In what ways would knowledge of demographics and your target audience help you or a filmmaker plan, produce and promote a media product? By Katie Barnes Knowledge of demographics and your target audience play a major role in helping you or a filmmaker plan, produce and promote a media product. This is portrayed in many media products that have come from films. It is very important as a filmmaker to attract your target audience’s attention. Through the use of colour, pictures, actors etc this becomes very easy to do. Furthermore, I have decided to look in depth at the film ‘Angus, Thongs and perfect snogging’, I believe that this film is a prime example of how the filmmaker has attracted the target audience’s attention. The film originated from a book, which was the topic of talk for many teenage girls. From this, a clever filmmaker ‘Gurinder Chadha’ picked up on the fact that it would be a hit for young teenage girls if created into a film. Chadha used various different techniques to appeal to the target audience of young teenage girls. This filmmaker is also known for the film ‘Bend it like Beckham’. There seems to be a pattern in the way that all of these films involves a guy that girls are longing for. The books were American so although the books are American based, Chadha created a film that British teenagers can relate to and made it in her own way. Clearly aware of what teenage girls can understand and the ‘troubles’ they go through. This was taken advantage of and turned into an amazing masterpiece that is a prime example of British teenage girls. The film made £929,246 in its UK opening weekend. This figure isn’t exactly large but I could bet on the fact that the majority of the people that went to see it were teenage females. Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging. (n.d.). Retrieved January 9, 2015, from Moreover, the movie poster is a typical teenage girl who seems to be mediating with a load of crazy scenes that are going on in her life above her. The things above her are major things that could affect teenage girls from all over the world, this then gives the target audience young teenage girls something to relate to. The movie poster also includes a lot of simple vibrant colours, you do not see any dark gloomy tones. This is an interpretation that young teenage girls are into vibrant shades. On the movie poster, you will see the main characters three best friends staring lovingly at a young guy who would be seen as being ‘attractive’ by most young teenage girls. This attracts the target audience in the way that females will want to watch the film if they see that a ‘hot’ guy that appeals to their age range is in it. In a sense, it’s sort of like and ‘eye candy’ for them. Commonly, films that are aimed at teenage girls will have a variety of similar things within the media product that is being promoted. Some of these things include: A group of girls that relate to the ‘stereotypical group of teenage girls’ so that the target audience can relate to it in a sense. This group of girls always seems to be the protagonist of the film and there’s always a ‘nasty’ group of girls to be the antagonist. There is usually a boy stuck in the middle of the groups and it’s like a war as to who will get him. This brings me to comparing the film to ‘Mean girls’; this film is also known as a film that is targeted at young teenage girls. However, this film is a little different in the sense that the main character is the protagonist but also the antagonist. The similarities include: a rival group of girls, a boy stuck in the middle, the movie poster is full of bright and vibrant colours that appeal to the female demographic. These films are widely known, as being ‘chick flicks’ and it is unusual to find a boy that enjoys them. This means that the filmmakers of this genre of films have done a very good job at targeting the films at the young teenage girl demographic. In 2013, people under the age of 18 and 50 59 year olds attended more movies than in 2012, - (n.d.). Retrieved January 7, 2015, from This statistic proves that the number of people under the age of 18 going to see films is increasing; this is due to the growing number of films aimed at that target demographic. There are a growing number of ‘chick flicks’ within the film industry that appeal to the young female audience. The subject of these films normally includes something to do with love, rivalry or day in day out ‘girl problems’. On a different note, it is a stereotypical opinion that young teenage boys are interested in the action genre. In my point of view, I would have to agree with this statement, as a seventeen year old female I absolutely detest having to watch an action film. However, I’m sure there are many females around my age group that enjoy a good action film. But, let’s be honest it’s aimed at teenage boys rather than girls and a few choices that the filmmaker has chosen portrays this. On an action film poster it is very unusual to see big bright colours like pink isn’t it? That’s because the filmmaker is trying to target a male audience with the ‘explosion’ type of shades and very ‘manly’ tones. Colours in a film poster are a very important part of attracting a certain type of demographic into watching a film. Also, in action film trailers you won’t see all of the ‘lovey dovey’ things you see in chick flick trailers do you? You see explosions, fighting, rivalry(I would say that this is the only similar thing) and much more. In action films you will usually see a female playing a lesser role to the male, the male is usually shown as the protagonist and normally has to rescue the female. Not in all films of course but this is just the stereotypical thing! In films aimed at young teenage girls you will see a female take on the main role and be very outspoken. In action films, this rarely happens and the female is seen as vulnerable. If you look at certain film posters for action films you will always notice the way a woman is positioned in the poster, as if to say that she is lesser to the man and I believe that this attracts a young teenage male audience. The female is also commonly seen wearing a nice outfit, very pretty and very vulnerable. This is typically what teenage boys want to see in an action film and this draws them in to watch it. When I say nice outfit this usually means next to nothing, not an outfit, basically no clothes. For example: In the film poster of ‘Taken’, you see the main character played by Liam Neeson very clearly bold and manly at the front. He has a gun in his hand and he looks like he is ready for a fight. Next to him, there’s an attractive female that seems to be laying on the floor on the phone probably asking for help. This backs up my conclusion above, of course not all action films are the same but this in my opinion is the typical layout of producing an action film for the young teenage male audience. The colours in the movie poster include: black red and white. Very male dominant tones and what do these shades represent? I would say that red represents blood, black represents death and white represents action. This explains what the movie is going to be about and what target audience the film is targeted at. I mean, a young female girl isn’t likely to look at this poster and want to watch it now is she? I may be wrong but filmmakers generally go on the stereotypical views of what their target audience wants to see. In addition, filmmakers know that most young teenage girls dreams is getting a boyfriend and that’s the priority. However, with films breaking through such as ‘The Hunger Games’ where we see a main female character that is very powerful in the role. We can see that films are changing and that females are becoming more important within the films. There is also the film ‘Divergent’ where the main character is presented as a strong woman who never gives up, faces all odds and saves the city. Both of these films do have a small love story line but it’s not major, we see the females in a luminous light. When it comes to the planning side, the filmmaker has to think about what target audience is being focused. Do you want the protagonist to be female or male? If it’s male then the film is most likely going to be aimed at the male demographic and you will have to tailor the production to this. Many stereotypical interpretations regard to what target audience the filmmaker is attempting to attract. As a filmmaker you want to look at what actors you are going to employ to do the job. Jennifer Lawrence would play a perfect part in a film aimed at the female demographic where a female is the protagonist. Liam Neeson would play a perfect role in a film aimed at the male audience where a male is the protagonist. What colours are you going to use in the movie posters etc? Are you going to use feminine colours or masculine? These few simple thoughts could determine whether your film is going to be aimed at the male demographic or the female demographic. Of course, these are all generally stereotypical assumptions. ‘Among the top five grossing films in 2013, Iron Man 3 and Man of Steel both attracted overwhelmingly male audiences,’ - (n.d.). Retrieved January 7, 2015, from These are well known action films and the fact that most of the tickets were sold to male audiences proves my point. One direction: This is Us appealed to mostly 7-14 year old girls - BFI Statistical Yearbook 2014. (n.d.). Retrieved January 9, 2015, from This statistic proves that young girls are very interested in boy bands, filmmakers use this to their advantage to create a film that this demographic would be interested in going to see. If the film was on The Beetles for example, there is no way you would get the same age demographic going to see it. You have to have good knowledge of what young females are into nowadays and what makes them want to go and see a film. In conclusion, detailed knowledge of demographics is a must for a filmmaker to create a film. You must know what target audience you are going for and tailor it to this. It is an absolute must; you want as many ratings from the target demographic as you can. This shows you have thought about the target audience, what you are trying to achieve and therefore selling out worldwide. You want it to present a message to your target audience, something for them to relate to and something for them to enjoy. You want the planning, production and promoting to all reference back to the target audience. Through the use of all the factors I have included in this essay, this shows that it is very important that the filmmaker has an in depth knowledge of demographics.