July 12, 2012 - The Island of Light

July 12, 2012
MARY CAROL: Aloha beloved ones, we hold the doors open for you at Inner
Earth as you travel through dimensions to arrive here. I am Adama and I
welcome you with a small group of higher beings that dwell, for the most part,
in the Inner Earth.
We are apart from all the hustle and bustle, but we are tuned in to the
evolution, the shift of Mother Earth, who is at this time very grateful for your
healing energies as she proceeds through the process of her re-clothing, you
may call it. She desires for this process to be gentle without any unnecessary
upheavals in the natural world or in the world of humanity. She has many
helpful beings from here and afar and much Light assistance.
The solar flares are for her to receive more Light and for humanity to receive
more enlightenment. In our own way we are participating and holding down the
fort in this dimension of the Inner Earth. Your deepest understanding of these
ways is required as part of your assistance. So as you let go of what seems to be
on the surface, superficial so to speak, rise above that as you are doing and
open more to your Higher Guidance bringing you more information. She is with
you in total awareness on all levels, so be confident of your understandings.
We are going into the Hall of Wisdom here with you and our sister Sue and we
would like to reveal to you more of what you call the Divine Plan. This is, as we
have said before, more a process of energetic changes that are a natural process
as it is time. We invite our sister Sue to bring in what appears to her.
Until later, Adama.
SUE: As the heat increases so do the emotions. As you say in your world, the
heat is on. Be aware of it and do your best to keep cool. Be at peace within and
keep the peace without. There is never a moment when you are not in control
of your reality. Allow it all to flow to you. Let go of resistance, rise above it and
leave it behind. On another note, we wish to share good news here. Your world
is evolving in leaps and bounds and day by day. New openings and possibilities
appear. There are wonderful new technologies revealing themselves.
We place the Book of Wisdom in your hands and begin to show you wisdom of
old. There is nothing to fear, just release. The less you dwell in fear, the more
you may release. Even though the distractions are many, be confident that you
are able to receive accurately. We appreciate your concern. All is well. You can
relax. This is all a part of learning to be in the world but not of it. This is your
training ground and one that, at times, can be quite challenging for all of you.
Know there is nothing wrong with this process. In fact, it is totally divine. Each
one of you is confronted with their deepest fears. And so, beloved ones, we ask
you now to embrace your fears, to embrace yourselves and know all is well.
In embracing that which you fear, it is no longer an enemy but a friend whom
you have compassion for. This is what we mean when we say, “Give it or
surrender it to the Divine Mother and her love for it is through love that all is
healed.” And so you see, a Book of Wisdom is it. It is not some far out
knowledge that you have never encountered before, but something that you
know and have experienced intuitively throughout your life. You are the Book
of Wisdom; energetically and consciously you hold and carry this wisdom. As
you awaken more and more, you tap into the nature of the universe and how
you have lived for so long from a false perspective. So relax, dear ones, and
know that the knowledge resides within you.
As the pieces of the puzzle come together, you will all realize it could have
been so easy. It is like looking at two sides of a coin and realizing you have
been looking at the opposite side or perspective. It is all a matter of your
human evolvement and nothing to feel concerned or bad about. Everything is
unfolding in natural cycles governed by the Divine. Nothing was ever wrong.
Just observe from a different perspective - an example being of how your
experience has been today. It was all perfect, so again we tell you relax and
enjoy the ride into a higher consciousness. You will look back and laugh at
yourselves and how you took everything so seriously.
Enjoy the day. See the beauty. Be grateful for all the blessings in your life. Be
excited about the coming changes. You will be blown away by what will be
revealed. Enjoy your Mother Ocean and her healing waters. She will clear and
cleanse you of all discomfort. Allow her to melt away the edges that need
dissolving, and absorb the crystalline light and energies all around you so that
your Light bodies are healed and repaired so that you will soon be able to fly.
We leave you now, beloved Sue, and continue with Mary Carol.
We love you, your brother Adama
MARY CAROL: You listen well when you pay attention to the outer and the
inner. Listening to the inner from an inner plane of heightened awareness
brings forth more clarity. So you see why we say avoid all distractions, outer
and inner. That is one of the keys of wisdom that you carry and have unlocked.
Whatever you need to know is in the Book of Wisdom that you always have. All
you need do is open to the page that is appropriate at the time. This applies to
instances when there might not be understanding of a circumstance or why, but
you can find the answer in the Book of Wisdom. It is always available and we
bless you with this profound understanding.
[Indeed, brother Adama, we are very, very blessed and we thank you for this
beautiful time with you.]
Forever we are connected in the Light. We invoke blessings to us all and thank
you. Aloha, Adama.