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What Is Gravity?
EVER SINCE the days when Sir Isaac Newton first introduced the concept of gravity, it has always been interpreted as
an apparent mutual force of attraction pulling matter together. But what if gravity is more of a pushing action?
If so, the laws of electromagnetism, using the concept of light, may show us a new explanation of how gravity and
universal gravitation work.
Radiation fills the universe
To bring to fruition this new explanation, we begin with a quote.
Author and researcher John A. Keel has stated an indisputable fact about this universe: we live in a sea of radiation.
As Keel said,
Given the ubiquitous nature of radiation, it does make us wonder how much of an effect radiation has in controlling
gravity and universal gravitation.
Why does an uncharged object float in space?
Imagine we had a spherical, uncharged object immersed in this sea of radiation, and no other objects were present in the
The first thing we would notice is how the uncharged object is constantly bombarded from all directions by
radiation. The force of this radiation on the object is, on average, equal all around because the quality (or frequency)
and quantity of radiation are the same everywhere. As some of this electromagnetic energy gets absorbed and emitted
by the electrons in the atoms composing the object, the object (including its atoms) will vibrate (i.e., constantly
accelerate) ever so slightly in all directions.
The vibrations are simply a direct response to the collisions and recoiling forces being exerted by radiation all
around the object. So when Einstein says an object has a gravitational field because it is accelerating, it is because of
these vibrations caused by the absorption and emission of radiation.
Secondly, in the middle of space, the mass-energy density of this sea of radiation is, on average, the same
everywhere. Even as we approach the surface of the uncharged object, we know the mass-energy density of the
radiation increases due to the accelerating matter generating its own radiation through the vibrational motion of its
electrons and protons and of the object itself, thereby contributing its energy to the sea of radiation in space. Despite the
increase of radiation, the mass-energy density remains the same right around the object.
This is the crucial point. Why would the object move if the radiation is evenly exerting a force right around the
surface of the sphere? Yes, the object is constantly vibrating in all directions from the constant collisions and recoiling
forces caused by the radiation in space and within the object itself. But none of the radiation is being concentrated in
one specific region of the object to make the object move predominantly in one direction. Because the radiation is so
evenly distributed around the object, the forces exerted by the radiation are effectively cancelled out. Hence, the object
will appear to experience weightlessness as it floats in space.
Similarly, if the radiation were to disappear completely from the universe, the object would also not move. The only
difference in this situation is that there would be absolutely no vibrations, and the object would then be completely and
absolutely at rest with respect to any point in the universe.1
In a perfect vacuum of space where no radiation exists, the object has no gravitational field.
The presence of a second body of mass
Suddenly, we introduce another uncharged object into the universe. What do you think will happen next?
If the radiation did not exist and the objects did not emit radiation to create their own so-called gravitational fields,
the objects would remain absolutely still. You can bring the two objects as close as you like, and nothing will ever
happen. However, switch on the radiation in the universe, and something interesting happens. The objects will start to
move together.
In the traditional gravitational universe, physicists would have to explain the movement in terms of the way the
gravitational fields of both objects are interacting such that the gravitational forces exerted by each object on the other
helps to “pull” the objects together.
But, according to the Unified Field Theory, we must treat radiation as ordinary matter. This means that in the purely
electromagnetic universe, something has changed the mass-energy density of the radiation around each object such that
there is movement. And the movement is caused by some kind of “pushing action” by the radiation.
The clue lies in the way each object acts as a radiation shield for the other.
What we discover from our electromagnetic universe is how the inner surfaces of the two objects facing each other
receive slightly less radiation from the universe than the sides facing away into space because of the radiation-shielding
effect of the mass of each object. Generally, the more mass there is, the greater the shielding effect. Since the energy
density of the radiation is slightly less between the two objects and radiation is ordinary matter in the sense that it has
the ability to move matter, the excess or higher energy density of the radiation on the sides facing into space will have
to push the two objects closer together.
Furthermore, as the objects move closer together, the shielding effect becomes more effective. By “effective”, we
mean that less radiation is able to fill the space between the two objects. Therefore, the “pushing” force gets stronger,
and the objects will appear to accelerate towards each other.
The effect of charge on the “gravitational effect”
Okay. So what happens when the objects are electrically charged?
In the case of two charged objects, this so-called “gravitational force” caused by radiation pushing the two objects
together can be amplified or de-amplified electromagnetically. It means that either the force of “attraction” can appear
to accelerate more significantly or the objects could “repel” each other as if the two objects are experiencing “antigravity”.
How does this work?
It again has everything to do with the energy density of the radiation around the objects and how we can control it
through constructive and destructive interference of the radiation. If you electrically charge the objects, you will, at the
very least, increase the amount of radiation emitted by the objects due to the presence of extra vibrating electrons (for a
negative charge) or by exposing more of the vibrating protons in the atoms’ nuclei (for a positive charge). At the same
time, the energy emitted by each object can constructively or destructively interfere with each other, especially in
between the two objects. This means the energy density in the region between the two objects facing each other can
either be made to increase or decrease, respectively. The way to control this energy density in the radiation is by
charging the objects. Should the objects have like charges, it would be like having an invisible third object (effectively a
large-scale photon) being placed in between the two objects to stop them from coming together because the radiation
has been constructively interfered to create an invisible piece of matter. If you try to bring the objects closer together,
they will be “repelled” by this third object created by radiation. On the other hand, if you give the two objects unlike
charges, the radiation in between them is destructively interfered, resulting in a radiation vacuum between the two
objects. The vacuum helps the objects to come together more rapidly due to the extra radiation being emitted on the
outside of the objects facing into space as well as the radiation coming in from space to collide with the objects.
Actually, it is questionable whether matter can exist in a perfect vacuum. There is the likelihood that the
vacuum could tear apart the atoms and subatomic particles to release their internal energy in order to ensure
that the perfect vacuum region is filled with energy. But let's assume the object can stay together. In a perfect
vacuum, if the object emits radiation of its own from a charged particle, such as an electron, in one direction in
this true vacuum of space containing absolutely no radiation whatsoever, the object will self-accelerate
exponentially to infinite speeds according to the Abraham-Lorentz formula.
Evidence to support gravity as a pushing force
Eugene M. Gluhareff, founder and former president of Gluhareff Helicopter and Airplane Corporation of Manhattan
Beach, California, USA, has given support for this new theory of gravity and universal gravitation. In an article
published in Product Engineering entitled “Electrogravitics: Science or Daydream?” Gluhareff stated,
Is this how gravity and universal gravitation actually work?
The Casimir effect
Fortunately, there is further evidence to support this rather ambitious and somewhat radical electromagnetic idea of
gravity and universal gravitation. It comes by way of an interesting observation concerning two metal plates brought
close together (but not actually touching). The capacitor formed by these two plates helps to create what is known as the
Casimir effect.
The Casimir effect was first predicted in 1948 by Dutch physicist Hendrick Casimir. The effect is nothing more than
the movement of the plates towards each other because of the natural radiation outside the plates pushing the two plates
together. At the same time, the shielding effect we were discussing earlier with ordinary “uncharged” matter is actually
amplified because the plates themselves create a Faraday-cage effect where the emitted radiation gets reflected back on
itself in an out-of-phase manner, and this effectively causes destructive interference of the radiation, causing the
radiation between the plates to drop suddenly. Thus, the energy density of the radiation in between the plates is reduced
When this occurs, the plates are each naturally compelled to move towards each other because of the excess
radiation outside the plates pushing them together.
This interesting effect would not be apparent (or would be reduced significantly) if the plates were not made of
metal. But because the plates are made of metal (but are not electrically charged), the radiation between the plates is
reduced significantly, allowing the normal radiation pressure in the environment to push the two plates together in a
highly noticeable way.
Do we really have a gravitational field?
As Dr Hlavaty, the electromagnetic expert in the 1950s, said,
Of course, the problem is how to get electromagnetism to generate gravitation. Now at last, we can see what Hlavaty
meant. Light could actually be generating the force of gravitation by acting in itself as gravitation.
So what does this mean for the gravitational field? In particular, why do we need a gravitational field if the
electromagnetic field can potentially do all the work?
Now we are facing the possibility that our long-held traditional Newtonian concept of a gravitational field around
objects could be a figment of our imaginations, an idea having no bearing in the real universe. The gravitational field
may be nothing more than theoretical scaffolding erected by Newton to begin the process of understanding why objects
appear to be attracted to each other. Now, in the 21st century, this force of “attraction” may be nothing more than
radiation pushing matter together.
Why Do Quantum Particles Show
Wave-Like Behaviours?
ONE OF the most important and intriguing scientific discoveries to be made in the 20th century concerns the mystery of
the wave-like behaviour of matter.
For nearly 80 years, the classical explanation for this strange behaviour remained elusive to physicists. But now,
thanks to Einstein’s Unified Field Theory, the explanation could be within our grasp.
The Thomas Young experiment
In 1801, an avid British scientist named Thomas Young (1773-1829) conducted an experiment on the wave-like
property of electromagnetic radiation, known specifically as wave interference. Young used a monochromatic light
source to send electromagnetic waves at a partition with one or more narrow slits and counted the number of bright
bands he could see on a screen behind the partition.
The first experiment Young performed was to use a single narrow slit, and he observed a single bright band on a
screen directly behind the slit.
“Nothing unusual here,” Young must have thought.
But when Young used the same monochromatic light source to produce two individual electromagnetic wave
sources by means of two narrow, parallel slits on a partition, the waves overlapped constructively and destructively to
form bright and dark bands, respectively, on a screen behind the slits. The characteristic pattern of bright and dark
bands on the screen was interpreted by Young, and by other scientists today, as evidence of light exhibiting a wave-like
behaviour not unlike the way the ripples from two stones thrown in a pond can interact to produce larger and smaller
waves through constructive and destructive interference with the waves, respectively.
A fair enough explanation. However, life was about to get a little more complicated for the scientists.
In the early 1920s, some creative blighter decided to repeat the experiment using electrons instead of light waves,
and the entire apparatus was placed inside a vacuum chamber to remove the air molecules (but not the radiation). The
modified Thomas Young experiment showed that when a single slit was present in the partition, the electrons would
bunch up on the screen directly behind the slit, proving beyond reasonable doubt that they were behaving as particles.
This is exactly as the physicists had expected. However, when two slits were present, the result was, incredibly enough,
a wave interference pattern. Even if protons, neutrons, or hydrogen atoms were used instead of electrons, the wave-like
pattern would still be duplicated on the screen.
How astonishing!
Interestingly, the interference pattern does not occur if the particles are very large and heavy, behaving as they
should like real particles (i.e., bunching up in a single band in front of a single slit, and it doesn't matter how many slits
are opened, the particles would bunch up into one, two or more bands corresponding to the number of slits opened). But
when the particles are sufficiently lightweight, as soon as at least two slits are open, the particles are somehow able to
change to a wave-like behaviour.
Does this mean the particles transformed themselves into waves as soon as two or more slits were opened? Well,
one would hope not. If particles could transform themselves into waves because matter had turned into electromagnetic
energy, then the entire experiment would probably have turned into one massive nuclear explosion, and there would be
no one around to explain what happened. Of course, we know this is not true. And, in fact, careful analysis of the bright
bands or fringes showed that the pattern was built from a myriad of tiny dots caused by the arrival of the particles. So
how did these lightweight particles “know” how to arrange themselves in such an orderly, wave-like fashion?
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