READING/PRONUNCIATION RUBRIC Speaking 3864190 3864192 3864199 Poor (0 - 1 pts) Fair (1 - 3 pts) Good - Excellent (3 1 Poor (0 - 1 pts) Structure / Flow 3 Fair (2 - 3 pts) Poor (0 - 1 pts) Fair (2 - 3 pts) The student has poor structure and flow. Needs constant help or has many hesitations. The student is approaching a good flow and structure of the reading. Needs some help or has few hesitations. 3864191 The student has po 3864197 3864195 5 Good Excellent (4 - 5 pts) Good - Excellent (4 - 5 pts) The student reads with quick, continuous flow and structure. There are only natural pauses, and has no hesitations. The student is app The student shows Pronunciation / Intonation 3864196 Student makes little Preparedness / Recording 3864194 Reading does not s Poor (0 - 1 pts) Fair (2 - 3 pts) Student makes little or no effort to enunciate and articulate in target language. The student has errors in pronunciation, some effort in articulation in target language. 3864201 3864193 The student has er The student makes Poor (0 - 1 pts) Reading does not show practice, the reading is unnatural. Unprepared. Volume is not appropriate. Fair (2 - 3 pts) Reading shows some practice. Student is close to prepared. Volume is mostly appropriate. 3864200 3864198 Reading shows so Reading is well pre Good - Excellent (4 - 5 pts) The student makes minor or no errors in pronunciation, great articulation in target language with expression. Good - Excellent (4 - 5 pts) Reading is well prepared. Student has practiced often. Volume is always appropriate. Pronunciation Focus: 0-1 Many errors that interfere with comprehensibility; many utterances are incomprehensible. 2-3 Comprehensible, but with occasional errors that may confuse the listener and require guessing at meaning 4-5 Phonetically correct Almost error-free Awareness of accent Genuine effort to sound like native speaker Vowels: a, e, i, o, u, are all pronounced correctly in Spanish (as well defined sounds) Letters g, j, h, ñ, l/ll, r, c, z and d are all pronounced correctly Questions sound like questions READING/PRONUNCIATION RUBRIC Reference: