
7th Grade Applied ELA
Week of 10/31-11/4
Objective: Students will review grammar concepts and dictionary skills.
Guiding Question: What is the difference between a possessive and a plural?
Opener: Review dictionary skills
Activity: Students will complete a test review independently.
Closer: Share out answers
Assessment: Test Review
Homework: Test tomorrow
Objective: Students will review grammar concepts and dictionary skills.
Guiding Question: What strategies help me to locate information found alphabetically?
Opener: Review apostrophes
Activity: Students will complete their test independently.
Closer: Share out
Assessment: Grammar/Dictionary Skills Test
Homework: Read 20 minutes
Objective: Students will review grammar concepts and dictionary skills.
Guiding Question: What strategies help me to locate information found alphabetically?
Opener: Review apostrophes; Letter from Mr. Conklin
Activity: Students will complete a dictionary scavenger hunt.
Closer: Share out
Assessment: Dictionary Scavenger Hunt
Homework: Read 20 minutes; Library tomorrow
Objective: Students will review dictionary skills.
Guiding Question: What strategies help me to locate information found alphabetically?
Opener: Dictionary strategies
Activity: Students will complete a dictionary scavenger hunt.
Closer: Share out
Assessment: Dictionary Scavenger Hunt
Homework: Read 20 minutes; Library tomorrow
Objective: Students will search for figurative language in fiction texts.
Guiding Question: What does it mean to “paint a picture” in my mind?
Opener: Discuss figurative language and imagery; Library
Activity: Book Club
Closer: Share out
Assessment: Ticket out
Homework: Read 20 minutes
Key Understandings: Students will review grammar concepts and dictionary skills, search for figurative language in fiction texts, and
will read and understand the components of fiction text.
Key Vocabulary: Grammar, apostrophe, alphabetical, imagery, figurative language