is to surrender into each other. If either is incapable of surrendering and merging and synergizing into each other on a psycho-spiritual level, this disparity will impel or compel my personality to act in ways which will cause relationships to die - the very end the sperm or egg may be feeling and fearing. In WholeSelf Psychology practice, we have discovered that if there is dysfunction in any relationship, not just a marriage, it can be because the synergy, which is supposed to have occurred at the moment of conception, did not. TRIGGER FEELINGS Additionally, when I analyze the metaphorical feelings of the ovum and sperm before the conception, at the time of conception and right after conception, Whole-Self Psychology also helps me to discover the trigger feelings which could destroy my relationships. These triggers are my feelings just before I lock into what my female aspect (ovum) and/or male aspect (sperm) believes will happen to me if I surrender into a relationship. These feelings are triggers because they create behaviors. For example, do I know anyone who feels good or happy in a relationship and cuts it off? Is this action taken before the other person leaves? In an effort to save myself from the pain which I think will ensue do I activate my conception template only to bring this pain to myself earlier? The paradox is that now I am hurting myself. The Whole-Self discovery is that the other person leaving may be a trauma but it is simply an event which may be locked in my personality but it is not the event which needs to be therapeutically addressed. It is the good or happy feeling in the superficial phase of the relationship which is the trigger to creating the behavior to avoid what my personality has encoded as to what will happen to me (being abandoned) when I feel good or happy. Another example: How many people do I know who lived together for years and for whatever reasons decide to marry. What often happens six months after the marriage? They divorce! This happens because of the ritual of unioning or commitment. With the ritual and its accompanying good feelings, the hidden triggers - the good feelings before the previous abandonment or split in one or both parties goes off. The ritual also reminds them of the nonconscious beliefs each has as to what will happen to them if they surrender into the relationship. These two patterns, the incomplete conception and the trigger feelings signal a fight to the death - literally, a struggle for each personality to survive. By therapeutically working through the Whole-Self instead of the personality changing those non-conscious beliefs, relationship can begin to develop. I want to add here that when there are enhancing feelings before the conception and no feelings after the conception the conception is complete and relationships are more likely to sustain. The cases that follow are from the personal clinical diary of the Turners: Case 1. Here is a 40-year-old woman who cannot trust men: "The conception is a surrendering into a negative form - VICTIM. It is passivity brought on by resignation!" No wonder she can not trust men. Her non-conscious belief is that if she surrenders into a relationship she will become a victim - resigned to being a victim. "Before the conception the egg is feeling resistance which becomes victimness through resignation." Here I have a pattern of resistance because the female aspect believes that if she surrenders into a relationship she will become a victim and will not have the power or strength to overcome her victim state. "My sperm is like a car. He screeches to a halt! UGH! His heart goes back! FEAR!!! After the conception his heart becomes more calm, complete but exhausted." Her male aspect non-consciously believes his life will come to a screeching halt. At the conception, he becomes more calm but his life force feels exhausted. Case 2: This is the case of a 45-year-old woman who fears betrayal: "I have a yearning to have children - to give them unconditional love! I get caught up making a living. But, I could give to children and a husband. I have a fear of going to sleep. My jaw is tense when I waken. I feel like there is a cloud floating over me. I wait for men to betray me. Before the conception the sperm knows he'll be the one even though others are more vigorous. He has to make a last effort. A lot more effort will have to be made 'alone'. At conception he feels relief. The egg is feeling an inevitability. No matter what effort she musters she knows she will be betrayed." What can be done if one partner, based on an incomplete conception, wants to move into synergy and the other will not or cannot surrender? Either there is no relationship because the dominant aspect will control. Or if there is a relationship one or both parties in the relationship may be suffering until they separate or both are finally able to flow into a synergy. Case 3: A 35 year old man who felt bound to his mother (symbiosis) complained that he could not find a satisfying life in relationships. They were always of short duration because he could not get what he wanted in them. He liked his job and his friends but not a relationship. "At the conception, first there was a great explosion. Chaos! Everything is changing to a new creation - me! I feel a bit insecure. It's ok but unsure. Insecure - but a great moment. It's the beginning of a new Universe!" So, he believes that if he commits to a relationship his life will explode into chaos. Everything in his world will change and he will be out of control. All is dichotomy - he fears and he wants at the same time. "My sperm feels like it is about to jump into cold water from a high tower. At the moment of conception it is a loss of self. It is like a drop in a big new ocean." The allusion of plunging into cold water (emotions) from a high tower indicates his fear of danger that will happen when he is subsumed into the egg's cold emotions. He will be without any control and loose himself in her emotions. An untenable situation. "My egg is in silence. At the conception, she is welcoming. 'Come in!' she says. She is satisfied. It's not a big feeling. It's OK." So, his female aspect believes that she is satisfied but that it will be no big deal - nothing important - just OK. Hardly an impetus to merge into a relationship. One wonders how cold his mother is emotionally. From ovulation to conception there is the metaphorical of a whole lifetime, with the pre-ovulation phase being a sort of gestation period for what is to come next. Conception is at the same time a death - for what existed before and a birth - for the new life to emerge. It tells us a unique story and when studied carefully conception can provide us with a myriad of secrets but always information to support human evolution. Conception is the precious moment when life creates the initial tune that is to define the part of the orchestral piece to be played by the human to come. Pregnancy is the time when this musical theme is to be developed hopefully in another Mozart or Vivaldi classical piece. Birth opens up the doors of the concert hall to invite life to attend and share the blessings of another human existence in the evolutionary life path. A composer reaches the maximum of his talent when he acts from inspiration, ultimate devotion and concentration in his work. For him, musical notes are body and flesh joining together and going apart, dancing in joy or mourning in loss, building up, preserving or demolishing for a new start… So are prenatal processes. Irrelevant of it being a welcome natural conception, or an imposed IVF one, prenatal experience determines who I am and touches the deepest level of the human soul, biologically, emotionally, spiritually and culturally. Endometrial development, birth and the first moments in my life are of the most fertile areas where I am able to discover the metaphorical reasons for a wide range of psychological and physical issues. It also provides for indefinite possibilities in the field of prevention! IS THERE ANYTHING THAT CAN BE DONE? Many things can be done in the sphere of Prevention. Prebirth Psychology is here to support: PEOPLE INVOLVED Prevention starts from the generation that is still living. As shown through Epigenetics, this may be the generation of my grandparents, even great-grandparents. Support systems provided for this group should, among others, foresee for services that will aim toward the alleviation of the traumata experienced by them and to reestablishing balance where it has been disturbed. The stress that is relieved here is also stress that is removed/released - possibly - from my children, also my partner and me as parents of our children now. The emphasis given on the group of parents who now have children or teens - no matter what age their children are - should be to help them move from the abusive, ambivalent or projective state of living to a more balanced lifestyle where they enjoy harmonious male-female relationships in their intimate, family life and nurturing relationships for their offspring so that their children can flourish and implementing their full potential. And of course, healing energy should be cast to children themselves, as soon as a symptom calls for attention. Prenatal communion support and services to promote mothering, fathering and parenthood are among the ones that seek priority attention. Prevention measures should provide for all levels - physical health, psychological balance, and heart-mind-spirit expansion. ENVIRONMENT Prevention begins before conception, during gestation, at birth as well as after birth. No prevention measures can be really effective unless they refer and include the general environment. As everything is interconnected, the health and dysfunction of each one affect the other. All of us need to turn our attention and, no matter where each one of us stands, work together and design services, tools and applications toward whatever could promote balance and the creative life forces. Respect to the use of the earth’s resources, ecological life practices, political decisions made with clarity and wisdom, educational modules with inspiration, artistic interventions that make spirit fly to new heights and much more can be done so that the environment - exactly the way the first human environment, that is mother’s consciousness and womb - can be a nurturing, and a stimulating one, not a toxic one. All scientists, all artists, all philosophers, all people, it is high time to synergize to honor and put to use our unique gifts so that life can benefit. Freeing our relationships on all levels from their toxic residues of ignorance or non-appreciation, I cleanse not only my existence but that of future generations from that which does not serve creation. As I do this and re-establish a new kind of communication between cosmos and mankind, humans and humans, male-female, parent and child new evolutionary dynamics will be unfolded. Prevention is breaking the trance of repetition thereby activating cycle of evolution. As I investigate the depths of the universe and the depths of the human experience, as I approach the soul and reconnect with the Source in an interdisciplinary exchange of wisdom and understanding I can reverse the processes of disease, dysfunction and disrespect for life and re- establish health, peaceful co-existence and balanced relationships in all fields. Is it too late for this? No, it is Never too Late! And Now is the Moment to Reconnect Mind and Heart in all human processes and offer ourselves an opportunity of enjoying our participation in the inevitable evolution that is happening, no matter what. 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