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Running head: THE SOURCE
The Source of Global Warming
Roberto Ceballos
Texas A&M International University
Running head: THE SOURCE
Running head: THE SOURCE
One of the most controversial subjects in the world is the increase in average
temperature and the environmental damages caused by pollutants. In other words, global
warming. Has global warming begun? How can we stop global warming? How can global
warming affect our way of living? These are common asked questions by individuals. The real
question in this argument is global warming man-made? Some agree that global warming is
man-made; there is the burning of fossil fuels, greenhouse gases arising too the Earth's
atmosphere, and the beginning of deforestation. Others might disagree stating that there is no
proof , several scientific facts, and last but not least solar radiation.
We have been burning fossil fuels for centuries, but all this began to escalate in the
20th century and it carried onto 21st century. The production of the three main fossil fuelspetroleum, natural gas, and coal have nearly tripled since the beginning of the nineteenhundred's. How does this affect the environment? The combustion of these fossil fuels create
chemicals that flow through the air, up to the clouds, and later come back down as acid rain.
Acid rain is what causes the decomposition of natural rocks mainly sedimentary for example
limestone. In general, acid rain is caused by fossil fuels that we burn to supply us with energy.
There is a solution to this; instead of using these harmful non-renewable resources, we can begin
to use inexhaustible resources such as solar energy, wind energy hydropower energy, or even
tidal energy.
The greenhouse effect is the trapping of Earth's gases in the atmosphere. These gasses
allow the sun's radiation to flow into the Earth, so that our surface can keep warm. These gases
include water vapor, ozone, methane, and carbon dioxide. How does this cause global warming?
It does not, the greenhouse effect is a complete natural cycle. However, humans affect this cycle
by the use of fossil fuels. Adding more carbon dioxide too the cycle in other words we are
unbalancing it. Where is this extra carbon dioxide coming from? It is simple the extra CO2
comes from daily use such as transportation fuels, power stations, industrial factories, and land
wastes. This is causing the ozone layer to let in more heat than the average, which is why polar
ice caps and glaciers have melted in the north-south poles.
The beginning of deforestation; is simply knocking down trees, eliminating our
oxygen providers, and harming the environment. "Earth, Skinned Alive." (New York Times,
1991, Headline) Yes, chopping down trees to fabricate limber in order to build homes is a good
thing. Now, if in the future all the trees in this world are used up. There will be no need for
homes because our planet would die without them. Humans inhale oxygen and exhale carbon
dioxide. Meanwhile, plants and trees do the opposite. They take in carbon dioxide to create the
oxygen humans need to survive. No trees means no oxygen, which means no animal and human
life. Deforestation is the contribution for global warming. Because without the trees carbon
dioxide levels will rise and unbalance the greenhouse cycle.
In the end, fossil fuels, the greenhouse effect, and deforestation all tie up together to
create global warming. They all connect the burning fossil fuels causes massive levels of carbon
Running head: THE SOURCE
dioxide too rise, so that creates the greenhouse effect. Deforestation eliminates the breaking
down of carbon dioxide and contributes to the global warming. Finally, the greenhouse effect
will receive massive amounts of carbon dioxide and unbalance its natural cycle. Then this will
create the holes in the ozone layer and it will cause the Earth's surface temperature to rise. This is
global warming and we are its cause.
There are many solutions to global warming. First of all, humans should reduce, reuse,
and recycle. Instead of throwing plastic bottles and aluminum cans in the trash. Reuse these
materials that way their won't have to be any extra resources being spent just to make them all
over again. Second of all, lower our transportation fuels by getting from point A to point B by
either walking or riding a bike. Lastly, the use of electronic devices; why not do mother nature a
favor and unplug them while they aren't being used. Why do this? Electronic devices still
generate electricity when they are connected even their off. These are just a couple of solutions
to slow down global warming and one day prevent it. The world needs to come together as a
whole to realize that us humans are the cause of global warming.
The other side of the argument states that global warming is not man-made some even
stating that there is no proof of this matter. Their is several scientific facts that back it up as well
for example; temperature and timing.
It is said that the amount of carbon dioxide humans produce should cause an increase
in temperature, but this is not happening. On the contrary the Earth in fact has been a lot warmer
years back than it is now. The ten most hottest years the planet Earth has ever experienced have
been from the 1860's to latest 1973.
According to Dr. David Evans "The timing is all wrong for the theory of man-made
global warming." (A Simple Proof, November 29, 2009) Dr. David Evan's article talks about
human emissions and around what time they had the greatest effect.
The temperature of our planet began to increase in the 1700's. That is more than three
hundred years ago. There was no refineries or transports that required fossil fuels back in that
time. The human production of carbon dioxide before the 1850's was less than it is now. In other
words there is no way that humans have been causing the rise of temperature since the
temperature increased in several degrees throughout the 1700's. In fact human emissions of
carbon dioxide began to increase in 1945. Since then the Earth's temperature has not increased as
much as it did back in the 1700's when the emissions were low. According to Dr. David Evans
"If human emissions of carbon dioxide caused global warming, then there would be massive and
accelerating global warming after 1945 and almost no global warming before 1945. Obviously
this is not the case." (A Simple Proof, November 29, 2009)
In conclusion to this argument global warming is still being decided if its theory of it
being man-made is true. There is enough of proof on both sides to balance the argument. This is
an endless argument due to both sides having hard facts to back up their reason. The only way
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for the theory of man-made global warming to be true is for humans to accept it other than that
the argument continues.
Running head: THE SOURCE
Works Cited
Evans. Dr. E.(1991). A Simple Proof that Global Warming Is Not Man-Made.
Cohenite. (2013). 10 Reasons why Man-Made Global Warming is Wrong.