Chemical and Volume Control System


Chemical and Volume Control


ACADs (08-006) Covered



Supporting Material



Instrumentation & Controls Training

Classroom Lesson

I&C Program

LP Number: NIA9902XC003

Title: Chemical and Volume Control System

Date: 07/12/2000

Rev. : 01 Rev Author: Norman R. Cooley

Technical Review:Robin T. Meredith

Duration : 3 Hours

Teaching Approval:

I&C Program

Title: Chemical and Volume Control System


Site Maintenance Training Program Description

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Lesson Plan #: NIA9902XC003






Systems Training Manual Volume 41 "Chemical and Volume Control"

Tasks Covered

The following tasks are covered in Chemical and Volume Control System:

Task Number* Task Statement

Total tasks: 0

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Title: Chemical and Volume Control System

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Lesson Plan #: NIA9902XC003


1.0 Given the appropriate references,, the participant will be able to recognize the components, functions and operation of the Chemical and Volume Control System.

1.1 Identify the functions associated with the Chemical and Volume Control


1.2 Identify the components and the systems which interface with the CVCS.

1.3 Recognize the operation of the CVCS.

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Title: Chemical and Volume Control System

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Lesson Plan #: NIA9902XC003

Lesson Introduction:Chemical and Volume Control System


If applicable, remind students of class guidelines as posted in the classroom.

Attendance Sheet

Pass the attendance sheet around and have it signed in black ink.


Ensure that student materials needed for the class are available for each student. (For materials required, refer to the list of materials on the cover page.)

Questions and Participation

Emphasize student participation and remind them of your philosophy on asking and answering questions, If applicable.


Give a brief statement or story to get student concentration focused on the lesson subject matter.


Give a brief statement which introduces the specific lesson topic. Should be limited to a single statement.


Focus students attention on the benefits they derive from the training. At Instructors discretion. The need for remotivation in each succeeding lesson must be analyzed by the Instructor and presented as necessary.

Instructor should include how the STAR process can be used to improve or enhance Operator

Performance, if applicable.

Lesson Terminal Objective

Read and discuss lesson terminal objective and review lesson enabling objectives, if desired.


If applicable, briefly preview the lesson topic outline and introduce the major points to be covered. The objectives review may have been sufficient.

REINFORCE the following PVNGS management expectations as opportunities become available

Nuclear Safety

Industrial Safety Practices

STAR and Self-Checking

Procedure Compliance

Communication Standards


Prevent Events

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Title: Chemical and Volume Control System

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Lesson Plan #: NIA9902XC003

Course Terminal Objective

Given the appropriate references, the participant will be able to recognize the components, purposes and capabilities of the Plant Systems and Components as demonstrate by 80% overall proficiency on a series of three written examinations.

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Title: Chemical and Volume Control System

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Lesson Plan #: NIA9902XC003

T.Obj 1.0 Given the appropriate references,, the participant will be able to recognize the components, functions and operation of the Chemical and Volume Control System.

EO 1.1 Identify the functions associated with the Chemical and Volume

Control System.

1.1.1 Main Idea

A. Functions.

1. Maintain reactor coolant inventory.

Primary Indicator = PZR Level

2. Provide makeup for losses from small RCS piping leaks.

3. Provide continuous measurement of RCS boron concentration and fission product activity.

4. Control RCS boron concentration.

5. Maintain RCS chemistry, purity and continuous noble gas removal.

6. Supply seal injection water to RCP seals and collect their controlled leakoff.

7. Provide auxiliary pressurizer spray.

A Post TMI Requirement

8. Provide reactor makeup water supply to various auxiliary equipment.

9. Provide borated water for Engineered Safety Feature pump operation.

10. Provide makeup to the spent fuel pool.

11. Provide purification of shutdown cooling flow.

12. Provide a means for functional testing the check valves isolating the Safety Injection System from the RCS, the leak testing the RCS.

13. Provide a means of transferring ion exchanger resin to the Solid Radwaste System.

14. To receive, store and separate borated water for re-use and/or discharge to the Liquid Radwaste


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Lesson Plan #: NIA9902XC003

EO 1.2 Identify the components and the systems which interface with the


1.2.1 Main Idea

A. Component Sub-systems


1. Letdown and Charging

2. RCP Seal Injection and Chemical Addition.

3. Reactor Makeup and Refueling Water.

4. Radioactive Collection, Processing and Storage.

5. Boric Acid Reclamation.

I&C Program

Title: Chemical and Volume Control System

EO 1.3 Recognize the operation of the CVCS.

1.3.1 Main Idea

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Lesson Plan #: NIA9902XC003


Sub-system Components, Flowpaths, and Descriptions.

1. Letdown and Charging Components

T002 a. Regenerative Heat Exchanger. b. Letdown Heat Exchanger. c. Purification Filters (2). d. Boronometer and Process Radiation Monitor. e. Purification Ion Exchangers. (Mixed Bed) f. Deborating Ion Exchanger.(Anion Bed) g. Volume Control Tank. (VCT) h. Charging Pumps (3). i. Piping and Valves.


Letdown Isolation Valves (3).

2) Letdown Flow Control Valves (2).

3) Back Pressure Control Valves (2).

2. Letdown and Charging Flowpath.

Trace flowpath on T002. a. Reactor Coolant Letdown from RCS at loop 2B cold leg (135 gpm max; 80 gpm normal flow). b. Flow passes through three normally open isolation valves. c. Coolant temperature reduced from 564

F to 278

F at regenerative heat exchanger. Transfer from letdown tube to charging shell.

Stress that this conserves RCS thermal energy. d. Pass through one or both letdown flow control valves. e. Pass through tube side of letdown heat exchanger; cooled, by nuclear cooling water flow on shell side, to 120

F.(ion exchange resins will melt at temperatures greater than 160

F) f. Two back pressure control valves maintain system pressure at 420-500 psig.(this keeps the letdown in the letdown heat exchanger from flashing to steam) g. Pass through one of two purification filters. h. Portion of flow to boronometer and process rad. monitor.

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Lesson Plan #: NIA9902XC003

1) Boronometer: AmBe neutron flux measured through coolant, flux inversely proportional to boron concentration.

2) Process Radiation Monitor: Single channel gamma spectro-meter measures Rb-88 for fission product activity; Second channel measures gross activity (10 -4 to 10 -2 uc/cc). i. Automatic flow bypass activation at 140

F. j. Pass through ion exchangers (36.2 Ft 3 each).

Stress that ion exchangers can be a source of high level radiation.

1) One, mixed bed, purifying. Runs continuously to remove ionic impurities.

2) One, runs as necessary, to control pH through lithium concentration control and as a mixed bed purifier.

3) One, deborating, used near end of core life.

Note: Ion exch. involves less water than does boron dilution. k. Flow through common strainer. l. Flow to VCT via spray nozzle.

1) 5110 gallon tank,

60% coolant,

40% gas.

2) H


used as O


scavenger in radiolysis of water.

3) Collects RCP bleedoff (about 8 gpm), provides net positive suction head for charging pumps.

4) At high water level, excess diverted to holdup tank (60%).

5) At low water level, makeup provided by ref. water and/or reactor makeup water tanks. m. (3) Three cylinder, positive displacement, 44 gpm, 2470 psi reciprocating charging pumps, driven by 100 HP motors.

1) One always in service, one normally in service, one in standby.

2) Controlled by pzr level controller. n. Charging flow reheated at shell side of regenerative heater (132 gpm max; 88 gpm normal). o.

Charging flow directed, as needed, to:

1) RCP Seal Injection System (27 gpm (6.6gpm for each pump))

2) Regen Heat Exchanger (495

F; 61 gpm normal flow) to loop 2A T c


3) Pzr Aux. Spray Line (for forced depressurization of RCS during LOCA).

3. RCP Seal Injection and Chemical Addition Sub-system components.

T003 a. RCP Seal Injection Heat Exchanger. b. RCP Seal Injection Filters (2). c. Chemical Addition Tank (8 gallon).

I&C Program

Title: Chemical and Volume Control System d. Chemical Addition Pump (25 gpm, 7.5 HP motor).

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Lesson Plan #: NIA9902XC003 e. Piping and Valves.


RCP Seal Injection Flowpath. a. Portion of charging pump flow directed to seals. b. Flows through tube side of seal injection heat exchanger.

Aux Steam to this heat exchanger has been isolated and is no longer used. c. Passes through seal injection filters. d.

Line divides into (4) branches one for each RCP. e. Automatic flow control valve regulates to 6.6 gpm to each RCP.

5. Chemical Addition Description and Flowpath a. Self contained package of:

1) Chem. addition tank

2) Outlet strainer

3) Positive displacement pump b.

Chem. add. pump takes suction off chem. add. tank. c. Discharge of chem. add. pump is upstream of regenerative heat exchanger charging header.

6. Reactor Makeup and Refueling Water Subsystem Components. a. Reactor makeup water tank (480,000 gal). b. Reactor Makeup Water Pumps (2 - 30HP, 165 gpm). c. Refueling Water Tank (750,000 gal). d. Boric Acid Makeup Pumps (2 - 30 HP, 165 gpm). e. Boric Acid Batch Tank, equipped with heaters and a mixer to maintain solution (632 gallon).

7. Reactor Makeup Water (RMW) Description. a. RMW tank receives pure water from:


Demineralized water storage tank

2) Liquid radwaste system recycle monitor tank

3) Boric acid concentrator b. RMW pumps take suction off RMW tank, discharge, as needed, to:

1) RM supply header,

2) Resin transfer supply header,

3) VCT,

4) Charging pump suctions.

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Lesson Plan #: NIA9902XC003 c. Makeup control valves, installed at RWM and boric acid makeup pumps positioned to be regulated by makeup flow controller.

8. Refueling Water Sub-system Description. a. Refueling water tank receives boric acid from:

1) Boric acid batching tank,

2) Boric acid concentrator bottoms. b. Ref. water tank stores plant's borated water (4000 - 4400 ppm boron). c.

Boric acid makeup pumps take suction off ref. water tank and discharge to:

1) VCT,

2) Charging pump suctions. d. Alternate paths:

1) Bypass boric acid makeup pumps, goes directly to charging pump suction.

2) Two (20) inch lines from ref. water tank to suction of Engineered Safety Features (ESF) train for emergency borated water.

Draw basic layout of unit and identify location of RMWT and RWT.

9. Radioactive Collection, Processing and Storage Sub-system.

T005 a. Major components

1) Reactor Drain Tank (RDT)

2) Equipment Drain Tank (EDT)

3) Reactor Drain Pumps, (2) (RDP)

4) Reactor Drain Filter (RDF)

5) Pre-Holdup Ion Exchanger (PHIX)

6) Gas Stripper (GS)

7) Piping and Valves b. Flowpath


Collects water from a) Letdown flow diverted from VCT during feed and bleed operations for:

(i) Shutdowns

(ii) Startups

(iii) Boron dilution over core life b) RDT contents c) EDT contents

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Lesson Plan #: NIA9902XC003

2) VCT flow enters subsystem just downstream of RDF, upstream of PHIX temp. bypass valve.

3) RDT and EDT contents processed by RDP's to RDF and PHIX temp. bypass valve.

4) VCT, RDT, EDT flow normally through PHIX and its strainer a) Removes resin, lithium, ionic radionuclides b) At temperatures greater than (140)

F bypass valve, bypass PHIX to prevent resin damage.

5) Flow then to gas stripper for hydrogen and fission gas removal.

6) Flow then to: a) VCT b) Holdup tank, at (60)% VCT level c) Boric acid reclamation sub-system at (550,000) gallon holdup tank volume. c. Component Functions and Descriptions

1) RDT a) Functions

(i) Receives and condenses design discharges from PZR safety valves.


Prevent discharges from being released to containment.

(iii) Receives thermal relief valve discharges from SDCS and SIS.

(iv) Receives gravity drain and leakage of reactor grade quality water from containment components and from RCS. b) Description

(i) 2850 gallon capacity

(ii) Horizontal cylindrical

(iii) (120) to (140)

F normal; (350)

F design temperature.


Austenitic stainless steel.

2) EDT a) Functions

(i) Receives gravity drains from recycle drain header and ion exchanger drain header.

(ii) Receives gas stripper bypass for (30) minutes and accepts discharge from misc. relief valves. b) Description

(i) Horizontal, cylindrical

(ii) (10,630) gallon capacity

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Lesson Plan #: NIA9902XC003

(iii) (120)

F normal, (300)

F design temp.

(iv) Austentic stainless steel.


RDP's, (2) a) Function - Transfer RDT and EDT contents to PHIX, GS and/or holdup tank. b) Description

(i) Horizontal, centrifugal

(ii) (60) - (80) PSIG normal, (150) - (200) PSIG design pressure

(iii) (60) - (90)

F normal, (250)

F design temp

(iv) (165) gpm

(v) (7.5) hp electric motor

4) RDF a) Function - Remove insoluble particulates from RDT, EDT, Holdup Tank contents before PHIX and GS processing. b) Description - Replaceable cartridge designed to remove (98)% all particle 2 microns or larger.

5) PHIX a)

Function - Purifies RDP discharge and VCT diversion. b) Description - Mixed-bed (cation/anion) - ion exchanger. c) Resin replacement by sluicings. d) Spent resin discharged to SRS.

6) Gas Stripper a) Function - Degas all system process fluids b) Description

(i) Non-Condensable gases, water vapor and fission gasses discharged to GRS.

(ii) Process fluid heated to (200)

F by aux. steam through packed tower using steam for gas stripping medium.

(iii) Process fluid discharged to holdup tank through process rad. monitor, or VCT

7) Boric Acid Reclamation Subsystems

T006 a) Major Components

(i) Holdup Tank

(ii) Holdup Pumps

(iii) Boric Acid Concentrator, (BAC)

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Lesson Plan #: NIA9902XC003

(iv) Boric Acid Condensate Ion Exchanger (BACIX) b) Flowpath


Operates as necessary when holdup tank contents need processing.

(ii) Holdup tank contents pumped by holdup pumps to BAC or to RDF, if Rad.

Levels too high, for reprocessing.

(iii) BAC bottoms, transferred to RWT for reuse.

(a) Contamination of BAC bottoms sent to SRS.


Distillate (steam condensed and cooled in process flow) sent to RMWT via BACIX.

(iv) BACIX prevents boron carryover to RMWT. c) Component Functions and Descriptions

(i) Holdup tank

(a) Functions

(i) Stores all recoverable reactor coolant.

(ii) Provides NPSH for holdup tanks.

(b) Description


Vertical, cylindrical.

(ii) )(550,000) gallon capacity based on storage of all recoverable water from back-to-back cold shutdowns to (5)% subcritical and subsequent startup at (90)% core life.

(iii) When tank reaches (50,000) gallons BAC begins processing.

(iv) Vented to fuel building vent system

(ii) Holdup pumps, (2)

(a) Functions

(i) Transfer holdup tank contents to BAC

(ii) Recirc. back to hold-up tank to prevent dead-heading the pump as

BAC inlet valve cycles.

NOTE: Pump flow required at all times to prevent pump shut-off head damage.

(b) Description

(i) Horizontal, centrifugal


(50) gpm

(iii) BAC

(iii) (7.5) hp electric motor

(a) Functions

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Lesson Plan #: NIA9902XC003

(i) Process holdup pump discharge by heating and vaporizing fluids

(ii) Evaporation concentrates bottoms to RWT range


Near acid free vapors, condensed, cooled and pumped through


(iv) Vapors can be bypassed to plant vent to control RCS tritium buildup.

This is the normal operation of the BAC.

(v) Sufficiently contaminated bottoms should be sent to SRS

(vi) Decon factor (DF); (10,000) or better with distillate less than (10) ppm Boron

(b) Description

(i) Vapor type

(ii) Austentic stainless steel

(iii) (20) gpm design flow

(iv) BACIX, (2)

(a) Functions

(i) Deborates BAC condensate prior to RMWT

(ii) Cleans RMWT through RMW pump recirculation

(b) Description

(i) With BAC bypass, max. capacity (100) gpm (design capacity), normal (20) gpm.

(ii) Anion bed (OH Form)

(iii) Resin replacement by sluicing

(iv) Spend resin to SRS

(v) Sample fluid sent to LRS

(vi) Resin volume (36.2) ft 3

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Lesson Plan #: NIA9902XC003

Objectives Review

Review the Lesson Objectives

Topic Review

Restate the main principles or ideas covered in the lesson. Relate key points to the objectives. Use a question and answer session with the objectives.

Questions and Answers

Oral questioning

Ask questions which implement the objectives. Discuss students answers as needed to ensure the objectives are being met.

Problem Areas

Review any problem areas discovered during the oral questioning, quiz, or previous tests, if applicable. Use this opportunity to solicit final questions from the students (last chance).

Concluding Statement

If not done in the previous step, review the motivational points which apply this lesson to students needs. If applicable, end with a statement leading to the next lesson.

You may also use this opportunity to address an impending exam or practical exercise.

Should be used as a transitional function to tie the relationship of this lesson to the next lesson. Should provide a note of finality.
