INS/GPS integration and data processing for airborne vector

INS/GPS integration and data processing for airborne vector gravimetry
Junjun Yang1
1School of Earth Sciences, The Ohio State University, 125 S Oval Mall, Columbus, OH
43210, USA
Earth’s gravity information is useful to many scientific areas such as geodesy,
geophysics, oceanography, glaciology, and space science. Traditional terrestrial
gravimetry could provide accurate information on gravity. But it is too expensive and
time consuming. The recent satellite gravimetry and altimetry missions provide an
efficient way to determine the long wavelength of the gravity field. However, the
shorter-wavelength signatures of the global model are either poorly modelled or
only moderately well known in the global model resulting in under-powered at
wavelengths shorter than 200 km.
This paper explored algorithms for SINS/GPS airborne vector gravimetry. The
theoretical foundation of airborne vector gravimetry was perfected and resolution of
airborne vector gravimetry was improved. Airborne gravity is a very useful and
effective approach to fill the gap between satellite gravimetry and conventional
terrestrial gravimetry in the wavelengths between 1 and 100-200km.