Exam Day leave and 1 dayprior/learning activities agreed by school

Holyrood RC Secondary School
28th April 2014
SQA Examination Period S4 2014
Dear Parent or Carer,
As you are already aware, this year’s S4 examinations will take place in a different context
from that of previous years.
There is a diversity of pupil needs during what has traditionally been known as 'Study Leave'
for the annual SQA examination period. The design of national qualifications results in a
shorter examination period and new models of assessment practice for students who are
engaging in a mix of National 4 qualifications,which are internally assessed, and National 5
qualifications which involve external assessment.
This approach comes as a result of advice from the Education Department, from consultation
with the Parent Council and from consultation with parents.
There are now no external examinations for pupils being presented for National 4
qualifications. The new circumstances give us an opportunity to prepare pupils a little earlier
for the next stage of their educational career; whether moving from National 4 in S4 to
National 5 in S5 or moving from National 5 in S4 to Higher in S5 or a slightly different set of
personal arrangements depending on pupils’ prior attainment.
SQA Examination Period and arrangements for students in Holyrood RC Secondary
For all S4 pupils in 2014, the week when SQA examinations begin will be a week when
students either prepare for exams at home [in the case of National 5 pupils doing external
exams] or, for National 4 students, complete tasks and short projects identified by the subject
departments where they have been studying. For many National 4 students this will start them
on the road to following National 5 courses in S5.
After this initial home preparation week, pupils following exclusively National 4 courses
should return to school on Tuesday 6th May and begin preparation in classes for the next
stage in their educational journey at Holyrood Secondary School.
Pupils following National 5 courses exclusively, or a mix of National 4 and 5 courses, should
attend school to receive further tuition or extension work in preparation for exams or to start
work in each subject for S5.
All students who have external examinations for National 5 will be entitled to have the day of
their exam free from normal classes and will be entitled to one day’s preparation at home on
the day before each external exam. [A student with exams on 2 consecutive days will be
entitled to 2 days’ preparation time at home before the first of these 2 exams.]
• If students wish to spend their preparation day in school instead of at home, the school will
provide an appropriate location for those pupils who wish to undertake independent study
on the study day prior to an exam.
• Learning activities for pupils undertaking a mix of National 4 qualifications and National 5
Qualifications will be provided by the school during those periods when a pupil is not
involved in a study day
There is no change at present to traditional Study Leave arrangements for pupils in this
year’s S5 and S6.
The table below summarises the present position and advice of Glasgow City Council’s
Education Department for this and future years for pupils with differing profiles.
Pupil profile
S4 Nat 4 only
Progression programme Progression programme Progression programme
agreed by school
agreed by school
agreed by school
S4 Nat 4/5 comb.
Exam Day leave and 1
activities agreed by
S4 Nat 5 only
Exam Day leave and 1 Exam Day leave and 1 Exam Day leave and 1
day prior
day prior
day prior
S4 2 yr H
Assessment Activity
agreed by school
Assessment Activity
agreed by school
Study leave
Exam Day leave and 1 Exam Day leave and 1
day prior
day prior
Study leave
Study leave
Yours faithfully,
Laurie Byrne, Head Teacher.
Exam Day leave and 1
day prior/learning
activities agreed by
Exam Day leave and 1
day prior/learning
activities agreed by
Assessment Activity
agreed by school
Exam Day leave and 1
day prior