Nationwide studies have shown the effectiveness of using this technology in improving the learning and instructional environments of students of all ages. The research has established direct positive correlations with the implementation of audio/sound enhancement classroom systems, and the improvement of students’ (Kindergarten through 12 th grade) academic performance and test scores, regardless of their individual learning needs, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, or limited English proficiency.
Instruction in Audio-Enhanced Classrooms Reversed Trend of F ailing Test
Scores with High Need Students
School trials of audio-enhanced classrooms reversed the trend of failing achievement test scores with urban, high need students. Two years previous to the installation of audio enhancement equipment, 5th Grade Stanford Achievement Test (SAT) scores showed a consistent downward trend in reading, math, language, science, social studies, and total test battery. As a result of the implementation of audio enhancement systems in 5 th grade classrooms, Stanford Achievement
Test scores improved in Reading, Math, and Science, 10% to 15%. The second and third year of audio enhanced classrooms showed similar test gains of 10% improvement over the previous year. It was also found that phonemic and phonological awareness instruction coupled with the use of audio enhancement systems reduced the number of students identified as at-risk learners.
(McCarty, CEFPI Paper Presentation, 2003, and BYU Department of Human Development study, 2003)
Sound Enhanced Classrooms in Florida Middle Schools Improve Student
Achievement in Reading & Math
A three year study of the historical gains of middle school students taught in sound enhanced classrooms showed significantly improved student achievement among a like, cohort, group of
6 th
– 7 th
- 8 th grade students. The study showed a minimum of annual gains of 11% as measured on the FCAT assessment tests. (Bernier, Odyssey Middle Schools, Orange County Public
Schools, Florida, 2003 – BYU study)
Michigan Intermediate School Students Show 10% Increase in Student
A minimum of 10% gains per year in student achievement was recorded, following four years of data collection after initial implementation of sound enhancement equipment installed in the intermediate school classrooms outside of Detroit, Michigan. Currently 75% (3150 rooms) of all classrooms in the school district are sound enhanced. (Deborah Edwards, Office of Student
Services, Oakland Intermediate Schools, 2003, Oakland ISD Sound Enhancement Report)
Impact of Audio Enhancement Technology on Middle School Students Test
Scores and Student Achievement
Ocoee Middle School, Florida, is among the first in the nation to use a comprehensive audio enhancement system that includes built-in amplification for teacher’s voices in each classroom.
A 10% gain in achievement test scores was reported in the first year of audio enhancement.
(Clark, Orange County Public Schools, Florida, 2002)
Effects of Sound Field Amplification on the Speech Perception of ESL
Students for whom English is a second language (ESL) exhibit greater speech perception difficulties than native English speaking children. This investigation noted that the speech perception abilities of ESL students were significantly improved with the utilization of sound field systems. (University of Florida in Gainesville, 2000)