AP Art History - Japan Before 1333 CE Assessment

Japan Before 1333 CE
Name: ___________________________________________
Score: _____/62
Chapter 8 introduces the early art of Japan and notes the debt it owes to the Chinese art tradition.
The introduction of the religion of Buddhism in 552 CE accounts for the many Japanese created
statues of the Buddha image in shrines. A prime topic of study in this chapter is Japanese
architecture's harmonious coexistence of tradition and innovation. Students should be familiar
with the Ise Shrine (FIG.8-6) as a building that is regularly rebuilt in order to purify the site as
well as renew the materials, and the Kondo “Golden Hall” (FIG. 8-9). Students should pay
particular attention to reading and reflecting on the description of “Shinto” found on page 211
and understand the religious reasons for the periodic rebuilding of Shinto shrines.
Art forms and visual aesthetics developed during this early period as well. When answering the
following questions consider three art historical thematic trends:
1. Narrative in Art
2. The Human Body
3. Nature is Portrayed
Make sure to use proper art history terminology when answering the questions.
1. What is the main art form of the Jomon culture and what function did it serve to the
Jomon culture? (2 points)
2. How do Jomon vessels differ from the Neolithic Chinese examples? Use specific
examples. (6 points)
3. Name two cultures that had the strongest influence on the development of Japanese art.
Give an example of these influences. (4 point each)
a. __________________________________________________________________
i. ____________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________________
i. ____________________________________________________________
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Japan Before 1333 CE
4. What was the purpose of the great tumuli that were built during the Kofun Period? (2
5. Questions (a & b) relate to the same structure.
a. Name the largest and most important Shinto shrine in Japan. (1 point)
b. What Japanese custom assures us that the present building looks pretty much like
the first and original one? (2 points)
6. Identify the following (briefly) (2 points each)
Ridge pole:
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Japan Before 1333 CE
Buddha triad:
Torii Busshi:
7. Describe the type of image that was introduced during the Heian period that reflected the
influence of Esoteric Buddhism. (2 points for question and 1 point for example)
8. What is the Tale of Genji? (2 points for “a” and 1 point each for “i” and “ii”)
a. __________________________________________________________________
i. Who wrote it? ________________________________________________
ii. When did they write it? ________________________________________
9. List three stylistic characteristics of the Yamato-e style seen in the Genji scrolls (8-14).
(1 point each)
a. __________________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________________
10. Using either architecture, painting, or sculpture (relief or freestanding) compare and
contrast one piece from this chapter to an item in the western tradition. The piece from
the western tradition has to be from within 100 years (before or after) of the piece you
choose from this chapter. (20 points)
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a. Japanese piece:
i. Title: _______________________________________________________
ii. Date: _______________________________________________________
iii. Place: ______________________________________________________
b. Western piece:
i. Title: _______________________________________________________
ii. Date: _______________________________________________________
iii. Place: ______________________________________________________
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Japan Before 1333 CE
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