Gordon's 11 Functional Pattern Pattern Description Health Perception and Health Management Describe the clients’ Formulated Questions 1. perceived health & wellbeing and how health is Do you consider yourself healthy? What is “healthy” for you? 2. managed. What prescription and non-prescription medications do you take? 3. Do you visit the doctor on a regular basis or have annual check-ups? 4. When was the last time you visited the doctor for a check-up? 5. Do you smoke? Do you drink alcohol? Do you take or have you taken any illegal substances? (For medical purposes only) (If the client does any of these) How often do you do this? How much would you say you consume on an average? 6. When there is something wrong with your body or whenever you feel sick, what do you first do? Who and where do you seek help? 7. Any health issues that may affect general health? 8. Have you experienced colds in the past year? 9. Any circumstances that may have required you to skip work/school recently? 10. In the past, has it been easy to carry out doctor’s or nurse’s suggestions? 11. Most important thing you do to stay healthy? 12. Have you ever used home remedies-folk remedies? Nutrition and Metabolic Describes the food and 1. fluid consumption relative to metabolic need and Vegetarian, etc.) 2. pattern indicators of local nutrient supply. What is your diet? (Omnivore, Keto, Vegan, What is your typical meal composed of? (Proportion of carbs., protein, fat) 3. What are your food preferences? 4. Do you have any dietary restrictions? (Restrictions including voluntary, because of beliefs/religion, as instructed by doctor, intolerances) 5. What is your typical food, snack, drink intake? 6. How do you typically prepare your food? (Fried, baked, raw, steamed, grilled, etc.) 7. How often do you drink water in a day? How much water do you drink? 8. Do you take any vitamins or food supplements? 9. Do you have any food allergies? 10. How often do you eat junk food or eat in a fast-food chain? 11. May I ask for a diet recall for 7 days from this day? 12. Do you have an eating schedule to follow? 13. Can you tell me about the time interval of your meals? including snacks 14. Who prepares your food? 15. Do you have any discomfort upon swallowing, chewing, and drinking? 16. Aware of any stomach or intestinal problems? or a problem with metabolism? 17. Problems toward appetite? 18. Do you have dental problems? Elimination Pattern Describes the pattern of 1. excretory function (bowel, How often is your bowel movement in a week? bladder, skin). Through 2. Do you notice any changes in your bowel? this pattern the nurse is 3. Do you experience pain or discomfort able to determine regularity, quality, and during excretion/pooping? 4. quantity of stool and urine. Do you experience any difficulty in peeing/urinating? 5. What color does your pee/urine normally look like? 6. How often do you urinate in a day? 7. Do you notice if your urine has any strong odor? Foul odor perhaps? Skin & Perspiration 8. Are there any alarming changes in your skin color or texture? 9. Do you have an issue towards sweating? May it be too excessive? 10. Have you noticed any concerning odors from yourself recently? Bowel Excretion 11. Typically, how long does it take for you to feel the urge of bowel excretion? 12. May I know how frequently you take bowel excretion in a day? 13. Have you taken any laxatives to help with your bowel movement? 14. Do you experience any problems regarding bowel excretion such as discomfort on abdomen, anus, or anywhere? 15. If I may ask, do you take any medication when facing pain correlating to your bowel movement? Bladder Excretion 16. Typically, how long does it take for you to feel the urge to pee? 17. How often do you urinate in a day? 18. Is there any alarming discomfort, odor, appearance, frequency regarding bladder excretion? 19. Do you have any issues toward controlling bladder excretion? Activity-Exercise This pattern describes 1. Do you exercise regularly? activity level, exercise 2. What type of exercises do you do? Do you program, and leisure activities. follow any exercise plan? 3. Are there any restrictions in your exercise? (such as duration, type of exercise) 4. What activities do you engage in during your leisure and recreation time? 5. How often do you engage in strenuous activities? 6. Every time you exercise, do you experience any body pain? 7. Are you having any problems in exerting energy for certain activities? 8. Have you been exposed to any work-related health hazards? Sleep and Rest Describe the patterns of 1. Do you use any aids to help you sleep? sleep, rest, and relaxation 2. What time do you usually sleep? 3. What time do you usually wake up? 4. If you were to assess yourself, how long do you think you usually sleep and rest in a day? 5. Do you experience disturbance in the middle of your sleep? 6. Do you have difficulty falling asleep? 7. Do you find it hard to go back to sleep if you are suddenly awoken? 8. Do you take naps within the day? When do you usually take naps? How long are your naps? 9. Do you have any sleep disorder/s? If yes, what is/are this/these? 10. On a daily basis, how many hours of sleep do you get? 11. What time do you go to bed? 12. What time do you get up? 13. Do you take any sleep-inducing pills/drinks? 14. How often do you get disturbed and wake up at night? 15. Do you have a routine before sleeping? 16. Do you take naps during the day? 17. How long do your naps usually take? 18. Do you often experience nightmares? Cognitive-Perceptual Describes the ability of the 1. individual to understand and follow directions, Do you have difficulty learning due to visual or auditory distraction/s? 2. retain information, make Do you tend to forget things quickly? Have you experienced memory gaps recently? decisions, solve problems 3. Do you easily get distracted? and also assess the five 4. Are there any changes in your mental senses status? 5. Do you wear eyeglasses? Are they prescribed or not? (If the client wears eyeglasses) How long have you had them? When was your last eye check-up? Do you change your eyeglasses regularly? 6. Did you experience any traumatic accident/situation that affects your wellbeing? 7. Do you find it hard to recall information? recognize people and objects? differentiate people and objects? 8. Experienced any difficulties or discomfort on your ear? Do you wear hearing aids? 9. Do you have trouble with your vision? wear glasses? 10. How often do you find it difficult to memorize a certain thing? 11. Do you find it easy/difficult to make an important decision in life? 12. Any kind of speech problems? 13. How would you describe your ability to be attentive? 14. Is there an easiest way for you to learn things? If so, in what ways do you tend to do it? Self-Perception/ Selfconcept Describes the client’s self- 1. Do you constantly feel angry and/or sad? worth, comfort, body 2. Do you feel positive or negative about your image, feeling state current health, financial, and educational status? 3. Do you feel confident in your body? Are there things that you don’t like about your body? 4. Are you able to control things in your surroundings? 5. Do you feel like your body is the main source of your problems? 6. Do you ever feel like you lose hope in things? 7. Are you aware of your self-worth? How would you describe it? 8. Are you experiencing an identity crisis? 9. How do you feel and think about yourself lately? 10. Do you feel good about your whole being? 11. If I may ask, was there a time that you may have been conscious of yourself? 12. Does it ever occur to you to lose hope? 13. If it’s okay, may I ask what changes in your body that affects the things you can do? 14. Do you do selfcare? If so, how? Role-Relationship Client's pattern of role 1. Do you live alone or are you living with engagements and anybody? (With partner and/or family relationships. member/s) 2. (if living with someone) What is your role in the household? If you are admitted, who will do your responsibilities/duties/chores? 3. Can you describe your relationship with your family? What is your role in your family? 4. Is there anyone we can contact in case of an emergency? 5. Do you have friends/peers? Can you describe your relationship with them? 6. How often do you see your friends? 7. Are you a member of any social groups or organizations? How is your relationship with the members? 8. Can you describe your experience in school or workplace? 9. Can you describe your relationship with your co-workers/colleagues (if working) or classmates and teachers (if student)? (If both, ask for both) 10. What is it like growing up in your family? How would you describe your role in your family? 11. Do you have any other relatives living with you? 12. Family or others depend on you generally? (emotionally, financially, spiritually, etc.) SexualityReproductive Patterns of satisfaction 1. Are you in a sexual relationship right now? and dissatisfaction with 2. If I may ask, are you sexually active? sexuality pattern; 3. If you do not mind me asking, when was the reproductive pattern. last time you had sexual intercourse with your partner? 4. Not to offend you, but if I may ask besides your partner, do you engage in sexual intercourse with other people? 5. How many times did you engage yourself in sexual intercourse with other people? 6. When was the last time you had sexual intercourse with other people? 7. How do you identify your sexual orientation? 8. Do you use any contraceptives? 9. For females - Are you using birth control? Is this prescribed by your doctor/ OB-GYN, or do you take this voluntarily? 10. For females - When was your last period? 11. For females - Is there a chance that you are currently pregnant? 12. For females - Do you mind if I ask about whether or not you had a miscarriage? 13. For males - Do you have any concerns or problems with regards to your sexuality? 14. How should I address you? May I also know about your sexual orientation? 15. Are you currently in a relationship with someone? Is it possible that you may have engaged with sexual activities with your partner? 16. Are you experiencing or feeling any problems in your body after participating in a sexual activity? 17. Have you used any medications recently, such as contraceptives, viagra, and if you noticed some side effects after using them? Coping-Stress Describes the client’s 1. feelings, comfort and discomfort. What stresses you? / How do you recognize stress in daily life? 2. How do you cope with stress? 3. How does stress affect you? 4. When feeling stressed, how do you feel physically? 5. Have you been under stress recently? 6. Are you quick tempered? Did you do anything to manage this? / How do you ease your anger? 7. Do you receive any treatment for emotional distress? 8. How often do you get the emotional support you need? From who/what? 9. Who are the people you can talk to about your stress? 10. Has anything been bothering you lately or causing stress? 11. Do you have any sort of activities that keep you relaxed? 12. How do you deal with setbacks in life? 13. In what area of your life, makes you sensitive and feel some kind of emotions ragingly? 14. Feeling unable to control emotions? How do you cope when things don't go your way? 15. Things that frequently make you angry? Annoyed? Fearful? Anxious? Depressed? Work, School, Family, Health Issues, Personal Things 16. For you, Who is the most helpful in talking things over? 17. Use of any medicine for emotional/mental issues? Values and Belief Describes the patterns of values, beliefs (including spiritual), and goals that 1. Do you think that herbal/alternative medicines work on your body when you guides the client’s choices take it? When and where did you know or decisions. about these herbal/alternative medicines? 2. Are you subject to any medical aid restrictions? (i.e., blood transfusion) 3. Are there any restrictions that can violate your beliefs that I/we should be aware of? 4. Do you believe that your life has purpose or meaning? 5. Are you experiencing spiritual distress? 6. Would you say that your faith and hope is uncompromised? 7. What religion or sources of hope, strength, comfort, and peace do you practice? 8. Is there anything specific about your culture, beliefs, or religious practices that I should be aware of? 9. Have your beliefs had an impact on how you care for yourself? 10. Is there any matter regarding your belief you may need to disclose that may affect your health care you receive from us?