Page 1 of 4 Institutional Care and Use Committee Application for Breeding of Non-Genetically Modified Animals FOR IACUC ADMINISTRATIVE USE ONLY IACUC Number: Date Reviewed: Reviewers: Date Approved: Date Closed: Disapproved This protocol is for the breeding colony of Non-Genetically Modified Animals. Once approved by the IACUC, you will need to transfer animals from this protocol to the approved experimental protocol SECTION 1 - PROTOCOL INFORMATION Protocol Title: Funding Agency: SECTION 2 - PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Principal Investigator’s Name (last, first): Department: Position Title: Office Phone: Emergency Phone: E-Mail: SECTION 3 - PERSONNEL List PI and all personnel who will be directly involved with animals. Prior to approval, anyone working with animals must have completed the IACUC animal certification. All personnel who will be working with animals must participate in the Research Occupational Program. Last name, First name 1Mark Role in Project Phone Number Experienced1 with an “X” to indicate that the person is experienced with the species mentioned in this protocol. If the person is not leave the box blank and indicate below by whom and when they will be trained. Page 2 of 4 SECTION 4 - PROTOCOL INFORMATION New Three Years Renewal Please provide previous Protocol Number : Estimated Starting Date: Estimated Ending Date: If Three Years Renewal, please provide a brief summary describing work accomplished during the last approval period and how the work proposed in this renewal extend the previous studies. SECTION 4 – ANIMAL REQUEST BY SPECIES, PAIN CLASSIFICATION AND SOURCE Total Number of Animals to be Breed over 3 Years Period Species Strain Pain Class Number Purchased In-House Transferred Produced by On-Site Breeding Other Sources Specify Total Total Animals Requested Class C Classification; please provide a scientific justification as to why you cannot use sedatives or analgesics. Animal Pain Classifications Class A Animals are not experiencing anything more than momentary or slight pain and distress and no pain relieving measures are being used. For instance, animals that are euthanized (according to guidelines) and their tissues harvested for study could be considered Class A animals. Animals that are receiving minor injections or non-invasive behavioral tests could be considered Class A animals also. Class B Animals are undergoing procedures with the potential to cause pain and distress but appropriate pain relieving medications, including analgesics, anesthetics or tranquilizers, are being used. Any animal that undergoes a surgical procedure, even a non- survival surgery, would be considered Class B. Class C Animals are undergoing pain and distress which is not relieved by appropriate anesthetics, analgesics, tranquilizers or other treatments. For instance, some pain studies require that animals not receive pain medication. If relief of pain or distress will interfere with the objectives of the experiment, the scientific justification for this must be clearly demonstrated. Other methods for minimizing discomfort that will not interfere with experimental objectives or early end points should also be considered. Animals to be Transferred Report the IACUC Protocol Number from which the animals will be transferred. If this is a three years renewal of an expiring protocol, report the number of animals alive on the vivarium that need to be transferred. Page 3 of 4 SECTION 6 - ANIMAL INFORMATION A. Housing Richard Freeman Coolidge West Overnight Housing If “Overnight Housing” please provide location, justification and procedures to be performed. B. Special Requirements : Caging Housing Yes Medication No Physical Restrain Diet Other If “YES”, please explain. SECTION 7 - PROTOCOL SUMMARY Answer must be in language understood by a person unfamiliar with your area of research. Define all acronyms A. Summarize the Specific Aims in the space below. B. Non Technical Summary. SECTION 8 – TECHNICAL SUMMARY AND JUSTIFICATION FOR THE USE OF ANIMALS A. Please explain the need for breeding on this protocol B. From where are you getting the founders? Provide the name of the vendor or the institution. C. How many founders do you need to order? – Include this number in the table. D. List the species and strains of animals to be produced in this breeding protocol. E. List the anticipated total number of offspring that will be produced. You are required to keep accurate records of the number of animals produced and their final disposition. F. Provide rational and scientific justification for the number you have provided in question 8E. You should be able to give an estimate of the number of animals you intend to breed and the reasoning behind that estimate. Page 4 of 4 G. What will be done with those animals that are breed in excess of your needs or those that do not meet your needs? H. 1. Transfer to other IACUC approved protocols. 2. Euthanized and dispose. 3. Use waste tissue from euthanized animal for other purposes – Please describe planned use of tissue. If you will be performing any surgical procedure (e.g. - vasectomies or cesarean sections) please describe, including aseptic techniques. SECTION 7 - EUTHANASIA METHODS Pentobarbital 100 mg/kg IM Thoracotomy CO2 OD Bottled IV Decapitation Isoflurane 5% for 10 minutes IP Exsanguination Other IC Cervical Dislocation Inhalation Other If “Other” explain. As Principal Investigator, I will comply with the procedures and methods outlined in The Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, as well as the Public Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, the Animal Welfare Act, and the applicable OCF policies. The activities described herein do not unnecessarily duplicate any previous experiments. I certify that the individuals listed in Section 13 are authorized to conduct procedures involving animals under this protocol, and have received the necessary training in the handling and care of laboratory animals. I also acknowledge that OCF is not a Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) facility for FDA purposes. Signature Date