Light Energy Words

Light Energy
Light - a form of energy that travels by waves through empty space on
through clear objects like glass or water.
Reflection - Light bouncing off of an object. When lights hits a
mirror ot will reflect off at the same angle.
Refraction - Light rays traveling through an object will bend
(refract) the light .
Light traveling through glass or water is refracted
causing the light to bend. A pencil in a glass of water looks broken
because the light refracts.
Prism - A prism spreads white light passing through it into a spectrum
(rainbow). A rainbow in the sky is caused by sunlight shining through
water droplets in the air acting like tiny prisms.
Opaque - An object that light cannot pass through, like a wall or a desk.
You cannot see through an opaque object.
Transparent- An object that light passes through easily, like a glass
window. You can see through transparent objects very easily.
Translucent - An object that light passes through, but not easily. Like
water or a thin sheet of paper.
ROY G. BIV - Colors of the spectrum (rainbow)
Lens - A piece of clear material that bends (refracts) light rays passing
through it.
Concave Lens - A lens caved in the middle that makes distant objects
seem closer. These lenses help people see far away objects.
Convex Lens - A lens that is thicker in the middle that makes small
objects look larger. These lenses help people see small objects. A hand
lens (magnifying glass) has a convex lens.