Timetable production schedule

Schedule for the production of Teaching Timetables for Academic Year 2016/17
In order to meet the publication deadlines shown below, the timetabling office will need the data items listed to
be available and accurate by dates shown.
Action Required
By whom?
By when?
Module Occurrences for the 2016/17 A/Y year are rolled
forward. NB: If modules are created after this date the
16/17 Occurrence must be created when the module
is set-up. Modules may be setup on the database in
advance of approval – the status can be updated after
STLC/UTLC as appropriate
Pre-Requisite / Co- requisite (within the course year)and
Excluded Combinations of Modules should be checked.
There is a Cognos 10 report which can be used to see
what is already recorded and help to identify gaps.
Report name: Module Pre-Reqs, Co-Reqs and Excluded
Tim May
Early February 2016
All Electives to run in 2016/17 complete and set up on
database - this needs to happen to enable online student
course choice via Sussex Direct for Students expected to
return in 2016/17. Year 1: T1 & T2 Year 2 T1& T2
18th March 2016
List of electives
offered in
2015/16 to be
provided by
ADQE (Damien)
To be approved by Curriculum
Development and Approval
committee(CDA) on 01 March
2016 (on behalf of UTLC).
Entered on database by Friday 18th
March 2016
18th March 2016
Final list of Electives to run in Year 1 and Year 2 to be
produced and sent to Tim May
Final list of Pathways which will run in 2016/17 year to be
produced and updated on CMS pathways screens by
Modules on courses and Syllabus Rules Rolled forwards
from 2015 courses to 2016 courses
ADQE (Damien)
18th March 2016
Tim May
MAX module places must be entered/checked.
NB: if there is no “max places” set OR if it is set too low
for the various combinations of student who may need to
select it, then the online module choice system will show
the module as FULL and student will NOT be able to
select it.
Use Cognos 7 web report: Maximum Module Places
On demand – request by CAO
when rules are in good shape to
roll forward. Will be copied
forward on 18th March if not
requested before.
18th March 2016
18th March 2016
CAO’s working
with the
18th March 2016 LATEST
Work can commence from early
February after point 1 has been
completed. CAO’s will be notified
when this has happened.
See also cognos 7; Electives Places Taken Remaining –
useful just prior to /during online module selection.
And Module places Taken & Remaining by Department
Correct Modules attached to Courses and Core / Option
correctly recorded.
NB: to assist schools to manage workload, new modules
can be entered into the database (CMS) in DRAFT status
and confirmed once approved by TLC BUT no changes to
existing modules should be made until approved.
Syllabus rules accurately recorded on database for ALL
YEAR 1 (2016 cohort) YEAR 2 (2015 cohort) ,Year 3
(2014 cohort) ,Year 4 (2013 cohort) UG courses and
modules running in 2016/17 – this needs to happen to
enable online student course choice via Sussex Direct for
Students Expected to return in 2016/17 and for
scheduling teaching for new first year students.
YEAR1 of UG courses and also those PG courses using
the online module choice system – this needs to be 100%
checked to enable online student module choice via
Sussex Direct Online Registration for New students in
Returning Student Records for the A/Y 2016/17 are
created. This must happen after the syllabus is accurate
as Core modules are attached to the student record as
part of this process.
Online Choice of Options/Electives for current Year 1,2,
and 3 students in 15/16 who are expected to return
into year 2,3 and 4 in 2016/17
Tim May
Year 1 (UG and PG) Courses & Modules on Courses
data taken from CMS and loaded to timetabling system
8th April 2016 (after syllabus
accurate on database and ahead of
SxD online module selection
system going live.)
SxD Online module system
available in “Browse” mode on 15th
April 2016 and live for online
choices from 20th - 25th April 2016
30th March 2016
Module Choice data gathered via the online selection
process loaded to the timetabling system.
This allows approximately one week for schools to check
selections and to ensure ALL students have 120 credits
Teaching Methods Data for WHOLE YEAR in Ac Yr
2016/17 to be checked/input:
29th April 2016
22nd April 2016
Tutor Information to be checked/input for WHOLE YEAR
in Ac Yr 2014/15
22nd April 2016
Teaching faculty non-availability forms returned to
timetabling contacts.
NOTE: the system cannot cope with large numbers of
non-availability requests so HOS’s must consider
carefully which ones they wish the timetablers to work
around. Large numbers always leads to a sub-optimal
Online Choice of Options/Electives for NEW Year 1
students in 2016/17
Heads of School
22nd April 2016
Sussex Direct
SxD Online module choice system
available within “Online
Registration” live for online choices
from 1st September 2016 remains
open until end week 3 - 7th
October 2016.
Sussex Direct
Timetable Publication Dates /Consultation period for the timetable for Academic Year 2015/16.
NOTE: (2 separate timetables will be issued; Teaching Block 1, Teaching Block 2)
Action Required
By whom?
By when?
Teaching Block 1 Timetable 2016/17 to be published to
Timetabling Office
/Student Systems
Monday 20th June 2016
Checking by schools:
NB: Timetable changes which would impact on the
teaching of another school will not be accommodated
except in exceptional cases
Friday 1st July 2016
Formal publication and data imported to central database to
create; Teaching Groups and Sessions, add returning students
to teaching groups to Create SXD timetables:
Timetabling /BIS
6th July 2016
Modules and Timetable Visible to Students on Sussex Direct:
Tim May
Year 2+ - 6th July 2016
Year UG Teaching Group Lists
Teaching Block 2 Timetable 2016/17 to be published to
Timetabling Office
Timetabling Office
/Student Systems
Year 1 – 8th Sept 2016
19th August 2016
30th October 2016 To allow for
loading of 1st year UG names –
this enables us to load first year
names to the correct teaching
Checking by schools:
14th November 2016
Formal publication and data imported to central database:
Timetabling /BIS
16th November 2016
Modules and Timetable Visible to Students on Sussex Direct:
Tim May
16th November 2016
1st Year UG Teaching Group Lists
Important Improvement: From November 2016 we will, for the
first time, create student teaching groups in the student record
database in the same way we currently do for returning UG’s
for; UG year 1, Foundation Year (Year zero) and PG Year1
(for PG’s who picked heir modules as part of online
registration process). We can’t support this for PG’s who didn’t
pick term 2 modules at registration as it means that we don’t
have their module data at the point we’re scheduling.
Timetabling Office
w/c 2nd November 2015