Seaton Town Council

Town Hall
Fore Street
EX12 2LD
Tel: 01297 21388
Town Mayor: Cllr Mrs G Sedgwick
Minutes of Youth and Recreation Committee held on Monday 17 June 2013
Present: Cllr Mrs Sedgwick (Chairman), Cllr Mrs Bruce, Cllr Mrs Squire
Apologies: Cllr Williams, Cllr Palacio
There were no declarations made
114. Minutes of the meeting held on the 20th May 2013 were agreed as an accurate record and
.1 Cllr Squire to amend posters for :Summer Activities, Hangar 51 and Body Zorbing and
circulate by the end of the week for final check by Youth and Recreation Committee.
Cllr Bruce to organising printing.
.2 Cllr Squire and Cllr Bruce to complete leaflet of Summer events and circulate to Youth &
Recreation Committee for final check. Cllr Bruce to obtain quote from Steve’ s Print &
Design and compare with quote received by Cllr Squire.
.3 Cllr Bruce to begin compiling a list for where publicity should be circulate and circulate to
.4 Cllr Squire to put feature, similar to Segway one, in paper, cost no more than £70 to come
from Summer Activities Budget.
.5 Cllr Bruce & Cllr Squire to meet with new TIC manager to explain Summer Activities
.6 Cllr Bruce & Cllr Squire to ensure they have obtained all risk assessments and insurances
documents for each event.
.7 Cllr Squire reported the Segway event had been a great success, income received totalled
£540. It was agreed the feature on Segways was excellent coverage.
The summary of Rospa park inspection was reviewed:.1 The child swing chair has now been repaired and replaced.
.2 The matting has now been fixed with another plastic clip. The committee expressed
concern as to how long lasting this surface will be, agreed to keep under review.
3.SMP advise they have corrected the sharp angles of all new surfaces . Cllr Squire to check
4. Cllr Sedgwick reported the fencing has been stretched by people wanting to get into the
woods. The fencing recently installed is working well.
5. The fence panels near the swings have been replaced and concreted in and this looks
really good.
6. The gate has now been fixed
Play Park Inspection reports were received for 30th May.
.1 EDDC have contacted Cllr Sedgwick and received confirmation that they can replace the
Bins. EDDC to advise date of installation.
.2 Grass area in football goal. Cllr Squire to contact Seaton Football club to determine best
opportunity for this.
.3 The new play park inspection sheet is currently being trialled by Craig.
Details for the consultation for a shelter in the Underfleet park were discussed.
.1 Posters have been put up around the skate park and PSCO Bulsover notified. Cllr Bruce to
put posters up in the town.
2. Cllr Squire to email posters and voting slips for Marie to print, and Cllr Bruce to put up and
cut up.
3. Cllr Bruce to organise a voting box
4. Cllr Sedgwick to organise the A boards for the event.
5. Friday session – Cllr Bruce & Cllr Sedgwick
Saturday session - Cllr Williams & Cllr Squire. Cllr Squire to email committee to ask for
additional support.
Cllr Bruce has sourced and ordered 2 picnic benches for Elizabeth Road Play Park from
Roger Broom at a cost of £130 each. Cllr Bruce to liaise with Cllr Sedgwick regarding
erection and concreting in of benches.
• Cllr Sedgwick has received a letter from Del la Pole Management Committee releasing
the bench offered by Bob Buskin. Cllr Sedgwick to organise.
120. Cllr Squire to book hall for October Youth Leaders Forum and to contact Cllrs to get contact
information for youth groups for the next meeting.
It was agreed to submit an application for a piece of pre school play equipment to Awards
for All and to circulate a questionnaire to organisations attended by pre school children to
include; Pink Hippos, Ruperts, Children Centre, School, Crossroads Toddlers. The
questionnaire was reviewed and advise received from Kate Tobin used to better inform