Comprehension Instructional Sequence

Comprehension Instructional Sequence Module Overview
Science – Grade 7
This professional development provides:
o A sequence of instruction that supports deeper engagement with text. Opportunities to use the
Comprehension Instructional Sequence as a reader.
o A debriefing session for analyzing the Comprehension Instructional Sequence as a teacher.
o Practice in planning for the use of this instructional sequence.
o A model of how to differentiate instruction planned from a teacher’s edition.
 Professional Development Objectives:
o To demonstrate a dynamic instructional process for deeper text comprehension: Model an
example lesson for teachers/participants to learn how to use the four-step comprehension
instructional process described in the flowchart , Teaching Reading Comprehension Through
Instructional Sequence.
o Provide practice opportunities for teachers/participants to use the comprehension instructional
 Example Lesson Objectives:
o Students will process deeply and comprehend the information in their textbook through reading
and rereading, generating questions and answers based on the text, and participating in extended
text discussion.
o Students will explain how human activity influences the spread of invasive spices.
 Write all pre-determined questions to guide critical thinking on charts or boards prior to the lesson in
order to maintain focus and pace of discussions.
 Handouts
o Flowchart: Comprehension Instructional Sequence
o Example Lessons:
 Model Lesson handouts:
 Expository text: “Invasive Insects of Concern to Georgia” by Georgia Invasive species
Task Force
 Essential Question Writing Handout (Steps 1, 2 and 4)
 Directed Note-taking Handout (Step 2)
 Question Generation Poster (Step 3) - optional
Display Materials:
o Words for Vocabulary Word Wall:
 Words introduced in article: invasive (par. 1), pests (par. 1), urban (par. 1), ornamental
(par. 2), propagules (par. 2), contaminants (par. 3), displace (par. 4), significant (par.
5), quarantines (par. 5), exotic (par. 5)
o Question Generation Posters for Wall
o Sticky notes
o Chart Paper
o Markers
 Purpose
 Provide an overview of the Comprehension Instructional Sequence to enable participants to see the big
picture for the entire day.
1. Comprehension Instructional Sequence flowchart
2. Participants read the Comprehension Instructional Sequence Example Lesson
Purpose: To teach and guide students/ participants to think more deeply as they read text by using a
four-step process.
Step 1/Day 1: Modeling Reading to Build Comprehension:
Purpose: To bring world relevance to text reading, establish a purpose for reading, model fluent reading,
provide opportunities for students to become interactive with the text, and think critically about
information in the text.
Tasks: Teacher instructs from an essential question(s), reads aloud to students while students code text,
students read the text and participate in directed note-taking.
A. (Activating Strategy) Set the purpose for reading: Teach from an essential question to bring world
relevance to text reading:
Topic Hook/Question (Before reading): Students will view 4 photos (display through
document camera or EIKI projector) they will be asked to identify which are examples of
invasive species (use a horse, feral hog, Redbay Beetle, and cattail) – all are invasive).
 Text-focused Lesson Essential Question: As we read this section of text, think about this
How do invasive species impact native populations?
This aligns with the following standards:
L6-8RST1: Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts.
L6-8RST2: Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; provide an accurate summary of
the text distinct from prior knowledge or opinions.
L6-8RST10: By the end of grade 8, read and comprehend science/technical texts in the grades
6–8 text complexity band independently and proficiently.
S7L4. Students will examine the dependence of organisms on one another and their
c. Recognize that changes in environmental conditions can affect the survival of both
individuals and entire species.
d. Categorize relationships between organisms that are competitive or mutually
Ask participants to write their first response to the Essential Question.
C. (Vocabulary) Teacher provides vocabulary instruction.
Context clues, background knowledge, word parts, use of topic sentences
D. (Teaching Strategies) Teacher reads the text aloud to the students for 5 minutes. Read the first
paragraphs of the text, “Invasive Insects of Concern to Georgia” by Georgia Invasive species
Task Force
 Teacher explicitly models how to mark text through these first two paragraphs.
 As students listen and follow along in their text, they may ask questions as the teacher thinks
aloud through the process and marks the text.
 Teacher then continues to read aloud the rest of the article and requires students to mark/code
their text as follows:
* I = Movement of invading pests
* P = Problem movement creates for Georgia Forests
* S = Solution for limiting movement of invading pests
Teacher should pause at planned places to facilitate small group discussion of text coding for
previous paragraphs.
Note: For students who need additional support, it may be necessary to explicitly demonstrate how
to mark the text.
E. Discuss coding with partners and share questions they had while listening.
F. In small groups, have students compare and discuss differences in their text coding. When needed,
provide instruction in vocabulary used in the text. Instruct students to support suggested answers
from the text; students should not guess. As they work in small groups, strategically pair students
who cannot read the text efficiently.
G. If the selected text permits, assign each table a picture or chart from the text and ask them to discuss
its meaning and significance. Instruct students to support suggested answers from the text; students
should not guess.
Step 2/Day 2: Rereading and Directed Note-taking
Students read the same text, “Invasive Insects of Concern to Georgia” by Georgia Invasive species Task Force,
and engage in directed note-taking:
A. Before reading, present a guiding question to direct students’ thinking while they read and take
notes. Notes are intended to assist students in answering the LEQ.
Guiding Question: How do humans influence the spread of invasive species?
B. Using the Directed Note-Taking Handout, have students read independently, in pairs, or in small
groups. Throughout this time, the teacher can scaffold a small group of students who cannot read
the text efficiently to support their text reading and note-taking.
C. After students finish their note-taking:
o Have students compare notes with classmates (in pairs or in small groups)
o Have student partners or student groups place a star next to the most significant note
in each category (Natural Progression, Historical Human and Modern Human).
D. WRITING IN RESPONSE TO READING #2 Ask participants to write their second response to the Essential Question (bottom area of
handout) based upon what they just read and text coded.
Step 3/Day 3: Rereading and Question Generation to Deepen Comprehension:
Purpose: To provide students with a demonstration of question generation and the opportunity for them to
interact with the text by generating questions to further deepen their comprehension.
(Teaching Strategy) Tasks: Teacher models the generation of a complex question based on a section of text,
relating to a broad perspective or issue. Students record the questions, and then students re-read the text to
generate their own questions. (Use Question Generation Poster/Handout)
A. Model re-reading a portion of the text (paragraph 3 of “Invasive Insects of Concern to Georgia” by
Georgia Invasive species Task Force) and generate a complex/higher-order thinking question based
on a section of the text, but not necessarily answered directly by the text and probably based on a
broader perspective/more complex ideas or issues in the text.
I wonder how animals impact the spread of invasive pests.
Display the question. Table discussion and share out.
B. Students review/scan the same text and use their recorded notes to generate “I wonder” questions
based yet unanswered from their first text reading. (Optional: Students record their questions on
their Student Question Generation paper as they work in pairs or small groups. Students who have
difficulty reading the text efficiently may need partner support within a small group in order to
generate questions.)
 Meanwhile, the teacher roams the room, listening to the quality of student thinking as a
means of formative assessment. Students focus just on question generation and will have
subsequent opportunities to generate their answers.
C. Display the questions on the Question Generation Poster.
(Categories: Land, Air and Water)
Note: For students who need additional support, it may be necessary to explicitly
demonstrate question generation individually or in small groups.
D. Using the questions, the students review/scan the same text (pages) and use their recorded notes to
generate their own answers. Students record their questions on chart paper or sticky notes as they
work in pairs, triads or small groups.
To conclude question generation, the teacher:
 has students share their questions with the whole class to identify which questions they have
in common, and which questions are most relevant or significant to their learning
 records/posts common and relevant/significant questions on the Question Generation Poster
for future use in:
o extended text discussion
o seeking answers in text-reading throughout the remainder of the chapter/unit
o focusing on unanswered questions in collaborative inquiry.
The teacher can post student questions and classify them by categories established during the
discussion to reinforce the Social Studies skills of sourcing and corroboration as students search,
locate, and validate answers to some of the questions throughout the remainder of the unit.
Step 4/Day 4: Using Text-Based Essential Questions to Facilitate
Student Thinking While Reading.
Purpose: To provide opportunities for students to interact with the text and with their peers to facilitate
complex thinking and deep comprehension of text.
(Teaching Strategy) Task: Teacher reviews the text-based essential question.
A. Revise the essential question to align with FCAT Item Specifications. Questions from the textbook
may be adapted to align with the specifications.
B. Post the essential question in the classroom:
According to the text, how have human actions altered the impact of invasive species on native
habitats? Use information from text to justify your answer.
C. Students complete a graphic organizer developed for the lesson to help them answer the LEQ.
 Students discuss answers, review/revise answers to essential question based on discussion.
D. Demonstrate how the LEQ might look in an FCAT multiple choice format. Direct students to use
information from their completed notes to help them answer the essential question. Direct students
to their Directed Note-Taking Handout and graphic organizer as tools for responding to the
essential question.
E. Students share their answers with a partner or in small groups.
The article mentions movement of materials by humans inadvertently adds to the advancement of the
invading pests. Which of the following would not lead to an increase in invasive species in a specific
a. Climate change such as an ice age that may create an ice bridge.
b. A thunderstorm carrying an insects and pollen from Florida to Georgia.
c. Early settlers bringing domesticated animals and plants from the native land.
d. Foreign vessels emptying their ballast tanks into local waters.
F. As part of whole class discussion, record student responses to the essential question in multiple
choice format. (See Sample Responses in box below) Teachers record responses below the essential
question, using:
 The most relevant word, phrase, or sentence for the correct answer
 A variety of plausible words, phrases, or sentences as distracters
Have students draft a written summary explanation of:
o their original answer to the essential question
o their revised response after the class discussion
Task: Teacher posts text-based prompts and students draft written responses.
Purpose: To provide opportunities for students to write as a means of learning in order to expand,
refine, and deepen their understanding of content area information and concepts.
Writing Prompts (examples):
 What one word would you use to describe the spread of invasive species? Justify your
reasoning using information from the text.
 Using RAFT, have the students select from several choices for Role, Audience, Format and
Topic to summarize their learning from the article.