Where in the world do people live any why? Demography is the

1. Where in the world do people live any why?
i. Demography is the study of population
1. The US has an average of 81 people per square mile
a. This is misleading because the amount of population isn’t
constant across an entire country (Nebraska vs. NYC)
2. 98% of Egypt’s population lives in 3% of the land
2. Physiologic Population Density
i. A countries physiologic (farmlands) density is greater than the arithmetic
3. Population Density
i. Population isn’t evenly distributed- 1/3 of the world population lives in china
ii. Dot maps are often used to map population
4. World Population Distribution and Density
i. From the start of humanity population wasn’t even
b. East Asia
i. The most populated region is China and the surrounding area
c. South Asia
i. The second most is in India and the surrounding areas
ii. The Himalayas to the north and the desert to the west confine the population
into this area
d. Europe
i. The area between Ireland and Great Britain is greatly populated
ii. ‘dense’ populations are sometimes around physical barriers (mountains)
iii. Many Europeans live in urban centers
iv. These 3 alone (East Asia, South Asia and Europe) are 2/3 of the worlds
e. North America
i. The cities between DC and Boston account for 20% on the US’s population
ii. NYC pop- 5,309 per square mile, Mumbai, India- 76,820
5. Reliability of Population Data
i. Census data is very import- number of homeless varies the amount the city gets
ii. Conducting a census that doesn’t miss anyone is nearly impossible- in 2000, the
US is estimated to have missed 3.3 million people
6. Why Do Populations Rise or Fall In Particular Places?
i. In the late 1960’s Paul Ehrlich’s The Population Bomb said that the population
was growing faster than the food supply
ii. This isn’t true because neither him nor Malthus took globalization into account
7. Population Growth at World, Regional, National, and Local Scales
i. When examining population one must take scale into account- the population of
one neighborhood could go up, and one stay the same in the same town, but it
would appear that they both went up
ii. You can’t find it with birth- death= population. You have to take immigration
and emigration into account
iii. Doubling rate has shortened up between 0010’s and 1970’s
iv. The world is still producing more than it kills, but the rate is more slowed and
way less dramatic
b. Population Growth at the Regional and National Scales
i. Different places experience different population changes
ii. Disease can hinder a places population rise
iii. In places with traditional men and women roles, the population rate is higher
iv. Some south American countries are below the average rate
c. Population Growth at the Local Scale
i. India started controlling the population before the ‘population bomb’, when
everyone started panicking
ii. Indian government began having a forced sterilization of any man with 3 or
more children
iii. This practice eventually died out
iv. In 2004 a state in India began trading gun licenses for sterilization
Demographic Transition
i. Poorer countries tend to have a higher population rate
ii. With the industrial revolution came longer life expectancies, and higher rates
iii. During the bubonic plague, death rates exceeded birth rates
iv. Famines limit population growth
v. The 2nd agricultural revolution upped the rates
vi. In urban settings women delayed child- birth to go to school ,work, etc
Future Population growth
i. People predict that the population will stabilize eventually- (300 years?)
ii. Predictions like this don’t work because people can predict chance- famine,
illness, giant earth quake, etc.
b. Why Does Population Composition Matter
i. Maps often don’t show male/ female ratios and ages
ii. Very important to the population rates
iii. A population pyramid shows the male/ female ratios
Infant Mortality
i. IMR reflects a countries population
ii. Infants and children often die from improper births and poor hygiene
iii. Lowest among large populations: Japan 3/1000
iv. Race and ethnicity change their IMR
v. US has the 2nd highest newborn death rate in the world
vi. 99% of newborn deaths occur in the poorer countries of the world
Life Expectancy
i. Women outlive men by 4- Europe, 3- Africa, 6- N. America, 7- S. America, 14Russia
ii. AIDS causes Africa to be below 40 in some places
Influence of Health and Well- Being
i. Environmental factors change the life expectancy by changing the disease posed
Infectious Disease
i. Vectored- one animal carries it from person to person (malaria)
ii. Malaria has killed more than any other disease in human history
iii. Non-vectored- transmitted directly from person to person (cold)
Chronic and Genetic Disease
i. Chronic disease are usually among the higher age levels and consist of heart
problems, cancer and strokes
ii. Some disease aren’t nearly as prominent now as 100 years ago
i. Main problem- Africa (68%)
ii. Symptoms take a while to show up, so people unwillingly spread it to others
iii. 15 million AIDS orphans currently
iv. Many children (often girls) are pulled out of school to help take care of relatives
with AIDS
b. How Do Governments Affect Population Growth
i. Government often alters the populations with things like laws (china) and
incentives (tax breaks)
ii. A providence in Russia holds ‘conception day’
iii. China’s one child plan reduced the rate, but also increased abortion and female
i. Sweden gave tax cuts, leaves, and more flexible schedules to new parents
ii. One woman suggested showing racier programs at night to increase the
population rate
i. Some of the lowest rates are in the roman catholic area- where birth control is
against the rules
ii. Muslim and Islamic cultures often have more children and higher birth rates