O`Brien Laland Broughton-Cannon

Reply to O’Brien and Laland
Jack M. Broughton
Department of Anthropology, University of Utah, 270 S. 1400 E., Salt Lake City,
Utah 84112, U.S.A (jack.broughton@anthro.utah.edu).
Michael D. Cannon
SWCA Environmental Consultants, 257 E., 200 S., Suite 200, Salt Lake City,
Utah 84111 (mcannon@swca.com)
In this paper, O’Brien and Laland suggest that the integration of niche
construction theory (NCT) with gene-culture co-evolutionary theory (GCT) can provide a
broadly applicable approach with which archaeologists can explore evolutionary
dynamics, in general, and “better understand human behavior and evolution in the
agricultural niche”, in particular. We are in broad agreement with the authors on the
heuristic utility of the niche construction approach and agree that the phenomenon of
niche construction has likely played a fundamental role throughout human evolution and
prehistory and that past human activities represent a potent cause of evolution. However,
we recognize Evolutionary Ecology (EE) as an essential theoretical complement to
effectively operationalize NCT logic in archaeological contexts, and we note that
archaeological applications of EE have long encompassed the basic tenets of NCT to the
extent that they view evolution as a continuous, cumulative, iterative process in which
humans play a role in shaping their own selective environments. Both approaches,
though, clearly have something to offer the other (see Broughton, Cannon and Bartelink
For example, more explicit use of the theoretical tools of NCT and GCT that
O’Brien and Laland clearly articulate—especially the framework that it provides for
considering the evolutionary roles of genetic, cultural and facultative proximate
mechanisms—can only result in further advancement of the EE approach in archaeology,
which has largely ignored such issues thus far. There are two reasons, in particular, why
unpacking the black box of the phenotypic gambit (Grafen 1984) could be productive.
For one, both evolutionary ecologists working in biological disciplines (see
Owens 2006) and archaeologists operating under different Darwinian approaches (e.g.,
Evolutionary Archaeology, Dual-Inheritance Theory; Mesoudi and O’Brien 2009;
Henrich 2004; Lipo et al. 2006; Eerkens and Lipo 2005) have begun to explore how the
details of the mechanisms of inheritance can have substantial effects on evolutionary
outcomes. Mismatches between EE-derived predictions and the empirical record that
might potentially result from such issues could be fruitfully explored using the
framework of NCT and GCT.
Second, greater consideration of such issues might also serve to strengthen the
links between EE and these other Darwinian approaches in archaeology, which have
traditionally placed more emphasis on the role that cultural transmission can play in the
evolution and expression of the human phenotype. Because practitioners of all Darwinian
approaches in archaeology share the goal of understanding the human past through the
application of evolutionary logic and scientific methods, such integration of approaches,
including the niche construction perspective advocated by O’Brien and Laland, can only
serve to strengthen the general Darwinian enterprise (see also Cannon and Broughton
2010; Bentley et al. 2007; Mesoudi and O’Brien 2009; Neff 2000).
At the same time, the modeling tools of EE have much to offer to advocates of the
use of NCT in archaeology, and it can be argued further that EE is an effective vehicle
through which to apply NCT to the archaeological record (see Broughton, Cannon, and
Bartelink 2011 for detailed case studies). This is because there is, in fact, nothing in
NCT-GCT, in and of itself, that allows us to predict and understand the initial variation in
human behavior that ultimately becomes an explicit source of further co-evolutionary
dynamics within this approach. One could say that, in the framework outlined by O’Brien
and Laland, human behavior is afforded the position, at least initially, of being a
normative input variable. In the specific examples they discuss, for instance, the
causative chains begin with “cattle farming” and “crop planting”. Certainly, the authors
effectively link a rich cascade of further behavioral and genetic changes to the niche
constructing factors influenced by these set behaviors, but it should be clear that the NCT
approach that they advocate is silent on the socio-ecological factors that might influence
the degree to which any group of people, past or present, should farm cattle or grow crops
in the first place. By contrast, these are just the sorts of questions that EE models
explicitly address, and EE models have now been successfully applied in archaeological
contexts of domestication and agricultural origins the world over (e.g., Alvard and
Kuznar 2010; Barlow 2002; Bird and O’Connell 2005; Broughton and Cannon 2010;
Kennett and Winterhalder 2006). More explicit use of formal EE models and of EE-
inspired methods can only result in further advancement of the NCT approach the authors
advocate here.
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