Preliminary Impact Summary for Katlian Bay Road Project Criteria Evaluated Total Length (miles) Total Area Impacted1 (acres) Length of Katlian River Bridge (ft) Presence of slopes > 67% Presence of marine/estuary wetland habitat Wetland acres impacted No. of cataloged anadromous stream crossings No. of navigable streams crossed Presence of eagle nests Presence of threatened or endangered species USFS land use designations Presence of floodplains as defined by the FEMA Presence of cultural and historic sites Potential impacts to drinking water sources Potential impacts to water quality Potential impacts to landowners Potential impacts to air quality, traffic, and noise 1 Original Conceived Route 8 79 330 Option Considered but Dismissed Proposed Route 10 101 260 9 97 150 20.7 Present 33.6 Present 33.6 None 17.7 4 23.9 4 12.0 4 1 (Katlian River) 6 nests are within 330 feet of ROW 1 (Katlian River) 2 nests are within 330 feet of the ROW 1 (Katlian River) 2 nests are within 330 feet of the ROW None None None Crosses Semiremote Recreation LUD 3 crossings of Zone-A floodplains None Crosses Semi-remote Recreation LUD 3 crossings of Zone-A floodplains Crosses Semiremote Recreation LUD 3 crossings of Zone-A floodplains None None None None None Temporary construction disturbances to be minimized by BMps Crosses lands owned/managed by Alaska State, Shee Atika, and USFS Temporary construction disturbances likely Temporary construction disturbances to be minimized by BMPs Temporary construction disturbances to be minimized by BMPs Crosses lands owned/managed by Alaska State, Shee Atika, and USFS Crosses lands owned/managed by Alaska State, Shee Atika, and USFS Temporary construction disturbances likely Temporary construction disturbances likely For this initial alternative comparison, ROW width is estimated using a generic approach with slopes of 0%-33% having a 70-foot ROW width, slopes of 35%-55% having an 80 foot-width and slopes of 55% or greater having a 95-foot ROW width. Final ROW widths would be determined following more detailed engineering design and would likely decrease, although intervisible turnouts, lookouts, and parking areas may increase some areas of the ROW.