& Print Form


Case History


Name: _____________________________________________________________ Date: _____________

First Middle Last

Address: ____________________________________________ City: __________________ Zip: _______

Phone Home:______________________ Work: ______________________ Cell: __________________

Email: _______________________________________________

(used to confirm appointments and in office communications)

Sex: _____ Female _____Male Birth date: ________________________ Age: _____________

How were you referred to Safe Harbor Chiropractic? ____________________________________________

Occupation: _______________________________ Employer: __________________________________

Marital Status ____Single ____Married ____Separated ____Divorced ____Partner ____Widowed

Is your present condition due to an injury? ____Yes ____No ____On the job ____Auto ____Other

Has the accident been reported: ____Yes ____No ____To Employer ____ Auto Carrier

Have you received chiropractic treatment previously? _____Yes _____No

If yes, explain: _________________________________________________________________________

Were you pleased with your chiropractic care? ____Yes ____No

Reason for seeking care: What are your symptoms?



When did this problem begin? _______________________________________________________________

Have you had anything like this before? _______________________________________________________

Is it getting better, worse or no change? _______________________________________________________

List any doctors seen for this: ______________________________________________________________

List any diagnosis and treatment/outcomes: ___________________________________________________


List medications taking for this condition: _____________________________________________________

Does anything make it better? ____ Ice ____ Heat ____ Rest ____ Lying down ____Other__________

How long have you had this health concern? _________________________________________________

Is your condition _____Getting Worse _____Improving ______Intermittent _______Constant

Do you have: ____Achiness ____Numbness _____Tingling ________Sharp/Shooting

______Throbbing _____ Tightness ____Cramps _____Stiffness

_____Swelling _____Burning _____ ____ Pain radiates ___Other_____

Any of the following interfere with activities of daily living:

____ Sleep _____Sitting _____Walking ________Lying down _______Standing ____Any motion

____ Coughing _____ Having a bowel movement ______Weather _____ Bending

Any other symptoms associated with your concern: _____________________________________________

Case History

Use the following scales to answer the three questions below:

1 =no pain or discomfort 2 =slight discomfort 3 =pain that does not affect my activity

4 =pain that affects my daily activities 5 =pain that prevents performing my daily activities

6 =pain that limits my work schedule 7 = pain that prevents working at all

8 =pain that prevents working and all personal activity

9 =pain that keeps me bedridden 10 = pain that causes thoughts of suicide

1 . Rate the severity of your pain today (1, mild pain or discomfort, to 10, severe pain)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Rate the severity of your pain at its worst (1, mild pain or discomfort, to 10, severe pain)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Rate the severity of your pain at its least (1, mild pain or discomfort, to 10, severe pain)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Health History

Current medications, reason and length of time:



Current vitamins/supplements, reason and length of time, are they prescribed, are you getting results?




Check only those conditions which are applicable:



___Allergy Shots






___Chemical Dependency

___Chicken Pox





___Bleeding disorders ___Glaucoma

___Vaginal infections ___Breast lump




___Metabolic Disorder

___Arm/back tingling ___Shoulder pain

___Lung problems ___Blood pressure issues

___Difficulty breathing ___Stuffy nose

___Poor appetite ___Excessive appetite

___Excessive thirst ___Frequent nausea

___Discolored urine ___Gas/bloating

___Black stools

___Tired after 2pm

___Bloody stools

___Wake up b/t 1&3 am

___Excessive urination



___Herniated Disc



___Parkinson’s Ds

___Suicide Attempt

___Thyroid Problems



___High Cholesterol

___Kidney Disease

___Liver Disease

___Pinched Nerve





___L yme’s disease

___Prostate Problems ___Ulcers



___Psychiatric Care ___Fractures

___Miscarriage ___Venereal Disease

___Multiple Sclerosis ___Cancer

___Neck Pain ___Low back pain

___Heart Problems


___Hand pain/tingling ___Leg pain/tingling ___Jaw pain

___Ankle swelling



___Cold hands/feet



___Blurred vision

___Weight loss

___Dental problems





___Loss of sleep

___Painful urination ___Bladder trouble

___Colitis ___Irritable bowel

___Hemorrhoids ___Fatigue

___Difficulty hearing ___Ear pain

Case History

Have you had any surgeries? If yes, please describe: ______________________________________________


Women only :

Date of last menstrual period: _____________________________________________________

Do you have the following occur with your periods: ___ Painful cramping ___Heavy ____Long lasting

___Migraines ___Clotting ___Fatigue ____Leg weakness _____Bowel habit changes

Any abnormal PAP or mammograms? ______ Yes _____No

If so, please explain: ____________________________________________________________________

Do you have hot flashes?

Do you have night sweats?





Do you have insomnia?

Do you have memory loss?

Do you have mood swings?

Do you have low sex drive?









Do you have fatigue? ____Yes

Do you have breast tenderness? ____Yes

Do you have Weight gain?

Do you have anxiety?







Men only:

Do you have decreased urinary flow? ____Yes _____No

Do you have abdominal weight gain? ____ Yes _____No

Do you have elevated cholesterol? ____Yes

Do you have erectile dysfunction? ____Yes



Do you have depression/anxiety? ____Yes

Do you have fatigue? ____ Yes



Do you have loss of muscle tone? ____Yes

Do you have irritability? ____Yes

Difficulty concentrating? ____Yes




Date of last prostate exam: ____________ Any abnormalities? If so, please explain: ____________________


Family Health History:





___Mental Illness ___Kidney Disease



___Eye Disorders

___Liver Disease

___Thyroid Problems

___Lung Disease

___High Cholesterol

___Liver Disease

___High Blood Pressure


___Autoimmune Disorders

___Digestive Disorders



___Other ______________________________________________________________________________

Please elaborate on any of the above. Also, please list the family member with the health issue





Case History

Daily Habits

Do you exercise? ____ Yes ___No

What level of exercise do you perform on a regular basis? ____None ___Light ___Moderate ___Heavy

What exercises are you doing, frequency and for how long? _________________________________________



Are you achieving the results you expect from your current exercise program? ___Yes ___No

Do you have a personal trainer? _________________________________________________

Do you smoke cigarettes, tobacco, recreational? ____ Yes ___No How much per day? _________________

How much wine, beer, and hard liquor do you consume on a daily or weekly basis? ________________________

How much coffee, soda, or caffeinated beverages to you consume on daily basis? _________________________

Do you feel rested and refreshed when you wake up? ____Yes ____No

How many hours do you sleep each night? ______________

Do you snore? ___Yes ___No

Do you sleep on your ____ Stomach ____ Sides ____ Back

Do you use a pillow between your knees when you sleep? ____ Yes ___ No

Do you use a pillow under your knees when you sleep on your back? ___Yes ___No

Do you sit on your cell phone or wallet in the car or at work? _____Yes ____No


Do you eat breakfast? ___Yes ___No ___Sometimes

What do you typically eat for breakfast? _______________________________________________________


Do you eat lunch? ____ Yes ___No ___Sometimes

What do you typically eat for lunch? _________________________________________________________


Do you eat dinner? ___Yes ___No ____Sometimes

What do you typically eat for dinner? _________________________________________________________


What snacks do you typically eat, how often and how much? ______________________________________

How many ounces of water do you consume daily? _____________________________________________

How many fruits do you eat daily? ____________________

How many vegetables do you eat daily? _______________

How many dairy products do you eat daily? _____________

Do you eat or drink anything that is low fat, low salt, reduced fat, contains artificial sweeteners? ______________

How many bowel movements do you have daily? _______

Are they black, green, dark, medium, light or clay colored? _________________________________________

How are they shaped? Long and narrow, small and pebble-like, small pieces, long and tube shaped, loose, or in pieces? ______________________________________________________________________________

Case History

Stress Evaluation

How would you rate your current level of stress? __________________________________________________

What are your stressors in your life? ____________________________________________________________

What were your past stressors? _______________________________________________________________

What do you do to alleviate your stress? ________________________________________________________

How long does it last? _______________________________________________________________________

How do you know if you are recovering from your stress? ___________________________________________

When you are experiencing mild, moderate or severe stress do you notice any physical signs? Anxiety, depression, addictive behaviors, irritability, withdrawn, low energy, digestive problems, change in vision, headaches, muscle tension, constipation, diarrhea, or other symptoms?___________________________________________


Do you have a racing mind? __________________________________________________________________

Does your stress interfere with your ability to sleep? ________________________________________________

Do you meditate? ___________________________

What are your healthy habits that you engage in regularly? ___________________________________________


What are your unhealthy habits that you engage in? How often? _______________________________________


How would you rate your current energy level? ____________________________________________________

What was your energy level like 1, 3 and 5 years ago? Has anything happened in your life that you attribute to it?



Almost Done!

Date of last annual physical: _______________________________________________________________

Any other testing or exams you have had within the past three years? _________________________________



Any other health issues that were not mentioned above?




What are your top three health goals?

1. _______________________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________________

How would you like to receive appointment reminders? _____ Email _____ Text

Email: ____________________________________________ (provide best email if not on page 1)

Text: ______________________________ (provide your cell phone carrier – Verizon, AT&T, Sprint…)
