Update from UCML Scotland - minutes of meeting on 13 Feb, Mary

UCML Scotland
Meeting: Fri 1st Feb 2013
Present: Gundula Sharman, Huw Lewis, Isabelle Perez, Jean-Michel DesJacques,
Laurence Giraud-Johnstone, Annette Zimmermann, Marion Spöring, Sarah Breslin,
Brigitte Edelston and Veronique Wechtler.
Apologies: Penny Morris, Barbara Fennell, Hannah Doughty, Margaret Nicholson,
Donna Heddle.
1. Thanks to Dundee for providing the venue and the catering!
2. All the members presented the current state of Languages provision at their
3. Discussion of current Scottish context:
The Director of SCILT reported on the context of the current Scottish
Government 1+2 initiative, at which the HE sector was represented by her and
Margaret-Anne Hutton. The plan is for ML language teaching to start in P1
instead of the current P6. However the Modern Languages entitlement in
schools means that pupils do not have to continue beyond S3, whereas
before, many schools made ML compulsory to the end of S4. There is
concern that there will be a dip in provision after this point. She pointed to the
need to reinforce the relevance of languages for careers and the economy, as
this message currently is not getting through. Budget cuts in LAs means they
are looking carefully at staffing and ML departments with small numbers are
vulnerable. SCILT is working with Sector Heads and Languages Advisors to
encourage uptake. The policy also has implications for the training/upskilling
of primary teachers.
4. Current initiatives in Scottish HEIs. Members reported on initiatives for
liaison with school students and teachers and on provision for CPD of existing
teachers in their institutions. It was noted that SCILT and LLAS are planning a
Scottish Conference on sharing existing best practice in this area in Glasgow
on 1 May 2013.
5. Role of UCMLS. The role and remit of UCMLS was discussed, along with
proposals to improve its visibility and effectiveness. It was noted that:
o The role of UCMLS is to lobby for the sector in Scotland.
o Currently UCMLS is not very visible.
o Scottish HEIs are excluded from full participation in the HEFCE funded
initiatives promoted by UCML, e.g. Routes into Languages, which has
recently been awarded follow-up funding by HEFCE.
o Scottish academics are excluded from some of the funding available
from HEA (e.g. development as National Teaching Fellow).
o Colleagues raised concerns about the status of language teaching in
some contexts.
6. Recommendations for future action by UCMLS:
1. Visibility:
i. Develop a new mission statement specific to Scotland as a
basis for future activity
ii. Investigate the possibility of setting up a specific UCMLS
website, possibly within the current UCML website, using
existing technical support
iii. Support the planned conference being run by SCILT/LLAS
(SCILT to circulate details).
iv. Discuss the best way of disseminating information on existing
links with Secondary Schools on the SCILT website after the
planned event on 1 May.
2. Lobbying:
i. Prepare a case for lobbying the Scottish government for funding
similar to that awarded to Routes into Languages. Contact
UCML for background on the Routes funding and liaise with
SCILT on the best strategy
ii. Brainstorm the format for an extended next meeting to discuss
7. Next Meeting: It was agreed we should meet twice annually in
January/February and May/June. The venue will alternate between Edinburgh
and Dundee. Next date – to be advised.