DRAFT Hon. W. Patrick Donlin Assembly #2459 St. Mary`s Church

Hon. W. Patrick Donlin Assembly #2459
St. Mary’s Church New Haven, CT
November 25, 2014
Sir Knights,
The following are the minutes from our Assembly business meeting held at St. Mary’s in New
Haven on Tuesday 11/25/2014
Faithful Friar – Fr. Joseph Allen
Faithful Navigator – Marc Richie
Faithful Captain – Dr. Chris Neuman
Faithful Pilot - Tony Mansi
Faithful Admiral – Kurt Fuchs
Faithful Comptroller – Kevin Peschel
Faithful Purser – Robert McCorkle
Faithful Scribe – Rafael Diaz
Faithful Inner Sentinel – Lou Pacelli
Faithful Outer Sentinel - Michael Muttitt
Faithful Trustees – Vinny Ruiz
Allyn Temple
Bob Goosens
FN Marc Richie opened the meeting at 7:40 pm
Call to Order
Opening Ceremonies: Included opening prayer & Pledge of Allegiance
Hon. W. Patrick Donlin Assembly #2459
St. Mary’s Church New Haven, CT
Roll Call of Officers: Excused were FC Kevin Peschel, FP Robb McCorkle, FS Rafael Diaz. FIS Lou
Pacelli, FOS Michael Muttitt, & FT Vinny Ruiz
Fourth Degree members present were Normand Morneau, & Frank Quadrino
Report of the Faithful Friar: Fr. Allen noted that we are approaching the First Sunday of Advent we
should all be attentive to our orders initiative to keep “Christ in Christmas” At St. Mary’s there will be a
Light up for Christ with illuminating the tree & Crèche on the 1 st Tuesday of December keeping in mind
that we should all be attentive to the true meaning of Christmas Kurt Fuchs inquired if there is any
information on the upcoming Papal visit and at this time there is none other than His visit to Philadelphia
Reading of Minutes: The minutes from October 28th meeting were read and since there were not enough
members present at this meeting for a quorum, there was no motions or vote to accept said minutes:
Reading of Bills & Communications: In the Faithful Compellers absence, any outstanding bill(s) are
unknown. Communications: Marc Richie read a letter received from General Philip H. Sheridan Assembly
107 from Bridgeport, CT regarding their 22nd Annual VA Hospital Christmas Visit on Sunday December 21,
2014. They are looking to secure funds and donated items for the 240 veterans’ infirmed within the confines
of the VA Hospital, as well as those residing in the “Bridgeport Home for the Brave” and the PFC Nicholas
Maderas Home for Female Veterans. In addition we received a Thank You letter from the Columbus House
for our donation made to the Harkness House on November 11 th. Tony Mansi paraphrased a Thank You
card from his wife Cindy regarding the fruit basket that was sent to her. Allyn received a Thank You from
Vinny Ruiz regarding our participation for the deceased members & recruitment mass held at St. George on
Nov 9. Marc Ritchie read a Thank You letter Father Allen regarding the 3 rd annual fall fundraiser from
October 19 where a preliminary figure $56,000 was raised
Report of the Faithful Purser: In the Pursers absence, Bob Goosens passed out the budget report showing
a budget of $6,900.69, as well as a monthly report showing income ($360.00) & expenses ($5,023.77). A
suggestion by Bob Goosens to differentiate between Saint Martin de Porres Academy and Saint Martin de
Porres Church for future references.
Report of Committees: a) Social Bob Goosens inquired about the coordination for the January 10 th social
event at O.L.O.P with brother knights from that council as far as set ups & kitchen, and asked if the flags
will be posted as in the last year event. Tony Mansi spoke to FN David Imhof, who will transport the flags
from Coventry, CT, and asked if he can get reimbursed for gas for transporting the flags to East Haven. A
suggestion was made for the attendees to bring a desert and/or raffle giveaway. b.) Golf Chris Neuman
reported a final report that the net from the golf tournament $6,811.37. He cut the $5000.00 check to the
Columbus House on 10/29/14 followed by the check presentation and photo-op held on Nov. 11th with the
Color Corps present. They made a medal plaque that will be affixed to a picnic table in the back with the
message “In Honor those who served” by Knights of Columbus Assembly 2459. c.) Honor Guard: Tony
Mansi reports that activities included: Nov. 1 Deceased members mass at St. Mary’s New Haven, Nov. 4 A
wake in Clinton for SK William Gavin, Nov 9 Deceased members mass & recruitment drive at St. George in
Guilford and the 4th degree Exemplification at Holy Family Church in Amston, CT, Nov. 11 the check
presentation at Harkness House in New Haven, Nov. 16 Silver Rose Ceremonies at St. James Church in
Hon. W. Patrick Donlin Assembly #2459
St. Mary’s Church New Haven, CT
Danielson as well as the on-going Fr. McGivney prayer hour held at St. Mary’s on Nov 3, Nov 10 th, Nov
17th, & Nov 24th . Upcoming events include The crèche lighting at St. Mary’s on Tues Dec 2 nd at 7pm 6:30
muster (Chris Neuman stated that the squires members will also attend),The Final Silver Rose Service on
Dec. 12th at 7pm (6:30 muster) at St. Mary’s New Haven, as well as the State Council Pro-Life Mass at St.
Mary’s on January 18th. Allyn Temple added that on the Nov. 9th exemplification there were 74 Candidates
which exceeded the numbers from the previous Masters meeting of 29 candidates There was approximately
30 Honor Guard in attendance. He also noted that the Nov 16 th Silver Rose in Danielson saw 26 Honor
Guard (16 from CT & 10 from RI.). Allyn was also present for the Installation of Officers & Deceased
members Mass of the John Barry Assembly #97 on Nov 17 th. There is an upcoming Masters Meeting on Dec
14th in Southington where the wives in attendance will compile giveaway bags for Christmas.
New Business: Chris Neumann would like to revisit the needs of the Fischer House, (a home for homeless
Veterans) and will contact Gary Thomas. He mentioned purchasing a brick (or bricks) possibly with our
assembly & councils that comprise this assembly. He will give us further info on this in upcoming meetings.
Kurt Fuchs inquired if we can meet in December since there is no business meeting scheduled. Bob Goosens
suggested on having a special business meeting on Tuesday Dec 16 th in particular to any bills or
communications not known at this (November) meeting and to finalize preparations for the January social.
The members present agreed to have said meeting at 7:30 on Dec. 16 th and Marc Ritchie & Dr. Dill will
make appropriate notifications to the body.
10. Applications & Admissions N/A
11. Trustees Report: N/A
12. Third Degree Report: Bob Goosens reports that the Council from St. Mary’s has put in a request to host a
2nd & 3rd degree at St. Mary’s on Palm Sunday March 29 th at 2pm (which is also Founders day) and will
contact State Ceremonial Chairman on 11/26 to set this up.
13. Good of the Order: Allyn reports that Elmer Pilaggis wife is going in for an operation. Bob Goosens visited
them on Nov 22 and reported that his wife maybe quasi bed-ridden. Elmer appears despondent and is asking
for prayers. Allyns brother is undergoing treatments for skin cancer down in Florida.
14. Closing Ceremonies: Meeting concluded at 8:32pm
Frank A. Quadrino
Interim Scribe