Contestable Research Grant Round 1 Year Project

Contestable Research Grant Round
1 Year Project - KHNZPG/2014
Kidney Health New Zealand will conduct one Contestable Research Grant Round in
2014 Applications are invited, under the conditions stated below.
The total amount available for the Grant Round will be $20,000.
Research project applications will be considered for the following areas of kidney
disease :
Identifying the underlying causes for New Zealand’s low rate of deceased
kidney transplantation and how to address this
Identifying changes to policy and service delivery models to improve rates of
live renal transplantation in New Zealand
Improving the support for patients and their families in the community, with a
particular emphasis on improved home and social work support
Improving the early detection of kidney disease
The better management of chronic kidney disease, for example to delay or
prevent the progression of the disease to end-stage kidney failure.
Kidney Health NZ conducts these activities with the objective of improving the quality
of health and wellbeing of kidney patients in New Zealand.
Guide to Applicants for the Projects Grant from Kidney Health New Zealand
Please read these notes carefully before applying
Kidney Health New Zealand’s vision is for “Better Kidney Health for all New
Zealanders”. Kidney Health New Zealand will fund research projects which is closely
aligned to our priorities for 2014-2017 as outlined in the Strategic Plan (see at
Kidney Health New Zealand funds projects for terms not exceeding two years.
The value of any grant is limited to a total $20,000
Kidney Health New Zealand does not fund equipment, IT equipment or travel
to conferences.
An applicant must be a New Zealand citizen or a permanent resident currently
residing in New Zealand.
The applicant must have tenure, or an employment contract for the term of the
grant requested.
If the project involves a clinical trial, please indicate if the trial is registered
and with which clinical trial registry. Also provide details of your data
monitoring committee if applicable.
Applicants will not be considered unless the Administrative Agreement is
Applications meeting the pre-entry criteria and received by the closing date
stated below will be assessed by the Research Committee of Kidney Health
New Zealand before final consideration by the Board of Kidney Health New
A report is required by Kidney Health New Zealand each year in June - failure
to comply could jeopardise future funding of the project. A final report is also
required, no later than three months after completion of the project. This is a
condition of the project Grant and failure to comply will jeopardise continuing
funding of the project.
All publications which result from KHNZ Research Project Grants must
acknowledge the funding from the KHNZ.
Closing and Notification Dates
Applications must be submitted by closing date.
Late applications will not be considered.
Closing date:
30 November 2014
Notification date: 12 December 2014