Weather Tracking As we continue working on our weather unit, you will also be working as a meteorologist to track your own weather data. You will be responsible for tracking the data of Charlotte, NC and a city and another city of your choice, outside of North Carolina. My chosen city and state are: ______________________________ Daily, using the internet and/or newspaper: You will identify and record: Date Daily, predicted high and low temperature Wind speed Wind direction Cloud cover Air pressure Precipitation Suggested website for weather data is: At the end of the two week recording period, you will create your final product and presentation. It can be neatly, hand written into a booklet or poster and/or typed into a presentation in Powerpoint. It will include: Maps pinpointing where your two cities are located Your weather prediction page for your chosen city: o o o o Do you think the temperature in your chosen town will be warmer or colder then in your own? Why? How would this affect their lives? For example, their house, clothes, etc. What type of precipitation might you expect? Why? Will the wind speed be higher or lower? Why? Your weather log for Charlotte and the city of your choice 2 Line graphs comparing the two cities high and low temperatures 2 Circle graphs to share your Cloud Cover data Weather Analysis (to be written using the Weather log in complete sentences) Temperature o How would you describe the temperature changes in each of the two cities? For example, does it seem to be going up, down, or staying the same? o What was the highest temperature in each location and when did it occur? o What was the lowest temperature in each location and when did it occur? o What was the average high and low temperature in each location? Hint: add up all your highs and divide by the total number you recorded, then do the same for your lows) Cloud Cover and Temperature: o Which city had the most sunny days, cloudy days, and rainy days? o Was there any relationship between the sky conditions and temperature in each of the two cities? For example, was it colder on cloudy days, etc.? Wind Direction and Temperature: o Did the wind generally come from one direction more than another in each of the two cities? o Was there any relationship between the wind and the temperature the next day in each of the two cities? For example, was it colder on days that the wind was coming from the one direction and warmer when the wind was coming from a different direction? Precipitation o Which day had the most precipitation? The least? o What was the total precipitation for the two weeks of each city? Air Pressure and Cloud Cover o How would you describe the air pressure changes in each of the two cities? For example, does it seem to be going up, down, or staying the same? o Was there any relationship between air pressure and the cloud cover the next day in each of the two cities? For example, did falling or decreasing air pressure lead to cloudy or fair weather? Summary o o o o How would you describe the weather for the two-week period for each of the two cities? In general, how did the weather change during the week for each of the two cities? How was the weather the same or different in each of the two cities? For example, which location seemed the warmest? coldest? Can you think of any reasons why the weather was similar or different? The project pieces will be modeled in class and there will be assigned individual due dates. Please note, the Analysis and Summary are not due until the day of the final project. (If your child would like the teacher to review these pieces before placing them in or on their final project, they must be turned into the teacher no later than Friday, February 5th.) If there is a conflict with the technology to look up the weather, we do have the Chromebooks in the classroom for students to record their data before school. The final presentation or product will be expected to be completed at home. The final project is due: February 16th Weather Tracking Rubric & Due Dates Component Due Date All Points - 5 points -10 points -15 points 1 component included. or Not full sentences. Map not turned in. Weather Prediction Page for your chosen city Map with cities pinpointed Thursday, January 14th All 4 components included. Full Sentences. 3 components included. Full sentences. 2 components included. Full sentences. Friday, January 15th. Both cities identified and labeled. One city identified and labeled. N/A 14 day weather log Wednesday, January 27th Data is complete. Neat. Organized. Missing 2-3 data points. Neat. Organized. Missing 4-5 data points. Neat. Organized. 4 graphs. 2 line and 2 circle graphs. Friday, February 5th 3 graphs included with accurate and matching data. Weather Analysis Tuesday, February 16th 4 graphs included with accurate data matching the Weather log. All 5 categories included. All questions answered. Full sentences. Organized. Summary Tuesday, February 16th All 4 questions answered. Complete sentences. 3 questions answered. Complete sentences. Final Project Tuesday, February 16th All components included. Neat. Organized. 5 components included. Neat. Organized. 4 categories included. All questions answered. Full sentences. Organized. Or Missing 2-3 questions. Missing 6+ data points. or Not neat or organized. 2 graphs included 1 or no graphs. with accurate Or and matching Data does not data. match the Weather log. 3 categories 2 categories included. All included. All questions questions answered. Full answered. Full sentences. sentences. Organized. Or Or Not Organized, Missing 4-6 jumps around questions. categories. Or Missing 7+ questions. 2 questions 1 or no questions answered. answered. Complete Or sentences. Not complete sentences. 4 components 3 or less included. Neat. components Organized. included. Or Not neat and organized.