Doubletrees School Curriculum Approaches

Doubletrees School Curriculum Approaches
NC 1 to 5
Pre Formal
Semi Formal
All key stages
All key stages
Keystages 3 and 4, post 16
Pre Formal Curriculum P1-3
A curriculum for pupils with profound and complex needs who need a very special approach to their
learning. This group of pupils will work with familiar adults who will help them develop through using
multi-sensory approaches.
The curriculum is designed to meet the needs of a group of pupils with a range of disabilities and
difficulties; the most significant being a profound learning need.
They all have great difficulty in communicating, which is the key limiting factor in their development. This
group of pupils are likely to remain in the early stages of intellectual development.
Many have a need to develop positive relationships with familiar adults, and to develop behaviours through
which they can communicate, in order to explore the world around them using their sensory and physical
capabilities to the full.
The pre-formal curriculum has at its heart, a personalised learning journey with progress along that journey
measured using Routes for Learning.
Semi Formal Curriculum P4-8
A curriculum for pupils who learn best when learning is related to their own experiences. Some pupils may
learn through structured play whilst others will learn more effectively through functional activities or
through topic-based approaches.
The semi-formal curriculum recognises that many of the pupils have a range of complex learning difficulties
and disabilities.
The curriculum meets these challenges through personalised learning. The curriculum is designed to be age
and developmentally related. It enables all pupils to take part in activities that are engaging, meaningful to
them and provide relevant and challenging goals.
Older pupils will be expected to achieve accreditation in awards and certificates.
There will be a need for sensory approaches to learning. The curriculum also encourages creative learning.
The semi-formal curriculum is for learners largely working at P levels.
Formal Curriculum
Key Stage 3 and 4 NC levels 1 to 5 (and above)
Formal Curriculum
The formal curriculum is for pupils who are working at National Curriculum levels at the end of Key Stage
2. This group of pupils are largely taught through individual subjects such as Maths, English and Science.
Some pupils will still access specialist provision as part of their personalised provision.
Pupils at Key Stages 2 – 4 will follow National Curriculum subjects and the core subjects. All pupils
working at National Curriculum levels within the 14-19 age range will undertake courses and accreditation
routes through awards at Entry Level. This group of pupils will benefit from a structure that enables
personalised learning. Older pupils will undertake work related learning, including opportunities for work
experience. The formal curriculum recognises that many of the pupils have a range of needs and may require
access to specialist provision .This is made available through discrete teaching, for example in the use of a
communication aid or visual perception skills or within the curriculum.
The curriculum for all pupils is enriched in various ways to ensure creative opportunities for learning. This
includes visits to school by music, theatre and drama groups etc. and educational visits locally and