UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA INSTITUTIONAL ANIMAL CARE AND USE COMMITTEE (IACUC) Appendix J Dietary Manipulations or Fluid Restriction 1. Describe any dietary manipulations or special feeding requirements: 2. a) Describe caloric or nutrient restrictions or excesses: b) Describe the potential impact on the animal's health and the potential for discomfort or distress. Explain what will be done to alleviate or minimize these potential adverse effects. c) Describe frequency of animal health monitoring during periods of food/water restrictions. Note: The 2011 Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals states that “Body weights should be recorded at least weekly and more often for animals requiring greater restrictions. Written records should be maintained for each animal to document daily food and fluid consumption, hydration status, and any behavioral and clinical changes used as criteria for temporary or permanent removal of an animal from a protocol.” Do you need an exception to these guidelines? justification: No Yes If yes, provide a scientific I have reviewed and will comply with the IACUC guidelines on Special Diet/Water Recordkeeping . Do you need an exception to these guidelines? No Yes If yes, provide a scientific justification: 3. Describe length of time animals will be on experimental diet: 4. Will neonates be fasted beyond 8 hours, ruminants beyond 48 hours, or other mammals beyond 24 hours? No Yes If yes, provide a scientific justification: 5. Will animals be provided less than ad lib fluids or drinking water for experimental reasons? Rev 11/11 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA INSTITUTIONAL ANIMAL CARE AND USE COMMITTEE (IACUC) No Yes If yes, provide details including amount/day, monitoring of animals, criteria used to determine well-being of animals, and scientific justification: 6. Will fluids be withheld for more than 24 hours or more than 5 hours for rodents? No Yes If yes, provide details including the rationale and monitoring methods: Rev 11/11