Mountain Home Junior High School Student Handbook 1600 East 6th South Mountain Home, Id. 83647 208-587-2590 Fax: 208-587-2597 Principal: V.P./AD: Counselor: SRO: Dan Cochran Jessie Ward Jennifer Zaike Ty Larsen Attendance Sec.: Registrar: Receptionist: Admin. Asst. Robin Murray Jamie Sloan Ivey Romero Kim Wing A Message from the Principal……….. Mountain Home Junior High would like to welcome you and your student to our school. Whether you are returning or this is your first year at the junior high, we are excited to connect with you and your student so that we can support the needs and goals of all our learners. The start of the school year always brings some excitement and anxiety. With it come the opportunities to set new goals, make new friends, and develop new habits which lead to success. As a staff, we are confident that Mountain Home Junior High will challenge your student academically and help him or her to develop socially. Our focus as a staff this year will be the implementation of the Common Core standards, furthering our work on the development and implementation of literacy and mathematics strategies across the curriculum, and the continued use of assessments strategies to increase student learning. Forging a strong relationship between the school and home is beneficial to student performance and academic growth. Please take advantage of the formal and informal opportunities that you will have to become involved at the Mountain Home Junior High. The student handbook is a resource that will serve as a reference and as a communication tool between home and school. For a complete version of the handbook, a student handbook link can be found on the school webpage or a copy can be picked up in the front office. Dan Cochran, Principal Philosophy To encourage students to look beyond high school and expose them to different career fields. To prepare students with academic and social skills that will help them overcome adversity and obstacles they may face as young adults. To provide students with life-long study habits and social skills they can use in all aspects of their lives District Mission Statement: Educating today’s students for tomorrow’s world District Vision Statement: The Mountain Home School District, with the cooperation of the students, parents, and the community, will offer a quality education that has value and meaning for each student. Caring, quality teachers will instill a thirst for knowledge and will challenge each student’s potential to the highest level. We will offer a curriculum that is challenging and diversified in which students are eager to learn because it is relevant to their futures. Our students will have the skills and knowledge to become responsible, contributing members of society who are excited about life and the possibilities ahead. Mountain Home Junior High School Respect and Responsibility RESPECT Mountain Home students are expected to: Show courtesy and respect to others Use acceptable language at all time, free of name calling, insults or profanity Settle differences without put-downs, threats, cyberbullying, bullying, harassment or fighting Ask staff for help as needed for conflict resolution Eat in designated areas only and keep the school clean and free of liter Interact with each other safely without pushing or roughness Share equipment and demonstrate good sportsmanship Remain on school grounds from the time of arrival to dismissal- MHJHS is a closed campus. Take care of school grounds, property and equipment Consequences for Poor Choices- students who fail to meet MHJHS’s positive behavior expectations will face certain consequences. If a student misbehaves, appropriate consequences may include: Warnings Parent notification Parent conference Lunch detention Loss of privileges/ participation in school activities/ banning from after school activities etc. After school detention Suspension Referral to administration Local law enforcement involvement Illegal activities such as vandalisms, graffiti, or possession of drugs, paraphernalia, alcohol, tobacco products (including E-cigarettes) or other controlled substances are prohibited. Matches, lighters, weapons, firearms, or any other dangerous items are also illegal on campus. Intimidation, fighting, or harassment are all prohibited. All of these activities may result in suspension, expulsion, and/or police action. When out of school suspension occurs, students should not expect to collect or receive credit for any work during the suspension period. Responsibility Mountain Home Junior High students take responsibility for the task of learning. They are expected to: Come to school and class on time, prepared to work and study Listen, follow directions, participate and cooperate Walk in a safe and orderly manner in school buildings Leave toys, games, radios, laser pens, iPods and other electronic devices that distract from learning at home. Dress Code- Students are encouraged to “dress for success” and come to school properly prepared to participate in the education process. Clothing worn to school should be comfortable and appropriate for school activities. Clothing must cover undergarments and the midriff. Clothing which promotes alcohol, tobacco, gang affiliation, nudity or profanity is not allowed. 1. Clothing and jewelry with writing or designs that depict prejudice, unlawful acts, tobacco, drugs or alcohol are prohibited. 2. Clothing that reveals underwear or bare midriff is prohibited, including spaghetti straps and tank tops. Pants should be worn above the buttocks. 3. Chains, large rings, jewelry or shoes that may be used as weapons are not allowed on campus. 4. Clothing or property that displays gang related symbols, emblems, or other gang identifiers are prohibited. 5. Sunglasses may not be worn in the classroom unless required for medical reasons. 6. Clothing shorter than mid-thigh, regardless of under garments are still unacceptable. 7. Prohibited dress attire includes: bandanas, hats, slippers, pajamas, clothing with holes above the knee Violations- the following will be the disciplinary policy regarding not adhering to the dress code: 1. Administrative conference and correction of the problem (change or turn inside out). 2. We will make every effort to provide the violating student with loaner clothing in order to return to class. Inappropriate clothing will be labeled and can be picked up after school from the campus supervisor or an administrator. 3. Student with major violation will wait for parents to bring proper attire. If parents cannot bring proper attire, student will remain in the Quiet Room. Backpacks- students are encouraged to only bring materials necessary to class and leave other belongings in their lockers. It is teacher discretion on what is and is not allowed in each classroom. Bicycles, Skateboards & Scooters- if you ride a bike to school, you can park it in the bike rack. Lock your bike. The school is not responsible for damage or theft while bikes are parked on campus. Skateboards may be used only for transportation to and from school, and must be locked in lockers. For safety reasons, none of these modes of transportation may be ridden or stood upon anywhere on campus. Buying or Selling- No items are to be bought or sold without the consent and approval of the principal’s office. Items will be confiscated without consideration for monetary loss. Class Changes- Requests for 1st semester changes may be made immediately following registration in August until the third day of classes (August 21st, 2015). Requests for the 2nd semester will begin 5 days preceding the start of the new semester (January 6th, 2016) until the third day of classes (January 11th, 2016). Penalty: After the deadline, the only option is to drop the class with an F and receive a NC semester grade for the added class. Lockers- lockers are a privilege and available to all students for book and backpack storage. You will need to be responsible and allow yourself enough time to go to your locker and still get to your classes on time. Keep Your Combination A Secret! The school assumed no responsibility for your locker security. If you share or abuse your locker, it will be taken away. Binders and Cornell Notes- Two of the biggest challenges students struggle with is organization and how to effectively take notes. Binders will help students keep track of their work. The purpose of the Cornell Notes is to get away from trying to copy or write down the material as fast as he/she can but to identify what they should be learning, create questions about the concept and summarizing what they’ve learned. Teaching the same set of skills throughout the school for all students with binders and Cornell Notes will give them the opportunity of staying on top of their studies while learning a life-long skill. Student Attendance Policy- Regular attendance is the responsibility and obligation of each and every student enrolled at Mountain Home Junior High School. Whenever it is necessary for a student to be absent, the parent or legal guardian must call the school (587-2590) after 7:30 am and as early as possible the morning on the day that the student is absent. Any student returning after an excused absence or suspended must check in at the front office for Re-admit to class. A student will be considered truant if the parent or legal guardian fails to notify the school at the time of the absence. Truancy is defined as an avoidable absence without the knowledge and consent of the student’s parent or legal guardian. If a student has 10 or more unverified absences in a class, he/she will have to petition for credit(s). Tardies to School- the following will be the disciplinary policy regarding unexcused tardies. Unless a parent/guardian contacts the office, the tardy is considered unexcused. Tardies (per semester) are cumulative and will reset at the beginning of each semester. 1st -3rd tardy Warning notice will be delivered to the student 4th, 6th, 8th tardy Lunch detention th 9 tardy Warning notice will be delivered to the student. For every tardy after the 9th tardy, students will have work detail. Mountain Home Junior High School Important Items to Know Teacher web pages: Teachers will be maintaining their class web page to allow students, parents, and staff to access lessons, assignments, and grades. Daily Schedule: The building opens for students at 7:40 daily. If a student needs to be in the building before 7:40 we ask they check-in at the office or with a faculty member on duty. Students needing leave requests should check in with their teacher before going to the school office. The doors will be locked at 4:00 P.M. each day. There will be no unnecessary loitering in the building after 3:45 P.M. Lost and Found: it is helpful that all personal items such as clothing, books, sports equipment, etc. are clearly labeled in indelible ink. The school cannot be responsible for any of these items. Items turned in to the office that are plainly marked will be returned to the owner. Unmarked items will be placed in Lost and Found (located by the bus doors). Please check with the bins if you have lost something. Unclaimed items are donated to worthy charities. Student Guest Policy: unfortunately, no student guests are permitted on campus due to district liability and insurance. Cafeteria/ Eating Area: bring your lunch from home or take advantage of the Junior High’s cafeteria selection. Students have a choice of full lunch in the cafeteria or a quick snack at the Snack bar located by the front office. Free and reduced meals are available to those who qualify. Our school-wide goal is to keep all shared eating areas neat and clean. Students are to take their place in line, advance in an orderly manner, and be well mannered while eating. All cafeteria items must be paid for when lunch is received. Money will not be loaned by the office. Continued infractions of cafeteria procedure will result in loss of this privilege. There is no eating in the academic wings or gym area. Eating is allowed in the cafeteria and designated areas only. If litter becomes a problem in the eating areas, either inside or outside, student wide privileges will be limited. Withdrawing from School: If you are leaving school, a parent/guardian must come to the counseling office, provide the last day you will be attending and where you are relocating, and sign the district withdrawal form. Discipline: In order for any organization to function properly, there must be certain expectations for performance. Mountain Home Junior High School has expectations of behavior that will provide for an orderly school atmosphere. Our goal is to develop students who are self-disciplined and able to make good judgments about acceptable behavior. Our philosophy is that no student should be allowed to disrupt the learning of another student. Mountain Home utilizes a discipline policy which is explained by each individual teacher to each class at the beginning of the school year. Rules and expectations for behavior are posted in the classroom. Violent Acts: Threats, written or verbal, or acts including bullying, cyber-bullying, and physical abuse, violent or potentially violent, which pose a threat to the health and safety of students, staff members, or visitors, or are disruptive to the educational process of the Mountain Home School District, will result in formal suspension procedures and referred to the Board of Trustees for possible expulsion. 1. Harassment, intimidation, and/or bullying/cyber-bullying, including, but not limited to, any intentional gesture or any intentional written, verbal, or physical acts or threats, against another student may be committed through any technology included, but not limited to, the use of landlines, car phones or wireless telephones, or through the use of data or computer software that is accessed through a computer, computer system, or computer network. 2. In the event that cyber-bullying was committed by a student away from school grounds, the Building Principal or designee may report the incident to local law enforcement. In addition, school authorities have the right to impose a consequence on a student for conduct away from school grounds, including on a school bus or at a school-sponsored function. Students involved in cyber-bullying may lose the privilege of having their cell phone on school grounds! Classroom Procedure & General Conduct: students are expected to behave at all times in a manner that will bring credit to themselves, their teams, school, family, and community. It is important for students to recognize that they are responsible for their behavior on the way to and from school, during school hours, on the bus and at all school events. Mountain Home staff and adult volunteers help to monitor student behavior and provide a safe and productive learning environment. We want students to develop habits of mind that reinforce respect and responsibility. Response to Intervention (RTI): The core curriculum is effective for most students; however, there are times that addition interventions are needed to help students succeed. RTI is a process designed to assist students struggling with basic core educational concepts in the areas of Reading, Language, and Mathematics. Advisory: The purpose of Advisory is to give students the opportunity to receive additional instruction or time in subjects in which they may be struggling. Students who are failing a class will be required to remain in advisory. Another aspect of advisory is to teach students effective study habits like organization and explore post-secondary careers. As a staff, we believe students who are more organized and have a plan will be more successful in achieving their post-secondary goals. Every Wednesday, all students will be expected to remain in advisory. AVID: The AVID program at Mountain Home Junior High “targets students in the academic middle – who have the desire to go to college and the willingness to work hard. These are students who are capable of completing rigorous curriculum but are falling short. Typically, they will be the first in their families to attend college.” Activity Code of Conduct: Students participating in extracurricular and co-curricular activities, such as athletics, music, drama, club activities, and elected positions, must realize these are special opportunities that in most cases will only happen during high school years. When visiting another school, students represent the pride and tradition of their school, coaches, and fellow participants; they are responsible for conducting themselves according to the highest standards of behavior at all times. If students violate the drug, alcohol, tobacco policies, they will receive the consequences stated in the school rules. Student Eligibility: A student must be in attendance all day on the day of competition or performance. Truant or suspended students are not allowed to participate or practice in any activity or athletic event. Participants must be enrolled full-time and have passing grades in at least six (6) full credit subjects and have at least a 2.0 proceeding semester and the academic eligibility requirements to be eligible for the current semester. They must also purchase an activity card. Honor Society: National Junior Honor Society recognizes students with a 3.75 or higher grade point average at semester, with attributes of leadership, character, service and citizenship. Network SERVICES: MHSD refers to Mountain Home School District. Network refers to network services, which includes voice and data information equipment, software, and the Internet. Computers and the school district network are tools for students and staff to use for educational purposes to assist in meeting curriculum goals and objectives. Users are expected to abide by the generally accepted computer and network rules. PROMOTION PROCEDURES/CREDITS: The Idaho State Department of Education has required that the LEA must implement a credit system no later than grade seven. Idaho Administrative Code IDAPA 08.02.03 1. Attendance- All students in Mountain Home School District shall be in attendance for at least 90% of the school days each semester. 2. Students enrolled in grades 7 and 8 in the Mountain Home School District must pass with 11 out of 14 semester credits or 22 out of 28 quarter credits (80% of credits offered) in order to be promoted to the next grade level and/or high school. Students will not be allowed to lose a full year of credit in one academic area. The ASAP Panel may establish an alternate mechanism to determine eligibility for grade level promotion. The alternate mechanism shall require the student to demonstrate proficiency of the appropriate content standards. If the ASAP Panel determines that students are required to complete credits for promotion to the next grade level, then these credits for recovery can be obtained through summer school, IDLA, online courses, or correspondence courses. Parents will be responsible for the tuition of recovery credits. Request for Leave of Absence: if a student plans to be absent more than five consecutive days, a leave of absence form needs to be filled out two days prior to absence. This request must be approved by the administration. Procedure for Make-up Work Papers, assignments, tests announced while the student was in attendance prior to the absence should be handed in on the day the student returns to school. Unless previously contracted with an instructor, a student will be allowed two (2) consecutive days for each day of an excused absence to make up missed work. Make-up time will not exceed 5 consecutive school days from the time a student returns to school following an absence. Make-up work will not be allowed for unexcused absences or unverified absences. Because of the nature of some participatory classes make-up work cannot be performed. Under NO circumstances will mid-term or final exams be administered of scheduled testing periods without administrator’s permission. School Counselor: Counseling services are available to all students. Services are provided on an individual basis, in small groups, and in a classroom setting. These services assist students with problem solving skills, decision making, and selfunderstanding. The better a student understands his or herself, the better able he or she is to respond to a problem, or to achieve personal growth. The school counselor is available to help each student and parent with development in three main areas: academic, career, and personal/social. To visit with the counselor, please sign up in the front office. Cell Phones: Cell phones and other electronic devices can be used during the non-academic part of the day. Cell phones are not to be used during class time, unless it’s for educational purposes and the teacher has given students permission. Educational purposes do not include texting or calling and receiving phone calls. Each classroom teacher has their own expectations for students to follow. Emergency Management plan: Throughout the year, students and staff will be practicing lockdown, bomb threats and fire drills, etc. Students who refuse to follow safety procedures or comply with staff instructions will receive appropriate consequences based on their behavior. Honors Courses: Teacher recommendations are required for enrollment into an honors course. Priority registration will be given to students with a 3.0 and above and those in AVID. Students with low academic skills and show a desire to go to college are encouraged to apply for AVID for additional support. If a student is failing at quarter and/or semester in an honors course, he/she will be removed from the course. District Assessments: Students will be given a district reading, writing, and math assessment throughout the year to identify learning gaps and monitor progress for each student. All students will be required to take assessments, regardless of enrollment date. Results from these tests will also serve as an alternative mechanism in determining promotion for atrisk students. Accurate assessment of student achievement is essential in ensuring academic growth for all students. Mountain Home School District utilizes state and district-developed assessment tools to ensure that a full range of assessment data is available for parents and school personnel. The data is used in determining placement, participation in extension and remediation programs, and communication of progress as measured against Idaho Core Standards and district curriculum. Students are required to participate in State and local assessments. Daily Schedule 1st Period 2nd Period 7:50-8:40 8:44-9:34 3rd Period 9:3810:28 4th Period 10:3211:22 Lunch (7th) 5th Period (7th) 6th Period 7th Period Prime Time 12:51-1:41 1:45-2:35 2:35-2:55 11:22-11:52 11:57-12:47 5th Period (8th) Lunch (8th) 11:26-12:16 12:16-12:47 Wednesday Collaboration Schedule 1st Period 2nd Period 8:10-8:58 9:03-9:51 3rd Period 9:5610:44 Collaboration 7:30-8:05 4th Period 10:4911:37 Lunch (7th) 5th Period (7th) 6th Period 7th Period Prime Time 11:37-12:07 12:11-12:59 1:04-1:52 1:56-2:35 2:35-2:55 5th Period (8th) Lunch (8th) 11:41-12:29 12:29-12:59 Mountain Home Junior High Student Management Plan (The following are guidelines to be used when managing discipline issues). Acronym Key: ISS =IN School Suspension, OSS= Out of School Suspension, DRC= District Review Committee, PDA= Public Display of Affection Class One Offense (Per Quarter) CLASSROOM DISRUPTIONS Offenses INSUBORDINATE ISS or OSS (1-3 days) depending on the nature of the misconduct, Parent contact Lunch Detention- Parent Contact Det. (1-5hrs) Parent Contact ISS (1 Day) if Det. Skipped ISS (1 Day) for Language Parent Conference ISS or OSS (1-3) days Parent conference Removed from class (2 days) to Quiet Room. Parents contacted ISS (1-3 days) Parent Contact OSS (1 Day) for language violation OSS (3 days) Parent Conference prior to readmittance. 4th Off. Removed from class (2 days) to Quiet Room. Parents contacted OSS (1-3 days) Parent Contact & Conference OSS (5 days) Parent contact. Referral to the DRC to determine conditions for readmittance nd 2 Offense 4 OR MORE OFFENSES DISRESPECTFUL/OBSCENE Student conference: Parent Contact, After school detention, Receives zero on assignment 1 Offense th DISRUPTIONS: Hallway, Lunchroom, Bus, PDA, Inappropriate Language, Cheating/ plagiarism Class Three Offense (Per Semester) Warning st 3rd Offense Class Two Offense (Per Semester) 5th Off.-ISS or OSS (1-3 Days) Parent Conference 6th Off. Removal from class with an F. Parent Conference prior to Re-admittance Class Three Offense (Per Semester) TRUANT- occurs when a student is absent any portion of the school day w/o consent of parent/ guardian or school official After School detention or ISS depending on the severity of the absence. Will receive zeroes for the day(s) of truancy. ISS or OSS (1-3 days) Parent conference. Will receive zeroes for the day(s) of truancy. ISS or OSS (1-3 days) Parent conference. Attendance contract. Zeroes for the day(s) of truancy. 4th off- Refer to DRC for readmittance or expulsion hearing. Class Four Offense (Per Year) Offenses 1st Offense nd 2 Offense 3rd Offense 4th OR MORE OFFENSES Fighting, Intimidation, Theft, Defacing school property, sexual harassment, Gang Activity, Racial Slurs, Bullying ISS or OSS (1-3 days) parent contact Restitution & police referral when appropriate. ISS or OSS (1-3 days) parent contact and counselor referral. Restitution and police referral when appropriate OSS (3-5 days), parent conference. Restitution and police referral when appropriate OSS, Referred to the DRC for conditions of re-admittance or referred for an expulsion hearing Class Four Offense (Per Year) Tobacco ISS (1-3 days) Student Conference, Police will be notified to cite the offending student. Parent contact ISS (1-3 days) police will be notified to cite the offending student. Parent conferences scheduled Class Five Offense (Per Year) DRUGS, ALCOHOL- Possession or use WEAPONS-Defined as firearms, knives, or other objects of being used as a weapon BOMB THREAT- Verbal or written ZERO TOLERANCE- Drugs and Alcohol, Weapons and Bomb Threats Students in Violation of the zero tolerance guidelines will be recommended for expulsion and referred to the appropriate authorities OSS (3 days) police notified to cite the offending student. Parent contact, conferences scheduled OSS (5 days) police notified, Parents contacted. Notice of the 4th offense referred to the DRC for re-admittance to school TITLE I HOME-SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP Effective schools are a result of families and school personnel working together to ensure that children are successful in school. This partnership is an agreement between several groups that firmly unites them. Title 1 Vision Statement The Title 1 staff of Mountain Home School District believes that all children can achieve academic success and grow to be productive citizens. Parents, students, and the Title 1 staff play a vital role in this process. Title 1 Staff will: Inform the classroom teacher of the needs and abilities of the student. Use time and materials to increase student achievement. Regularly communicate with parents/ students/teacher about student progress. Parent(s) will: Ensure that my child attends school regularly and is on time. Monitor the amount and content of my child’s television watching. Read with my child every day or as often as possible. Attend school functions (Open House, programs, etc). Volunteer at school or provide assistance when possible. Student will: Believe that I can and will learn Be responsible for my own behavior