Middle Ages Test Review KeyBe

Middle Ages Test Review Key
Be able to explain the following:
1. Reasons/ causes for the decline of Roman empire Invasions, corruption in government,
lack of leadership, empire grew too big & difficult to control
2. Effects of the decline of the Roman Empire empire splits into western Europe &
Byzantium, fragmented Europe, chaos, feudalism, & manorialism
3. Feudalism & the feudal system powerful lords owned large pieces of land. They divided
their land into estates this land was given to vassals who promised loyalty & service to
his lord in exchange for protection.
4. Manor economy & the manor system peasants lived & worked on the manor. Manors
were self sufficient. Lord kept 1/3 of land & peasants had 2/3 of land farmed land, paid
taxes, & gave the Lord some of their crops
5. Justinian’s Code-collection of roman laws organized and used in Byzantine Empire
extends justice to all foundation for western law
6. Monastic system- Monks & Nuns extended the work of the church. Lived by the
Benedictine Rule. Ran hospitals, schools, helped the poor
7. Differences between Roman Catholicism & Eastern Orthodoxy Roman Catholic- clergy
could not marry, Latin, Christmas is chief holiday, prayed to images, excommunicated
patriarch, Pope has authority over all other bishops, kings, & emperors, divorce is not
Eastern Orthodox- clergy could marry, Greek was spoken, Easter chief holiday, no images
prayed to, excommunicated pope, patriarch & bishops lead church as collective group,
divorce is allowed under certain circumstances
8. Great Schism- church splits into Greek Orthodox & Roman Catholic; leads to questioning
of church authority
9. Spread of Christianity- spread by Justinian, missionaries, monks, & nuns churches were
opened & Priests spread the gospel
10. Hagia Sophia- church built by Justinian
11. Constantinople/ Istanbul- capitol of Byzantine empire center of trade; Capitol name
changed after Muslim take over
12. Crusades- Religious wars between Muslims & Christians
13. Black Death- Bubonic plague spread by fleas on rats, kills peasant population
14. Hundred Year’s War- England wanted land that belonged to France; countries fought
leads to the end of the feudal system b/c knights are no longer needed; new weapons
are introduced (Cannon & Longbow) castles are no longer necessary
15. Roles of women in Greece & Rome- Roman women were nearly equal to men; Greek
women were below men
16. Roles of women in Greece & Sparta- Spartan women were militarily trained; Greek
women focused on knowledge.
17. Dark Ages/ Middle Ages- there was little formal education, economic instability was
wide spread, many of the old arts were lost
18. Geography of Italy & Greece- both are peninsulas, on the Aegean Sea, & Mediterranean
19. Greek democracy vs. Roman Republic- both allowed citizens to have a voice in politics
through voting however there were differences in who could vote
20. Democracy- born in Greece, allows whole population to have a voice in politics
21. Interaction of Muslims & Christians- new ideas in science & art were introduced &
Be able to identify the following:
22. Byzantine Empire- ( Under Justinian) included parts of Asia, Europe,& north Africa
23. Charlemagne’s Empire- Germany, France, & Italy
24. Islamic Empire- Northern Africa, India, Persia, Spain
25. Pope Urban II- called for a religious crusade against the Muslims
26. Zoroastrianism- monotheistic religion that began in Persia
27. Roman Architecture- arch, dome, aqueduct
Be able to define the following:
28. Lord- Land holding elite has most political power under monarch in feudal system
29. Knight/ knighthood- ranges in age starting at & provides security & military service to
30. Vassal- anyone who pledges service to a lord in exchange for land- works land & gives a
portion of crop to lord
31. Fief- estate/ piece of land
32. Serf- servant/ peasant that works on fief
33. Peasant- lowest level of feudal society works land for Lord
34. Guild- association of merchants or artisans who cooperated to protect their economic
35. Benedictine Rule- 3 vows taken by monks & nuns: poverty, purity, obedience to the
abbot or abbess
36. Manor-lord’s estate
37. Feudalism- loosely organized system of rule in which powerful local lords divided their
land holdings among lesser lords.
38. Chivalry- code of conduct required knights to be loyal, brave, & true to their word. Puts
women on pedestal.
39. Pope/ Patriarch – Pope was over Roman Catholic church & Patriarch was over Eastern
Orthodox church
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