Name: _________________________________________ Due: Wednesday January 22, 2014 HSP 3CI – CULMINATING RUBRIC CRITERIA LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 Knowledge & Understanding -demonstrates deep knowledge and understanding of topic -shows minimal knowledge of topic -shows adequate knowledge of topic -shows confident knowledge of topic -shows extensive knowledge of topic -shows research and planning skills throughout the process (uses class work periods, conferencing and check-ins) -shows poor use of work periods and is not successful at check-ins -shows acceptable use class time and is sometimes successful at check-ins -shows confident use of the research process and is successful at check-ins -shows exceptional use of the research process and meticulous at check-ins -shows analysis and interpretation in Reflection section and Conclusion -analysis and interpretation is simplistic -analysis and interpretation is fair -analysis and interpretation is competent -analysis and interpretation is extensive -poor APA formatting -fair APA formatting -knowledgeable APA formatting -flawless APA formatting -poor use of citing -adequate use of citing -effective use of citing -masterful use of citing -conventions are used correctly and results are clearly communicated -communicates illogically -communicates adequately -communicates skillfully -communicates masterfully -evidence of peer editing -peer editing reflection not included or is very limited -peer editing reflection is adequately completed -peer editing is effectively completed -peer editing is thoroughly and insightfully completed -makes minimal connections to PSA -makes acceptable connections to PSA -makes confident connections to PSA -makes proficient connections to PSA Thinking Communication -APA format used in title page, page setup, citation; References, headings and subheadings effectively used -cites effectively Application -makes connections to Psychology, Sociology, & Anthropology in Connections section OVERALL MARKS: KU _____ TI _____ C _____ A _____