1920s Unit Review

1920s Unit Review
Important Terms
Red Scare
Langston Hughes
Marcus Garvey
Harlem Renaissance
Great Migration
Buying on Margin
Scopes Trial
Moving Assembly Line
Return to Normalcy
America First
Installment Plans
Charles Lindbergh
Ku Klux Klan
Jim Crow
1. What impacts did Henry Ford’s perfection of the assembly line have on the automotive industry?
2. How did the following affect the lives of women in the 1920s:
a. Changes in clothing styles
b. Changes in the family structure
c. Political activism
d. 19th Amendment
3. Who were Sacco and Vanzetti and why are they important to the study of the 1920s?
4. What were Palmer Raids?
5. What were the push and pull factors associated with the movement of African Americans during the Great
6. What new industries emerged as significant industries during the 1920s?
7. Identify the significance of the following individuals during the Harlem Renaissance:
a. Langston Hughes
b. Bessie Smith
c. Louis “Satchmo” Armstrong
d. Duke Ellington
e. W.E.B. DuBois
8. Explain the “back to Africa” and the “Africa for Africans” movement led by individuals like Marcus Garvey?
9. What impact did the Red Scare have on immigration to the US?
10. How did each of the following contribute as Causes of the Great Depression:
a. High tariffs
b. Stock market speculation
c. Bank failures/Poor regulation of banks
d. High interest rates
e. Buying on margin
11. Explain why the end of World War I led many Americans to become isolationists in the 1920s?
12. Why were many labor unions suspected of being incubators for recruiting Communists in the 1920s?
13. What were the significant contributions of the following:
a. Charles Lindbergh
b. Glenn Curtiss
c. Amelia Earhardt
14. Describe the significance of the Scopes “Monkey” Trial and the conflict that it represented in American culture?
15. Which side of the cultural arguments were represented by Clarence Darrow and William J. Bryan in the Scopes
16. Who are Fundamentalists and what were their beliefs?
17. What was the purpose of the Universal Negro Improvement Association?
18. What impact did the affordable car, like the model T, have on where Americans lived?
19. What did the “America First” campaign encourage during the 1920s?
20. Which two presidents are most associated with the Roaring 20s?
21. How did each of the following contribute to the economic health of the US during the 1920s:
a. Increased production efficiency
b. Reduced taxes
c. Buying on margin
d. Industrialization
22. Describe what “talkies” were in reference to media of the 1920s
23. What is Tin Pan Alley music?
24. What were “flappers”?
25. Buying on installment credit continues today; What is it?
26. What was the result of policies under Warren G. Harding that favored a “return to normalcy” after WWI?
27. What kind of music was popularized with the Great Migration?
28. What were the unintended consequences of Prohibition?
29. What was Prohibition?
30. How did immigration from southern and eastern Europe impact the United States during the 1920s?
31. What effects did the rapid growth of African Americans in the large cities have?
32. Who was the most famous of the gangsters during the 1920s?
33. What is bootlegging?
34. What factors contributed to the rapid growth of the Ku Klux Klan during the 1920s?