Bone Cancer Surgery - Unsri

Bone Cancer Surgery
Bone Cancer Surgery: An Overview Cancer experts of India provide finest bone cancer
surgery using techniques that optimize outcome, reduce recovery time, and minimize the
cost of surgery. Hospitals India - especially the location at Chennai and Mumbai specializes
in management of bone cancer and there is a specialized surgical team that focuses on the
supervision of successful bone cancer surgery. Hospitals providing bone cancer surgery in
India are world renowned for it quality treatment and advanced technology and it is popularly
known for its care and treatment. Bone Cancer: Cancer that starts in a bone is rare. Cancer
that has spread to the bone from another part of the body is more common. There are three
types of bone cancer: Osteosarcoma - develops in growing bones, usually between ages 10
and 25 Chondrosarcoma - starts in cartilage, usually after age 50 Ewing\'s sarcoma - begins
in nerve tissue in bone marrow of young people, often after treatment of another condition
with radiation or chemotherapy The most common symptom of bone cancer is pain. Other
symptoms may vary depending on the location and size of the cancer. Surgery is often the
main treatment for bone cancer. Other treatments may include amputation, chemotherapy
and radiation Bone cancer surgery: Bone cancer surgery is the most common bone cancer
treatment. Although amputation of a limb is sometimes necessary, chemotherapy has made
limb-sparing bone cancer surgery possible in many cases. When possible, surgeons avoid
amputation by removing only the cancerous section of the bone and replacing it with an
artificial device called prosthesis or with bone from another place in the body. In some cases,
all or part of an arm or leg may have to be removed (amputated) to make sure that all of the
cancer is taken out. If the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes, the lymph nodes will also
be removed (this is called lymph node dissection). 1. Treatment type surgery, which includes
limb-salvage surgery, amputation, curettage and cryosurgery. Limb-salvage surgery: This is
a complex surgery where the cancer is removed preserving the bone\'s limb, tendons, nerves
and blood vessels. The removed bone is replaced with a bone graft or artificial replacement endoprosthesis (an internal prosthesis from metal or similar materials). The side effects of
this surgery are infections, and grafts or rods that break or get loose. Few others surgeries
are needed in the following 5 years, and eventually, some patients may need bone
amputation. A patient with limb-salvage surgery needs one year to recuperate and has to
participate actively in his own rehabilitation in order to make the bone (especially the arm or
leg bone) functional again. Amputation: This is other types of surgery where the tumor is
removed with the bone to stop the cancer from spreading. Usually, amputation is chosen
when the tumor has spread to the bone\'s nerves and blood vessels, and the limb cannot be
saved. During the surgery, the doctor constructs a cuff from the muscles and skin to protect
and cover the amputated bone. The removed bone is than replaced with a prosthesis limb.
Amputee patients need to recuperate with special physical therapy. Curettage: This is a
medical procedure where the tumor is "scooped out" from the bone without
removing the surrounding bone. Usually, the area is then treated to kill any remaining
cancerous cells. Cryosurgery: This is a type of curettage procedure where the tumor is
removed without the bone, and the tumor cavity is treated with liquid nitrogen. The liquid
nitrogen freezes the tumor cavity which kills the remaining cancerous cells. The frozen bone
is re-stabilized by filling the tumor cavity with cement, bone grafts or rods and screws to
prevent a future bone fracture. This procedure decreases the chance for the bone cancer to
reoccur. 2. Reconstructive surgery, which includes rotatinoplasty. Rotatinoplasty is a
reconstructive surgery used when amputation was performed on: 1) The mid-thigh leg bone the lower leg and the foot are rotated and reattached to the thigh bone, and the ankle
functions as a knee joint. After the surgery, the patient\'s leg is extended with a prosthetic
device. 2) The upper arm bone - the lower arm is reattached to the amputated bone, and the
patient will have a shorter but functional arms. 3) The lower jaw bone - the entire lower half of
the jaw bone is removed and later replaced with a bone from other parts of the body. Why
India: Bone cancer surgery in India is provided at internationally recognized center of
Chennai and Mumbai using most advanced medical technology and superior service. India is
the largest medical tourism hub… quality of care, low prices and easy travel by low cost
airlines makes it a popular overseas health care destination for people who are seeking
comprehensive cancer surgery abroad. Medical tourism in India works in collaboration with
the best internationally renowned hospitals to make your treatment in India a successful and
hassle free process. India offers irresistible and breathtaking natural beauty, inspiring
temples, renowned hospitality, exotic cuisine and pristine beaches. To get more info on Bone
cancer surgery in India visit us at or mail your queries
at or call us at +91-9371136499, +91-9860755000
Tags: bone cancer surgery, bone cancer surgery India, bone cancer surgery Mumbai, bone
cancer surgery Chennai, hospitals bone cancer surgery India, medical tourism India, cost
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