AP Statistics: ACCESS Survey Assessment & Evaluation

AP Statistics: ACCESS Survey
Assessment & Evaluation Rubric
Survey Creation
Data Collection
Visual Aids
Survey questions, as well as their
formatting, demonstrate excellent
understanding of quantitative and
categorical questioning styles, as
well as provision of answer
Survey questions, as well as their
formatting, demonstrate good
understanding of questioning
styles. Small mistakes may be
made, but survey maintains good
overall quality in its design.
Survey questions, as well as their
formatting, demonstrate
adequate understanding of
quantitative and categorical
questioning styles. A
fundamental mistake may be
evident, but quality maintained.
Survey questions, as well as their
formatting, demonstrate poor
understanding of quantitative and
categorical questioning styles.
Survey may be missing questions
or have multiple questions that
do not demonstrate mastery.
Questions were distributed to
randomly selected ACCESS
classes, with a minimum of 30
participants. Students traveled to
classes, distributed surveys and
collected after completion.
Questions were mostly distributed
to randomly selected ACCESS
classes, but fewer than 30
participants were asked.
Surveyor may not have ensured
participants responded alone.
Questions were distributed to
non-random ACCESS classes or
through other mediums. A
minimum of 30 participants was
Questions were distributed to
non-random ACCESS classes or
through other mediums. A
minimum of 30 participants was
not ensured,.
Organization of data is clear,
thorough, and easy to read. How
the data are organized makes
sense and is useful to their
Organization of data is relatively
clear and reasonably thorough.
How the data are organized
makes sense and is mostly useful
to their analysis.
Organization of data is adequate,
though clarity and/or
thoroughness are lacking. How
the data are organized may not
be useful to their analysis.
Organization of data is poor.
Clarity and thoroughness lacking,
and organization is not useful to
analysis of those data.
Excellent understanding of visual
summaries is demonstrated.
Appropriate graphs and/or other
visual displays are present, of
high quality, and easy to read.
Good understanding of visual
summaries is demonstrated.
Appropriate graphs and/or other
visual displays are present, and
mostly of high quality, and are
relatively easy to read (with
perhaps only small mistakes or
missing items).
Adequate understanding of visual
summaries is demonstrated.
Graphs and/or other visual
displays are present, but do not
match the question and/or are
not easy to read.
Poor understanding of visual
summaries is demonstrated.
Graphs are absent or rare, and
do not adequately summarize the
data and their analyses.
Data are analyzed and
interpreted using appropriate
techniques (for categorical and
quantitative variables). Excellent
insights are provided into what
the data reveal, and no attempts
to extrapolate, inappropriately
infer, or insert personal bias are
present. Outstanding work.
Data are mostly analyzed and
interpreted using appropriate
techniques (for categorical and
quantitative variables).
Appropriate insights are
provided. No attempts to
extrapolate, inappropriate infer,
or insert personal bias are
present. Small mistakes only.
Data are somewhat analyzed and
interpreted using appropriate
techniques (for categorical and
quantitative variables). Insights
are provided, though some may
be inappropriate. Few attempts
to extrapolate, inappropriate
infer, or insert personal bias are
present. Overall work acceptable.
Data are poorly analyzed and
interpreted using appropriate
techniques (for categorical and
quantitative variables). Insights
are either not provided or are
Extrapolates, inappropriately
infers, and/or inserts personal
bias. Work is not accurate.
Excellent conclusions made from
analyses and interpretations.
High-quality writing, appropriate
vocabulary and phrases, and
convincing voice.
Appropriate conclusions made
from analyses and interpretations.
Good writing, appropriate
vocabulary and phrases with
small mistakes, and good voice.
Satisfactory conclusions made
from analyses and interpretations.
but quality of writing, appropriate
vocabulary and phrases, and
voice could be improved.
Poor or absent conclusions from
analyses and interpretations.
Writing incomplete or missing,
and/or misuse (or lack of use) of
vocabulary. Needs improvement.
AP Statistics: ACCESS Survey
Assessment & Evaluation Rubric