1. LACTOGAIN (30ml)
(Milk Booster)
Product Description:
Lactogain (30ml) is helpful in enhancing the milk production in cattle up to 30% in same diet and
conditions, by regulating milk hormones and stimulating lacteal glands. It is also helpful in getting down
milk of cattle that creates problem while milking & cures all kind of milking problems related to cattle.
Major Indications:
1. Insufficient milk production.
2. Dependency on Oxytocin for milking.
3. Lack of milk yield after delivery.
4. Delay in milking.
Dosage:20-20 drops 2 times a day on bread/chapatti or ½ cup of water or as directed by
Course duration: 25 days
2. HEAT-ON (60ML)
Heat-On (60ml) is helpful for inducing heat in cattle within 1 week to 3 week naturally by regulating
hormonal functionality. It is also very effective in inducing heat in those cattle that are suffering this
problem from 2 or 3 years.
Major Indications:
1.Uterus infection
2.Congenital defects
3.Hormonal Imbalances
4.Poor follicular development
5.Low Oestrus expression.
6.Poor quality of oocytes
Dosage: 20-20 drops 2 times a day on bread/chapatti or ½ cup of water or as directed by
Course duration: 1 month or till Heat
(For all Kinds of Internal Parasites)
Wormis (30ml) is helpful in removing all kinds of worms in animals like tapeworm, hook worms etc,
that develops in them due to eating of unhygienic food and cause the symptoms like excessive
appetite, continuous weakening etc.
Major Indications:
Excessive Appetite
Continuous weakening
Nose rubbing on ground by newly born or young ones
Dosage: For Adults:20-20 drops 2 times a day on bread/chapatti or ½ cup of water or as
directed by Veterinarian.
For Small ones: 10-10 drops 2 times a day on bread/chapatti or ½ cup of water or as
directed by Veterinarian.
Course duration: 15 days
Septagone (30ml) Due to lack of proteins, vitamins and due to virus the animals does not emit out
septa after delivery either partly or completely. This medicine is useful for emitting the Septa
completely and cleans the uterus, hence prevents the animal from Puerperal Fever and septic.
Major Indications:
Flu like symptoms
Abdominal pain
Foul smelling vaginal discharge
Abnormal vaginal bleeding
Dosage: First day of delivery:
Second day of delivery:
20-20 drops with time gap of 1-1 hour in ½ cup of water.
20-20 drops 4 times a day and after that 3 times a
day or as directed by veterinarian.
Course duration: 2 days or till cleaning of Uterus
Masticam (30ml) is helpful in curing Mastitis in cattle covering symptoms like swelling, redness and
pain of Udder, cracks on teats, coagulated milk, fever and pus along with blood.
Major Indications:
1.Swelling of teats & udder
2.Fever with mastitis
3.Discharge of pus due to infection in udder.
4.Cracks of teats.
5.Fibrosis of udder & teats
6.Curdy milk
7.Blood with milk
8.Continous leakage of milk from teats.
Dosage: 20-20 drops 3 times a day on bread/chapatti in ½ cup of water or as directed by
Course duration: 10 days
Gasodil (30ml) is helpful in curing atonic dyspepsia in animals. This disease leads to gas problems in
animals due to imperfect secretion of gastric juice and results in the loss of appetite and improper
gastrointestinal motility that makes the animal weak day by day.
Major Indications: Loss of appetite
Normalization of gastrointestinal motility
Imperfect secretion of gastric juice
Flatulence due to over eating
Dosage:20-20 drops 3 times a day on bread/chapatti or ½ cup of water or as directed by
Course duration: 5 days
7.URI-ON (30ML)
(Urinary Disorders)
URI-ON (30ml) is helpful in curing disease Haematuria that generally occurs in the cattle due to
constipation and hot climatic conditions. This disease cause problems like nephritis, frequent urination,
blockage of urethra and retention of urine due to constipation and renal calculi.
Major Indications: 1. Nephritis with bloody urine
2. Intolerable Urging & Tenesmus
3. Painful Urging
4. Stoppage of Urethra by Mucus & Pus
5. Retention of Urine due to obstinate Constipation & renal calculi.
6. Drop wise Urination
7. Foul smell from urine
9. Whiteness in Urine
10.Enlarged stomach & fever
Dosage: 20-20 drops 3 times a day on bread/chapatti or in ½ cup of water or as directed by
Course duration: 10 days
8.FM-FIT (30ML)
(Foot & Mouth Disease)
FM-FIT (30ml) - This medicine is very effective in curing foot & mouth disease in cattle.
Major Indications: 1
Fever, Shivering, Dullness
Blister like lesions on tongue, nose & Lips
Lesions between toes with painful ulcers
Formation of sticky & foamy saliva.
High temperature
Reduces milk yield
Off Feed
Dosage: 8-8 drops 4 times a day in ¼ cup of water or as directed by Veterinarian.
Course duration: 1 week or till relief
9.D-TICKS (30ML)
(For All kinds of External Parasites)
D-Ticks (30ml) is very effective for removal of all kinds of external parasites. This medicine removes
all external parasites from the body of cattle within 4-6 days and the backup given by this medicine is
about 4-5 months(Ticks or external parasites free body), if course is being done properly.
Major Indications:
1. Loss of appetite
2. Roughness of skin
3. Infertility
4. Reduction in milk yield
5. Continuous weakness of cattle
Dosage: For Adults: 20-20 drops 3 times a day on bread/chapatti or ½ cup of water or as
directed by Veterinarian.
For Small ones: 10-10 drops 2 times a day in ¼ cup of water
Course duration: 15 days
(Puerperal Fever)
1. PD Feverx (30ml): This medicine is helpful generally in the fever that develops after delivery in the
animals that is called puerperal fever. This medicine completely expels the lochia secretions and
Septa out of uterus, leads to complete cleaning of the uterus and prevents the animal from septic after
Major Indications:Suppression of Lochia
Septic fever
Discharge of dark fluid & blood
5. Puerperal Fever
6. Stress after delivery
7. No lactation after delivery or very low quantity
8. Off fee & Lithargic behavior
9. Incomplete cleaning of uterus after delivery
Dosage: 20-20 drops 4 times a day in ½ cup of water or as directed by Veterinarian.
Course duration: 4 days
11.P-TONE (100ML)
P-TONE (100ml): This is the tonic for cattle that can be used generally for providing strength to them
in all respects by removing the deficiency of various kinds of vitamins and carbohydrates preventing the
animals from diseases like infertility, miscarriage, weakness, loss of appetite, frequent urination and
weakness of bones etc. This has 3 kinds of implementations:
Pregnancy Tonic: In case of pregnant cattle if this tonic is given in at least 4th and 5th month
than it fulfills the deficiency of Calcium, Phosphorus & other vitamins in the body and also the
chances of abortion becomes nil and makes delivery easier.
Liver Tonic: P-Tone also functions as liver tonic for cattle. In cases where the functioning of liver
got effected by high antibiotics and other reasons, it boosts up the functioning of liver and
increased the appetite of cattle.
Power Tonic: P-Tone also recovers the cattle from the deficiency of certain important elements
like calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A,D,E & Iodine due to which cattle can be saved from diseases
like malnutrition, Infertility, loss of appetite, weakening of bones etc.
Vitamin D
Dosage: For adults: 20-20 drops 2 times a day on bread/chapatti or in ½ cup of water or as
directed by Veterinarian.
For small Ones: 10-10 drops in ¼ cup of water or as directed by veterinarian.
Course duration: 25 days
(Fibrosis of Udder/Teats)
Fibrocam (30ml): In certain cases due to injury, injury while feeding the young ones, hormonal
imbalance, increased level of estrogen, decrease in level of progesterone or certain other reasons the
cattle suffers from disease called fibrosis. That may be of Udder or teats. In all the said cases Fibrocam
shows very effective result and cure Fibrosis.
Major Indications:
Hard & Painful fibrosis
Blue skin over fibrosis
Pain in Fibrosis by touch
Acute or Chronic Fibrosis
Painful/Non Painful Fibrosis
Dosage: 20-20 drops 2 times a day on bread/chapatti or in ¼ cup of water or as directed by
Course duration: 20 days
13.HONK-FIT (30ML)
(Heat Stroke)
Honk-Fit (30ml): Heat stroke is very fatal problem that occurs in cattle due to excessive interaction
with hot & moist climatic conditions. Due to said conditions the sweating glands of cattle stops working
properly, becomes unable to cope up with such conditions and suffers from heat stroke.
Major Indications:
Reduced Milk yield & feed intake
Breathing with panting
Hanging out tongue
Lethargic behavior
Profuse sweating
Dosage: 20-20 drops 5 times a day on bread/chapatti or in ½ cup of water or as directed by
Course duration: 3 days or till relief
Loose-Fit (30ml): Due to excessive heat or cold, eating of infected food or dirty water, worms in
abdomen, indigestion or certain other reasons the cattle suffers from the problem of Diarrhea &
Dysentery. This medicine is very effective in curing this problem and makes the cattle perfect in 1 or 2
Major Indications:
1. Loose motions like water
2. High fever & fast breathing
3. Excessive thirst & dryness of mouth
4. Green & watery stool
5. Undigested feed material with stool
6. Foul smell from stool
7. Loss of appetite & contraction of skin
8. Weakness & laziness
9. Blood & mucus with loose motions
Dosage: 25-25 drops 3 times a day on bread/chapatti or in ½ cup of water or as directed by
Course duration: 4 days
Pregasys (60ml): Some animals repeatedly fail to conceive due to hormonal imbalance and infection
of uterus like endometriosis. This medicine is helpful in maintaining hormonal balance and prevents all
type of uterine infections etc, enabling the animal to conceive.
Major Indications:
Acute Metritis
Chronic Metritis
Sub Involution
Weakness of Uterus
Infection of Uterus
Dosage: 20-20 drops 2 times a day on bread/chapatti or ½ cup of water or as directed by
Course duration: 30 days
(Contracted/Dead Teats)
Teat-Boost (30ml) is very effective in curing contracted/dead teats and enables them for re- milking &
hence improves milk production.
Major Indications: 1. Contraction of Teats
2. Reduction of teat size
3. Reduction in milk yield due to contraction of teats
4. Dryness of Teats
5. Shortening of Teats
Dosage: 20-20 drops 2 times a day on bread/chapatti or in ½ cup of water or as directed by
Course duration: 20days
17.PROLAPTIN (360 Tabs)
(Uterine Prolapse)
Prolaptin (360 Tabs): Uterine prolapse disease is one of very critical disease in animals that is caused
due to weakness of internal muscles and nervous system and leads displacement retroversion of uterus.
This medicine completely cures this disease by providing strength to the muscles and reinstates the uterus
in its original position. Shows effect in 4-5 days.
Major Indications:
Displacement Retroversion
Passive Hemorrhage
Repeated Abortion
Frequent Urination
Dosage: 4-4 tablets 3 times a day or as directed by Veterinarian.
Course duration: 30 days