London Borough of Waltham Forest

London Borough of Waltham Forest
Community Ward Forum
Meeting date: Wednesday 2nd September 2015
Meeting time: 6.30pm-8pm
Location: Lea Bridge Library, 382 Lea Bridge Road, Leyton E10 7HU
Councillors in attendance:
Cllr Masood Ahmad (Chair)
Cllr Mohammed Asghar
Cllr Yemi Osho
Apologies:Lea Bridge SNT
Clerk to the Meeting: Amanda Butler
38 Attendees
No Item
1. Welcome &
Cllr Ahmad welcomed residents and introduced Ward
Actions from
Carried Forward to next meeting 2nd December 2015.
previous minutes
Lea Bridge
Cllr Ahmad gave residents the following update on Lea
Bridge Station:
Work has started in Lea Bridge Station and it is on
target for completion in May 2016
Question: Resident
Why will the Station not be completed in November 2015?
Answer: Cllr Ahmad
There were technical problems which have now been
resolved. However, work has now started.
Question: Resident
Where will the route start and finish?
Answer: Cllr Ahmad
There will be links from Stratford to Stanstead, including
routes from Stratford and Tottenham
Question: Resident
How much freight will it hold?
Answer: Cllr Ahmad
I don’t know. However, you are welcome to ask questions
at the next Transport Liaison Consultative Committee
Meeting which will be held at 7.30pm on 17th November
Lea Valley
Regional Park
Alex Farris- Open Spaces Manager and Stephen
Wilkinson- Head of Planning and Strategic Partnerships for
Lea Valley Regional Park Authority gave the following
update for the last 6 months to residents:
The LVPRA was established via parliament in 1966.
It has been around for 50 years.
The LVPRA offers the public different sport facilities
and open space
In the last year it has been involved with projects at
the Olympic venue in Broxbourne
The LVPRA has formed a Leisure Trust in October
2014 which has become effective from 1st April
The main purpose of the Leisure Trust is to manage
each of their venues and consists of 50 staff. 320
staff remain with the Authority. This has been a
significant change in the way the LVPRA functions.
The LVPRA has 14 venues including the Ice Rink
and Water Centre
Question: Claire Weiss
What effect have these changes made on the democratic
If the purpose of the Leisure Trust is now income
generation, what role does the democratic representative
Answer: Alex Farris
Cllr Gerry Lyons is still Waltham Forest’s representative on
the LVRPA and he is still accountable to residents.
However the ‘Leisure Trust’ is managed by Trustees.
Any improvements have to be funded by LVRPA.
The Trustees include individuals who are Councillors or
have a Management background.
There is a contractual relationship between the Leisure
Trust and LVRPA, which includes performance indicators.
Question: Claire Weiss
Will the LVRPA become completely privatised?
Answer: Alex Farris
There is a 3 year contractual relationship between the
Leisure Trust and the LVRPA, (with a possibility of a 2 year
Question: Sheenagh Joseph
Does the LVPRA own properties on the Argall Estate?
Answer: Alex Farris
You are talking about Lea Valley Estate which is different
from the LVRPA. We have no relationship with them.
Question: Cllr Ahmad
Who manages the Horse Riding School?
Answer: Stephen Wilkinson
The Leisure Trust.
Stephen Wilkinson gave the following update on
Walthamstow Marshes
There have been 2 serious safety issues in the
summer relating to Walthamstow Marshes
LVRPA have been working in partnership with
Police on incidents. There have been no arrests
regarding these incidents, to date. However there
have been no incidents reported since.
LVRPA are in discussions with Police about long
term solutions.
There is a risk linked with open spaces which has to
be managed effectively and within the nature
conservation parameters. It is important to get that
balance. However, the LVRPA has been pro-active
in this regard and have conducted extra patrols
Question: Resident
What will be the long term solutions in relation to
Walthamstow Marshes?
Answer: Stephen Wilkinson
We are working on it
Question: Resident
There was a reported death on Walthamstow Marsh
Answer: Stephen Wilkinson
That was an unrelated to any use of the Marsh. There was
no criminal element to it.
Question: Resident
What about cyclist’s muggings?
Answer: Stephen Wilkinson
I am not aware of that issue. However, the Police should
be aware of that
Question: Resident
Can you tell us the Leisure Trust’s programme?
Answer: Stephen Wilkinson
They are based at the Waterworks Centre on Lammas
Road. Residents can contact the following e-mail address
to make enquiries about programme of
Ice Rink
Alex Farris gave an update to residents on the Lea Valley
Ice Rink
The Ice Rink has been in Waltham Forest for 30
There are 300,000 people who use the ice rink
It is opened for 19 hours a day
The LVRPA is conducting a project to look at the
following options for the ice rink:-
1. Expanding and improving the Ice Rink
2. Build an additional Ice Rink
3. Find a new venue for the Ice Rink around the
LVRPA other locations
The project will involve looking at planning and
transport issues
A feasibility study will be conducted and the
recommendations will be put forward in the next
phase, which involves consulting with the
It is a big project for the LVRPA
Question: Claire Weiss
Can you tell us the timescale of the project?
There are also the following issues to consider:
Impact on the existing Traffic on Lea Bridge Road
If you opt to build an additional ice rink, this will take
up part of the Greenspace. It should remain open
The best option would be to find a location in the
Olympic Park because it already has a car park
Question: Resident
Can the document containing the LVRPA options be sent
to the Friends of Walthamstow?
Answer: Stephen Wilkinson
Question: Resident
Will it be kept as a sports facility, regardless?
Answer: Alex Farris
I can’t answer that. It will be looked at
Question: Cllr Ahmad
We don’t want to lose a sports facility
Question: Shabaz Hussain-Young Advisor
I think that the Ice Rink is brilliant. Waltham Forest does
not have many facilities available for young people. If we
lose our Ice Rink, it will only deter people from coming to
the Borough. Building an additional ice rink is a brilliant
Answer: Alex Farris
The Project Team will be discussing the options
Question: Rev Maria Holmden
Is it possible to consult residents during your feasibility
Answer: Alex Farris
We need to scope it as a viable idea and explore the
funding possibilities. There will be nothing to consult at that
Question: Rev Maria Holmden
You have already heard the views expressed at this
meeting. I think it would be useful to consult during the
feasibility study
Answer: Alex Farris
There will be ample opportunity to consult after the
feasibility study
Question: Claire Weiss
Can you feedback and ask your Project Team to conduct a
local consultation during the feasibility study?
Answer: Alex Farris
There will not be anything to consult on until a decision is
made as to whether the option is viable or not
Answer: Cllr Osho
Who are your core customers? Residents use the Ice Rink.
Can I suggest that a copy of the minutes be sent to the
LVRPA via Cllr Gerry Lyons in order for the suggestions to
be used in your feasibility study
Comment: Resident
Members of the public can attend LVRPA public meetings.
If a member of the public wants to speak about an item on
the Agenda, then they can arrange this with the LVRPA
Answer: Alex Farris
Yes that is correct. The meetings are held at Middleton
House in North Enfield and some are held at the Water
Works Centre in Lammas Rd. There are 2 planning
Action: Clerk to refer to
Community Development
Lead Team: Community
Development Team
Copy of minutes to be sent
via Cllr Gerry Lyons to
LVRPA in order for
suggestions to be
considered in feasibility
Ian Killingbeck gave the following update on the MiniHolland Project:Public Consultation has been conducted in the following
areas of Lea Bridge Road:Section A- Borough boundary with Hackney to the
Lammas Road Junction
The consultation period was conducted between
June to July 2015 and has now been completed
Section H- Whipps Cross Roundabout
The consultation period was conducted between
June to July 2015 and has now been completed
Overall, the results for Section A and H have shown
a great deal of support for the proposals for public
space and road improvements in both areas, which
will now be implemented
There were concerns raised regarding on-going
maintenance in Pubic Space
Question: Resident
I am concerned with the Whipps Cross and Wood Street
Answer: Ian Killingbeck
The Council will be sending out 30,000 consultation letters
to households and feedback will be going to Cabinet
The Remaining Areas on Lea Bridge Road
We are working on the detail for the remaining areas on
Lea Bridge Road. The consultation will be conducted mid
October/November 2015.
We will be running a number of drop in sessions, which will
provide residents with an opportunity to have their say.
We will also be offering ‘walk and talk tours’ which will
provide residents with an opportunity to accompany
architects on these tours and suggest improvements on
Public Realm. The dates of the ‘walk and talk tours’ are
19th & 20th September 2015.
Church Road
The consultation for this area has already been completed
There were great support for the plans
Residents suggested improving the safety along the Road.
The results and concerns will be fed back to residents
Question: Sylvia Sullivan
You say you have received support, how much support
was received?
Answer: Ian Killingbeck
Over 50%. There were 13,000 consultations delivered of
which we received 250 responses. Of the 250 responses,
over 50% were in favour of the plans
Question: Resident
I have to park my car miles away because of the safety
issues on Lea Bridge Road. There is a safety hazard
when crossing Lea Bridge Road because of the closed
side Roads.
Answer: Ian Killingbeck
We want to manage that
Question: Cllr Ahmad
There are traffic issues on Lea Bridge Road
Question: Resident
How are you going to address it?
Question: Cllr Ahmad
Ian, can I suggest that you attend our next meeting on 2 nd
December 2015 and show a presentation to residents on
the plans and proposals
Question: Resident
You need to look at our concerns
Answer: Ian Killingbeck
We want to encourage people to cycle and walk
Question: Sheenagh Joseph
What’s happening to the Markhouse/Lea Bridge Road
Answer: Ian Killingbeck
The Markhouse Road junction is terrible. The Mini-Holland
Project aims to make it safe. Improvements will be made
for pedestrians
Question: Resident
You need to look for alternative Roads which would be
available to run parallel to Lea Bridge Road
Answer: Cllr Ahmad
Any concerns regarding the Mini Holland Project, please email
Answer: Ian Killingbeck
Please feed into the consultations
Question: Cllr Ahmad
How will the Bus lane space on Lea Bridge Road be
improved? There are some patches of Lea Bridge Road
where there is NO bus lane or cycle lane
Answer: Ian Killingbeck
We are working on it
Answer: Cllr Ahmad
We will invite you to speak some more about the Mini
Holland Project at the next CWF meeting on 2nd December
Iain Hastings-Traffic Manager gave the following update on
CPZs to residents:
The will be CPZ Zones implemented in the Theydon
Street E17 Area.
The Theydon St area includes Wetherden St ,
Sybourn Rd and Hibbert Rd
The Council distributed 570 households in the area
,with consultation leaflets on the CPZ plans
Results:-130 responses. 76% were in favour of CPZ
Based on the results, the Council agreed to proceed
with the proposals
Residents will be notified shortly with the results of
the consultation
The CPZ zones will be implemented in December
Question: Resident
Is there a need for a second consultation because of the
shortfall of responses?
Answer: Cllr Ahmad
Question: Resident
Residents who live in Lea Bridge Road was told that they
could not buy permits because they do not reside in the
CPZ area
Question: Resident
Two shops on Lea Bridge Road (who were outside of the
CPZ area) were able to buy permits for the side roads
which were in the CPZ zone.
Question: Resident
The common theme that is being discussed is
consultation. The Council have a list of every resident who
is registered to vote. Why is this information not utilised for
sending out consultations?
Answer: Cllr Ahmad
Consultations are based on households
Question: Resident
Are the consultations in other languages apart from
Answer: Iain Hastings
They are in English
Question: Rev Maria Holmden
Why can’t there be a ticket machine available for motorists
to buy parking tickets (for a restricted period of time) and
display in their vehicles? This could bring revenue into the
Council. A similar scheme operates in Redbridge where
motorists are allowed to park free for 30 minutes. This
would assist residents and businesses.
Answer: Iain Hastings
Residents do not want people to park in their roads. It
depends on the length of the roads
Answer: Rev Maria Holmden
It would only be for a short period of time
Question: Resident
Do you have any plans to implement CPZ zones in
Vicarage Rd, Manor Rd and Malta Rd areas? I have to
park on other Roads. There is a petition to the Council to
implement CPZ zones in these areas
Answer: Iain Hastings
The CPZ programme is based on the requests from
resident’s complaints from the previous year. If a petition
has been submitted, an Officer will look into it
Action: Ian Hastings to
Lead Team: Highways
look into implementing
ticket machines
Jane Brueseke- Project Officer for Youth Engagement was
accompanied by the Council’s Young Advisors:- Shabaz
Hussain, Xhavit Hoxhaj, Danyal Adam Hussain, Luke and
Jane Brueseke gave the following update on Youth
Engagement to residents:
Jane Brueseke manages two Youth Engagement
Groups :-The Young Advisors Group and the
Youth Independent Advisory Group
The groups consist of 60 young people who all live
in the Borough and include young people who are
able bodied and who have disabilities
They work in partnership with the Youth Offending
The Home Office has cited Waltham Forest as
having strong Youth Engagement
The groups remit involves Peer training, being
positive role models and educating young people on
stop and search rights
The Young People are all trained when recruited
Young Advisors have worked with the following
organisations to contribute the voice of young
1. Accident & Emergency Department at Whipps
2. William Morris Gallery
3. Libraries
4. MP Stella Creasy in relation to promoting Sexual
Education in schools
5. Helping and advising on transport and health
6. Sit on interview panels e.g. The recruitment of
the Director of Children and Families
7. Mystery Shopping in Pharmacies selling
condoms to young people
The Young Advisors have won lots of awards. Last
week, they won 3 awards including 1 Award for the
Best Young Advisor of the Year!
Cllr Osho approached the Youth Engagement
Service and asked how they can contribute to the
Lea Bridge Ward. She attended a Young Advisors
meeting and suggestions were made for the Young
Advisors to focus on Careers and Employment for
young people
The residents and attendees were asked if Lea
Bridge CWF were willing to commission the Young
Advisors to conduct a project into schools within the
Lea Bridge Ward by engaging with young people on
Career Opportunities in the Health Service and
connecting local people to local jobs
Young Advisor- Shabaz Hussain suggested an
additional project (from any under spend of the
CWF funding). The suggested project is a
Gardening Club in the gardens of Lea Bridge
Library. The Gardening Club would contribute to
Community Cohesion and the well being of the
Local Community
Question: Resident
Could they attend Church Youth Groups
Answer: Jane Brueseke
They would have to be Commissioned
Question: Resident
Have you visited schools in the ward?
Answer: Shabaz Hussain
Yes, Kelmscott School and Lammas School
Question: Cllr Osho
Youth Advisors are asking the CWF if they would support
the suggested Project in Schools. They would be
engaging with schools in the Lea Bridge Ward.
I think it is a fantastic opportunity.
Also the suggestion of a Gardening Club at the gardens
behind Lea Bridge Library would be a good opportunity to
attract support from the National Garden scheme and
show case our Garden. Do residents support the funding
Question: Resident
How much would it cost?
Answer: Jane Brueseke
It depends on the project you would like to support
Answer: Cllr Osho
If you decide on the Project in Schools within the ward, it
will involve going into schools and conducting a Career
Development Project. They will organise focus groups and
work experience for students
Question: Resident
How many schools do we have in our ward?
Answer: Shabaz Hussain
Question: Resident
I think community engagement is a good idea
Question: Resident
I think it is a great idea
Answer: Cllr Ahmad
We will support the project
Team Update
Primary Care
Lea Bridge SNT sent their apologies
Carl Edmonds , CCG (Clinical Commission Group)
representative attended the meeting.
The CCG’s remit includes the following:
Planning Element
Hospital Services
Mental Health
Primary Care/GP Access-(from April 2015)
Carl Edmonds gave the following responses to questions
posed by attendees at the last Community Ward Forum
meeting held on 3rd June 2015:
How much are the
CCG spending on
the Polyclinic?
How many
patients are being
treated at the
The polyclinic isn’t commissioned
as an entity and doesn’t have a
contract as such, therefore the
CCG has inherited a building called
a polyclinic rather than a service
which delivers what polyclinics
were supposed to deliver.
The Walk in Centre service
provided at Orient Practice is a
financial value of over £400k and
sees 13,000 people each year. It is
open 8-8pm 7 days a week.
Transport access
to the Polyclinic is
restricted and
problematic. It is
not open at
weekends or
evenings why?
The Walk In Centre is open 7 days
a week, 8-8pm 7 days a week.
Patients can use the extended
service outside of these hours (see
Can there be
alternative GP
access available
in the Lea Bridge
Extended GP Service - For
extended opening hours
information please contact 0208
519 3999. Service is open at
weekends In LL service is based in:
Staff will not do
dressing for
patients at
polyclinic why?
District nurses are
refusing to
conduct care in
the community
How many GP’s
are employed in
Waltham Forest?
How many locums
are employed in
Waltham Forest?
How are you
ensuring that
there are enough
good doctors with
Triangle House, Harrow Rd
GP Practice
2-8 Harrow Road,
Leytonstone E11 3QF
In Walthamstow:
The St James Practice, 47
St James Street,
Walthamstow E17 7NH
Information is also available on
NHS choices
Practices can do some routine
dressing. For specialist support or
home service, the GP can refer to
the community wound care service.
District Nurses work in the
community, they will assess
whether or not someone needs a
home visit or a clinic visit at times,
and we would support that as
118 GPs
164 SL (Salaried, Locums,
Trainees etc.)
We are developing a quality
dashboard that will measure how
well practices are performing on
important measures such as
the growing
population? Good
doctors GP’s are
full- what is the
What is the action
plan for patients
who cancel
Why are GPs not
open at weekends
and evenings?
How will GPs use
nurses and other
health workers to
share the
immunisations and Friends and
Family Test (FFT). We currently
don’t deal with GPs as individual
performers (NHSE do this). We are
keen to hear from patients to help
us improve services. FFT is
monitored monthly, we are piloting
Kiosks and commissioning National
Patient Association to help develop
Practice Participation Groups.
Booking and cancelling
appointments should be available
on line.
Text reminders from practices – 2way response available for patients
from 1st October 2015.
Video conferencing consultations to
be available for a cohort of patients
(pilot underway for Diabetes)
We don’t have a policy for
addressing people who ‘continually’
DNA but I have fed this into the
Regional strategy development
We now have an extended hours
service which is provided from 3
locations in WF. This provides all
core primary medical care to all
patients registered with a WF GP.
The service will also be able to
provide practice nurse
appointments over a phased period
We have a strategy going to our
Governing Body in October that
focuses on how we will improve the
way we work with Nurses 1)
Recruitment 2) Retention and 3)
Development. We will identify
incentives (eg career development
pathways and financial. We will
involve nurses more in clinical
Medical Records
GPs have access to patient’s summary records- not
full records. GPs need to ask if it is ok to access
Question: Resident
Can you change GPs?
Answer: Carl Edmonds
Yes. We are developing score cards for GPs. We monitor
GP’s by asking residents if they would recommend their
GPs to friends and family. There are also Computer
Kiosks available to patients to gather patient’s experience
of their GP’s
The Waltham Forest Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
is holding their Annual General Meeting on Thursday 10th
September 2015 at Walthamstow Assembly Hall.
Residents are welcome to attend
Question: Claire Weiss
What is the CCG’s approach on ghost practices? The GP
at the Vicarage Road Practice has been absent for a long
period of time. Patients are receiving a service from a
Answer: Carl Edmonds
The CCG do not deal with individual Practices. NHS
England would look into that.
The CCG looks into the quality of care delivered by
Practices. We want to phase out single handed GP
Question: Cllr Ahmad
When Boundary Rd Practice closed down, there was no
information on the door informing residents
Answer: Carl Edmonds
The Boundary Rd Practice was closed because the CQC
(Care Quality Commission) took action because of a
breach of quality care. This happened in 24 hours. I
thought there was information provided on the door of the
Question: Resident
Practices are now providing a texting and text back service
to patients. This will come into effect in October 2015
Answer: Carl Edmonds
The Primary Care Strategy is being developed and
includes improvements in:
Booking Appointments by phone and online
from April 2015
3 GP Practices being piloted for weekend
Communication by Practices via text
Will be conducting a Skype pilot to patients
Question: Resident
Can we have a Clinic situated in Lea Bridge Road?
Answer: Carl Edmond
We will look into it
Question: Cllr Ahmad
The Lea Bridge Ward is the most deprived ward in
Waltham Forest. We need more Health Services
Question:Cllr Osho
With the Lea Bridge Station due to open, there will be
more people in the area. There are also plans for more
property development in the area which will also have an
impact on the need for more Health Services.
Question: Resident
What are your plans for maternity provision in Waltham
Answer: Carl Edmonds
The CCG are looking into having more community
We want each Practice to implement Patients Participation
Group and we are working with the National Patients
Association in relation to this
Healthwatch leaflets are also available at this evening’s
Any Other
Comment: Claire Weiss
You are invited to celebrate the life of Katy Andrews who
was an Activist for Walthamstow & Leyton Marshes and
attended many CWF meetings. Katy sadly passed away
recently. She will be very much missed.
The Celebration of her life will be held on Wednesday 23rd
September 2015 at 6.30pm on the boundary of
Walthamstow and Leyton Marshes
Question: Resident
Can we have reduce the items on the Agenda to 2 topics
in the future because of time constraints
Comment: Resident
There is a Facebook page for Lea Bridge and Markhouse
residents. Please visit the page. Details of Community
Ward Forum meetings are posted on the page
Question: Resident
When will the SNT attend a meeting?
Answer: Cllr Ahmad
The Ward Panel Meeting will be held on 9th September at
7pm at Lea Bridge Library. The meeting will be focused
on SNT issues.
Meeting Ends: 8.35pm
Date of Next CWF meeting: Wednesday 2nd December
2015 at 6.30pm to 8.30pm at Lea Bridge Library, 382
Lea Bridge Rd E10 7HU