PDHPE ASSESSMENT GUIDELINES ASSESSMENT GUIDELINES : Years 7-9 PDHPE Semester 1 Semester 2 Practical Assessment 60% Practical Assessment 60% Topic Test 20% Topic Test 20% Class Mark 20% Class Mark 20% 100% 100% Practical Assessment Mark is based on a student's accumulated marks received in every practical unit completed throughout the semester which will be assessed using the Teacher’s Professional judgement. Class Mark is based on completion of the student’s work book, participation in class discussion and communication and interaction within the class Topic Test is based on the student's abilities to relate knowledge as covered during the course. Students failing to complete or submit any of the above assessment tasks by the due date will lose marks and a warning note sent to parents. If students have a doctor's certificate or medical explanation, the assessment task will be completed at a later date. ASSESSMENT GUIDELINES : Year 10 PDHPE Semester 1 Semester 2 Practical Assessment 1 60% Practical Assessment 2 60% Assignment 20% Assignment 20% Class Mark 20% Class Mark 20% 100% 100% Sem 1+2 = Assessment mark that will be forwarded as the student's ROSA Grade. Year 10 students who fail to complete an assessment task will receive an 'N' Warning. If students have a doctor's certificate or medical explanation, the assessment task will be completed at a later date. This will be allocated as follows: A - outstanding achievement, able to show a very high standard of skill level, has understood concepts and been able to transfer them into practice. B - high level of achievement, able to show a standard of skill well above average, has understood concepts in most part. C - average level of achievement, skill level is satisfactory but needs improvement, has difficulty grasping all concepts and transferring the knowledge to other areas. D - below average level of achievement, skill level is poor and has failed to grasp most concepts put forward. E - unsatisfactory - has not put in the effort required to gain a satisfactory result. This grade can only be given if the student has been warned of a possible E grade by the teacher concerned, has been counselled according to where they fall short and has been referred to the head teacher as a follow up. N - applicable where a student fails to meet requirements laid out in the School Certificate Assessment Manual. This N Award can be given for failing to meet satisfactory standards in one or more of the following areas: Attendance and Participation Effort Progress Assessment Guidelines Year 9-10 Physical Activity and Sport Studies Year 9 Semester 1 Semester 2 Practical Assessment 50% Practical Assessment 50% Half Yearly Exam 30% Yearly Exam 30% Major Assignment 20% Major Assignment 20% 100% 100% Year 10 Semester 1 Semester 2 Practical Assessment 50% Practical Assessment 50% Half Yearly Exam 30% Yearly Exam 30% Major Assignment 20% Major Assignment 20% 100% 100% Year 9 Students who fail to submit an assessment task will lose marks and a letter of concern will be sent home to their parents. Year 10 students who fail to complete an assessment task will receive an 'N' Warning letter. If students have a doctor's certificate or medical explanation, the assessment task will be completed at a later date. Sem 1+2 = Assessment mark that will be forwarded as the student's ROSA Grade. This will be allocated as follows: A - outstanding achievement, able to show a very high standard of skill level, has understood concepts and been able to transfer them into practice. B - high level of achievement, able to show a standard of skill well above average, has understood concepts in most part. C - average level of achievement, skill level is satisfactory but needs improvement, has difficulty grasping all concepts and transferring the knowledge to other areas. D - below average level of achievement, skill level is poor and has failed to grasp most concepts put forward. E - unsatisfactory - has not put in the effort required to gain a satisfactory result. This grade can only be given if the student has been warned of a possible E grade by the teacher concerned, has been counselled according to where they fall short and has been referred to the head teacher as a follow up. N - applicable where a student fails to meet requirements laid out in the School Certificate Assessment Manual. This N Award can be given for failing to meet satisfactory standards in one or more of the following areas: Attendance and participation Effort Progress ASSESSMENT GUIDELINES : Years 11 and 12 PDHPE Preliminary Course HSC Course Core 1 Risk Factors Better Health Case Study For Individuals 20% Core 1 Health Priorities in Australia Core 2 The Body in Motion Anatomy Video Analysis 20% Core 2 Factors affecting Half Yearly Performance Exam 20% Option 1 First Aid Practical Demo +Theory 15% Option 2 Sports Medicine Theory Test 15% Option 3 Fitness Choices Fitness Coaching Session 15% Option 3 Improving Performance Improving Performance Plan 15% 30% HSC Trial Exam Yearly Exam Health Priorities Research Project 100% 20% 30% 100% Students unable to complete an assessment task on the day are required to complete an Absence/Illness /Misadventure form BEFORE the task or notify the school on the day of the task. Medical Certificates or a request for consideration for misadventure MUST be given to the HSC administrator. The Board of Studies syllabus outlines the following criteria or procedures for assessment in both the Year 11 Preliminary Course and the Year 12 HSC Course. 1. Knowledge and understanding Assessment tasks should involve assessing the ability of students to recall and comprehend Eg exams and class essays 40% 2. Process Skills Assessment tasks should involve assessing the ability of students to apply a range of process skills including communication, interaction, discussion making, research and analysis Eg assignments and case studies 40% 3. Movement Assessment tasks should involve application, assessing the ability of students to apply understanding and skills related specifically to movement. Eg video or subject analysis 20% Assessment Guidelines Year 11-12 Sport, Leisure and Recreation Year 11 Aquatics Resuscitation Demonstration/Exam 15% Individual Sports Practical Assessment 50% Healthy Lifestyle Lifetsyle Program 15% Outdoor Education Practical and Research Project 20% 100% Year 12 Sports Coaching Coaching Certificate 15% First Aid Theory + Practical Assessment 15% Individual Sports Practical Assessment 50% Research Project 20% Sociology of Sport 100% Knowledge and Understanding 50% Skills 50% Students unable to complete an assessment task on the day are required to complete an Absence/Illness /Misadventure form BEFORE the task or notify the school on the day of the task. Medical Certificates or a request for consideration for misadventure MUST be given to the HSC administrator.