Community Mapping

Samantha Fummerton
ED 446D
Community Mapping Project
Robert Frost Elementary
Robert Frost Elementary is one of twelve elementary or K-8 schools in the Silver Falls District.
“In partnership with parents and the community, the district offers a quality education for each
student through high expectations for academic achievement, excellent employee performance,
and a safe, supportive environment” (Goals).
Silver Falls School District covers approximately 240 square miles and covers towns
from Scotts Mills to Silverton, to all along the Silver Creek and the Abiqua Rive, up to Silver
Falls State Park. There are thirteen schools in the district, and twelve of them are either
elementary or K-8 schools.
Identify Source of Factor
Contextual & Environmental
Implications for Instruction
The Silver Falls School District is
The Silver Falls School District
home to twelve elementary or K-8
offers many different schools for
School and one High School.
students in the area to attend.
Since the school district is spread
out into many rural communities
Elementary Schools in Silver Falls
School District: Bethany Charter,
Butte Creek, Central, Eugene Field,
Evergreen, Mark Twain Middle
School, Monitor, Pratum, Robert
Frost, Scotts Mills, Silver Crest, and
Victor Point.
there are many elementary and K8 schools that students can attend.
The Silver Falls District tries to
provide a school that is close to
the student’s home environment
to cut travel time down for
students who live far from the
city of Silverton. Silverton High
School however, is the only high
school in the district. It is in the
heart of the city of Silverton. Any
students who live outside the city
limits must commute by car or
High School: Silverton High School
bus to get to the high school.
Thankfully, the district provides
bus transportation for any
students who need a way to
commute to school.
As future teachers, it is our job to
In the 2009 school year, the district
had 74 students classified as
homeless by the Department of
Education, or 2.1%.
recognize when or if we have a
student that is living in poverty.
When a child leaves school we do
not know what kind of home they
go to or even if they have a home.
As teachers, we must provide the
Students in the district on free or
reduced lunch: 38.6%
safest most comfortable
environment for our students to
feel welcome and involved. We
must also have reasonable
expectations for their homework
and things that they do outside of
In 2011, 63 out of 309 students
dropped out of Silverton High
School. That is roughly 20% of
Attendance Rate: 94.6%
Dropout Rate: 20% or 1 in 5
all students or 1 out of every 5. I
would consider this to be very
high. As a future teacher I want to
recognize struggling students or
students with specific religious
beliefs that do not encourage
them to graduate from school, and
stress to them the importance of
sticking it out. As teachers, we
want to engage our students so
that they want to be in school, and
we also want to show them the
importance of sticking it out.
In the Silver Falls School District,
Special Education: 13.8%
almost 14% of all students are
enrolled in special education
classes. As a future mainstream
classroom teacher it is important
for me to recognize if I have a
student with a disability in my
classroom and see that they are
getting the appropriate attention
and involvement in the
classroom. I hope to have all my
students feel welcome and a part
of the class as a whole.
Community: The City of Silverton is located in Marion County along the 45th parallel. It covers
2.7 square miles and is known as Oregon’s Garden City and the “Gateway to Silver Falls”.
Identify Source of Factor
Contextual &
Implications for Instruction
Environmental Factors
When looking at the
As of the census of 2010,
demographics of Silverton it is
there were 9,222 people. The
clear to see that the racial make
racial makeup of the city was
up is predominantly white. This
89.0% White, 0.3% African
being said it is our job as
American, 0.8% Native
educators to help all students to
American, 12.3% Hispanic,
feel apart of the community by
and 7.0% claim Other.
attending to them as individuals.
We can do this by providing help
and schooling in their own native
language rather than making
them feel like they need to
Community Agencies:
The Silverton Community
Silverton Health Community Outreach Clinic is there to
Outreach Clinic
provide care for people who are
Their mission is to provide
of low income or who do not
compassionate healthcare and
have health care coverage. They
to assist those without a
provide Basic Non-emergency
healthcare provider to find a
Medical Needs, Medical
potential sources of continuing Evaluations, Immunizations,
medical care.
Health & Lifestyle Counseling,
and Referrals to Community
Goodwill Marketplace
The Goodwill marketplace is
known for their discount prices.
It is a great store for people in
the community to go to if they
are shopping on a budget. The
store also provides jobs for
people with disabilities to come
to work and make a living for
themselves. The Goodwill
Marketplace accepts donations
from people who are cleaning
out their closets and want to help
out the community which they
live in.
Silverton Community Pool
The Silverton community pool
provides after school swim team
for students of all ages. It is a
branch from the Silver Falls
YMCA and the prices are
reasonable for families that need
somewhere for their kids to go
after school.
Silver Falls Public Library
The Silver Falls public Library is
located in the city of Silverton
and anyone in the community
can go and get a free library
membership. Families and
students can go and check out
books or movies for pleasure or
for school.
Silverton Junior Baseball
During the spring the Silverton
/Softball Organization
JBO offers baseball and softball
after school for players in the
community. It is a non-profit
organization that provides sports
for students after school. It is a
great program to get kids
involved in at a young age so
they can make friends and be
School: Robert Frost Elementary is a 4-6th grade school located right inside Silverton’s city
limits. It provides education to 397 students and received an Outstanding rating in 2011 on their
school report card.
Identify Source of Factor
Contextual &
Implications for Instruction
Environmental Factors
66.7% of class sizes are
Having the majority of the class
between 20-25 students and
sizes being between 20 and 25
33.3% of class sizes are
students helps the students get the
between 25-30 students
amount of attention that they need.
When class sizes start to get bigger
the students get less and less direct
attention from teachers and could
cause the students to not do as well
in school.
Robert Frost provides Music,
The school provides the students
Technology and PE classes
with PE class twice a week, Music
for all students
class twice a week and
Technology/ Library every day
during the week. Because of
school budget cuts there are a lot
of schools that no longer have
these kinds of programs, but at
Robert Frost they believe that they
are very important for every
Concert Choir, String Band,
The music teacher, Mr. Mullins,
Orchestra and private
has an orchestra, string band, and
concert choir started at the school.
Instead of recess, students may
participate in any of these
activities and are provided with an
instrument if they do not have one
of their own. He also provides free
private lessons for students to
attend if they want to strengthen
their musical talents.
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