End of Year: Introspection Project Rubric Your goal, using any one of the formats below, is to answer this question thoroughly and with heart: “How has Ms. Barrett’s class impacted my sense of self?” BEFORE YOU PRINT, delete any standards you do NOT want assessed. You must have remaining exactly THREE standards on a single page. Advanced (4.0) CT 2 Analysis Student separates or breaks a whole into parts to discover their nature, function, and relationships with the purpose of explaining their impact on the work as whole. CI 1 Claims Student 1) introduces precise claims; 2) establishes the significance of the claims; and 3) elaborates on counterclaims. CI 2 Development Student introduces and explains relevant and telling details (e.g., direct quotations, personal anecdotes, examples, extended definitions, and facts and figures), elaborates on their relevance to the main idea, and provides an engaging conclusion that supports the topic and examines its implications and significance. Proficient (3.0) Emerging (2.0) creatively and sufficiently breaks attempts to break attempts to effectively breaks down assigned topic into easily digestible parts for audience examines how the parts contribute to an insightful and complex sense of self down assigned topic to assist audience understanding examines how the parts contribute sense of self down topic but analysis shows only a limited understanding examines how the parts contribute to a simplistic or surfacelevel sense of self thesis is insightful thesis is clear thesis is attempted but simplistic supporting claims are clear and mostly supporting claims are breakdown the topic are unhelpful or confusing to the audience attempts to examine parts, but does not explain their contribution to the author’s sense of self thesis requires significant clarification supporting claims are buried or require clarification and contextualized includes specific details supporting claims are concise, comprehensible, and specific provides many significant and relevant quotations and other details that thoroughly develop the topic and explains the significance of all details in a convincing manner provides an engaging conclusion that supports the topic and thoroughly examines its implications and significance specific insufficiently identified provides some provides few quotations that develop the topic and explanations are present but can benefit from elaboration provides a competent conclusion that supports the topic and examines its implications and significance quotations that attempt to develop the topic but explanations require clarification provides a conclusion that is related to the topic Beginning (1.0) provides limited quotations that may or may not support the topic and explanations are inconsistent with the focus may or may not provide a conclusion that lacks significance or relevancy to the topic CI 3 Cohesion Student uses words, phrases, and clauses as well as varied syntax to link the major sections of the text, creates cohesion by explaining the relationship between ideas and concepts. The text includes appropriate and varied transitions and syntax. CI 4 Conventions Student demonstrates mastery of Standard American English conventions of usage and mechanics while attending to the norms of the discipline (i.e. MLA, APA, etc.). CI 7 Visual Rhetoric Student uses a textual, graphical, audio, visual, and interactive elements in presenting information to enhance the audience’s understanding of the main idea and to add interest. GM 1 Writing Process Student develops and strengthens writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, and proofreading multiple drafts, each time focusing on addressing what is most significant for purpose and audience. Comments: strategically uses uses appropriate contains contains few, if any, words, phrases, and clauses to link the major sections of the text sequence of topics and transitions are artful and moves the reader through the text expertly varies syntax for engagement and readability demonstrates mastery of Standard American English grammar and mechanics specifically attends to the conventions of the genre (letter, format, presentation) words, phrases, and clauses to link the major sections of the text sequence of topics and transitions are sufficient to move the reader through the text varies syntax for readability undeveloped words, phrases, and clauses to link the major sections of the text sequence of topics show some evidence of forethought but transitions are lacking syntax shows little variety relevant words, phrases, and clauses to link the major sections of the text sequence of topics and transitions appear unintentional syntax is repetitive, clunky mostly adheres to demonstrates some demonstrates Standard American English grammar and mechanics suitably attends to the conventions of the genre (letter, format, presentation uses three or more uses two formatting formatting elements (textual, graphical, visual, interactive, aural) all choices enrich understanding of the content all choices add interest production is sophisticated and polished PLANNING: executes planning process to exceptional levels, including clear plans for evidence and explanations DRAFTS: drafts show growth, specifically in complexity of thought elements (textual, graphical, visual, interactive, aural) some choices enrich understanding of the content most choices add interest production is completed but unpolished accuracy in Standard American English grammar and mechanics attempts with little success to the conventions of the genre (letter, format, presentation relies heavily on one formatting element (textual, graphical, visual, interactive, or aural) but choices add interest some production details require attention multiple inaccuracies of Standard American English grammar and mechanics fails to adhere to the conventions of the genre (letter, format, presentation attempts to use formatting elements (textual, graphical, visual, interactive, or aural) but formatting choices detract from rather than add to content production is sloppy, seems like a draft PLANNING: PLANNING: partially PLANNING: hardly completes a planning process that attempts to plan for evidence and explanations, but complexity may need to improve DRAFTS: drafts show overall improvement, including in focus executes a relevant planning process that includes vague details or evidence is not aligned DRAFTS: some significant changes appear between drafts but room for more executes a relevant planning process that includes few details and resembles a list DRAFTS: drafts show little or no improvement